Mayor McLallen called the meeting to order at 8:39 a.m.




ROLL CALL: Mayor McLallen, Mayor ProTem Crawford, Council Members DeRoche, Kramer, Lorenzo (arrived 8:42 a.m.), Mutch, Schmid.






Ed Kriewall - Novi City Manager, advised he has a proposal to distribute to Council from AT&T Wireless Services about placing a cell tower in the vicinity of the Novi Civic Center. Mr. Kriewall advised the AT&T proposal would be to replace the most westerly softball complex tower with a larger tower that could handle up to two carriers. Mr. Kriewall requested that they amend the agenda by adding this item. Council was unable to amend the agenda because all members were not present at this time.



PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: Work Study Session to set Council goals



1. Goal Setting - Bill Richards Jr, Planning Facilitator


Mr. Richards asked Council to once again break into two separate groups to produce four to five external opportunities.


Council members came to a consensus on the following opportunities and were asked to consider each item’s impact on the community and the amount of control they as a Council perceive as having over each item in terms of high, medium or low:






Impact Control


H 1. Reputation & Location M

H 2. Economic Climate & Business Expansion M-L

H 3. Quality of Life Planning Review H

a. City Master Plan

b. Parks & Recreation Master Plan

c. City’s Image

M 4. Expand Citizen/Stakeholder Participation M

H 5. Infrastructure/Road Improvements & Solutions M



Council members came to a consensus on the following threats and were asked to consider each items impact on the community and the amount of control they as a Council perceive as having over each item in terms of high, medium or low:






Impact Control


H 1. Funding Squeeze M-L

M 2. Development Miscues M

a. missed good development opportunities

b. unwanted development

c. inconsistent development

d. development that did not pay for itself

H 3. Limitations to Local Government Authority L

M 4. Ability to deal with frequency & intensity of change L

H 5. Traffic M



BREAK - 10:25 a.m. until 10:35 a.m.


Mr. Richards asked Council to reconsider their strengths and weaknesses (which were determined at their first goal session) in the same manner as they did opportunities and threats in terms of the impact on the community and the amount of control they as a Council perceive as having over each item in terms of high, medium or low:






Impact Control


H 1. Council Support & Citizen Involvement H

H 2. Council Commitment & Staff Work Ethic H

H 3. Deduction to Proactive, Comprehensive Community H


H 4. Financial Stability Based on Effective Management of H


H 5. Council & Staff Accessibility to the Community H


Mr. Richards asked Council to reconsider their strengths and weaknesses (which were determined at their first goal session) in the same manner as they did opportunities and threats in terms of the impact on the community and the amount of control they as a Council perceive as having over each item in terms of high, medium or low:






Impact Control


H 1. Information & Work Overload M

H 2. Need to get "On-line" with Current Technology M-L

(i.e., telecommunications, telephone system, GIS,


M 3. Development Influences/Impacts M

(land use & type of business)

H 4. Some Lack of Operational Efficiencies M


Mr. Richards explained the relative levels of impact and control should provide the goals. He advised that those items that are perceived to be high in both impact and in control are right for success. He noted although this theory works well, it is not all inclusive. He advised it is a good indication in general for goal setting.


Council came to a consensus on the following general goals for 1998-99:


1. Support completion of City master Plan update:

a. provide direction

b. Provide adequate funding


2. Improve administrative procedures with an emphasis on service delivery.

a. review operational processes

b. improve responsiveness and reduce time from input to outcome in critical processes without sacrificing quality


3. Develop a traffic improvement implementation plan


4. Improve communications through technologies (i.e., E-mail, Internet, GIS)


5. Explore and pursue alternative funding

a. identify potential sources (i.e, grants, private corporate sponsorship)

b. identify potential sources (consider forming a "Community Foundation")


Mr. Richards advised he will produce a draft summary in approximately one week and noted that he reserves the right to add editorial comments. Mr. Richards added that this process is not just meant to be outcome oriented and reminded Council that there are benefits in the process itself because it permits them to see where their colleagues stand on many issues.


Mayor McLallen suggested that Council should schedule a short special meeting to discuss the draft report they will receive from Mr. Richards. Further, she believes they should also present it to the public as an action item some time soon.


Mr. Kriewall asked Council to amend the agenda to include as Item 2. AT&T Wireless Services Proposal now that all members are present.



CM-98-02-031: Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Kramer: CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To approve agenda as amended



Vote on CM-98-02-031: Yeas: McLallen, Crawford, Kramer, DeRoche, Lorenzo, Mutch, Schmid

Nays: None


2. AT&T Wireless Services Proposal


Mr. Kriewall distributed proposal received from AT&T and restated his earlier remarks. He added that he would like to add this item to a future agenda.





There being no further business before City Council, the meeting was adjourned at 1:05 p.m.









Mayor City Clerk


Transcribed by Barbara Holmes


Date Approved: February 23, 1998