MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1998 AT 7:30 P.M.




Mayor ProTem Crawford called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.



ROLL CALL: Mayor McLallen (absent/excused), Mayor ProTem Crawford, Council Members DeRoche, Kramer, Lorenzo, Mutch, Schmid






Michael Earl - Oakland Family Services, provided Council with a brief history of their organization and the services they provide to Oakland County residents. He then presented brochures that describe their services.


Mr. Earl advised he is before Council to request financial support in the amount of $11,250.00. Mr. Earl advised that financial support from the city could leverage existing funding from United Way, Oakland County Office of Substance Abuse, and the cities of Farmington and Farmington Hills to provide increased services for those Novi residents who cannot afford the full cost of substance abuse treatment. Further, he advised that a partnership between Oakland Family Services and the City of Novi would provide an additional two hundred residents with substance abuse evaluations and drug screens, or participation in community-based education prevention programs.



Mayor ProTem Crawford asked whether the $11,250.00 would just be from Novi; Mr. Earl agreed. He added they currently receive approximately $38,000.00 from the United Way, Farmington Hills provides them with $130,000.00 annually and the City of Farmington provides them with approximately $14,000.00.


Councilman Schmid asked whether Oakland Family Services is affiliated with Oakland County? Mr. Earl replied they are not affiliated with Oakland County and added they are a private nonprofit organization.


Councilman Schmid asked whether the State or Oakland County provides a similar service? Mr. Earl replied their organization provides some of the services that the State provides funding for to the Oakland County Department of Health. He explained Oakland County subcontracts Oakland Family Services for substance abuse treatment and prevention, and added that the demand is much greater than what they can support.


Councilman Schmid asked how much does the county contribute to Oakland Family Services’ subcontract? Mr. Earl advised they contribute approximately a half million dollars for all six sites.



Councilman Kramer asked whether this amount would fall under General Administration? Mr. Kriewall advised it would.


Councilman DeRoche asked whether the churches have supported this program? Mr. Earl advised the churches do not support them and added that Oakland Family Services is a non-sectarian organization. Mr. Earl advised their Farmington and Walled Lake sites receive many referrals from the courts for those arrested for drunk driving. He explained that the subcontract underwrites those people who need the service, but cannot afford to pay the cost. He added that number has increased by 171% in Novi alone.


Councilman DeRoche asked whether there is any cost to the person who uses the services? Mr. Earl replied there is a sliding fee scale and therefore, the fee is based upon their ability to pay.


Of those who use their services, Councilman DeRoche asked what is the percentage of those who cannot afford to pay? Mr. Earl believes it amounts to approximately 60%.


Councilwoman Mutch asked if a large percentage of Novi residents fall into that 60%? Mr. Earl advised not only do a large portion of Novi residents fall into that number, but added that they can also provide this service for people that have third party insurance or another type of benefit for substance abuse and they would not be reflected in that number.


Councilman DeRoche asked when does the funding run out? Mr. Earl replied that it depends upon the volume because the money is not set aside for one particular person.


Councilwoman Mutch asked how does Novi compare with the other communities as for the number of people using the services? Although Mr. Earl does not have the numbers before him, he believes there are approximately four thousand people within all the communities using their services.


Councilman Schmid asked whether the staff is full time? Mr. Earl replied not everyone is full time. He explained they have approximately two hundred fifty staff members and they may have as many as two hundred volunteers involved at different levels. Mr. Earl continued by stating although they provide treatment for adults, they aim most of their work at intervention at an early age. Mr. Earl advised this funding would basically provide intervention services for Novi residents. He added they will also try to provide opportunities within the community by working with the schools and the Coalition to do some prevention work.


Councilman Kramer asked what age are they targeting? Mr. Earl restated many of their referrals are from drunk driving incidents.


Councilman Kramer asked whether they are targeting drug or alcohol abuse? Mr. Earl replied it is both.





Mayor ProTem Crawford advised they will amend the agenda by removing the Library and change the golden rod copy of the agenda to reflect that the purpose of the meeting is for the 1998-99 Budget Study Session.


Craig Klaver advised that the Police Department would like to add the Police Domestic Violence Grant to tonight’s agenda as "a" under Item 3 because they must meet a deadline for submitting the grant application.



CM-98-04-111: Moved by DeRoche, Seconded by Lorenzo, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To approve Agenda as amended



Vote on CM-98-04-111: Yeas: Crawford, DeRoche, Kramer, Lorenzo, Mutch, Schmid

Nays: None



PURPOSE OF MEETING - 1998-99 Budget Study Session






1. Attorney - Pages 91 or 9 (¼ hour)


Mr. Klaver reminded Council that the Consultant Review Committee reassesses all of the consultants’ fees annually and noted that a fee increase for the city attorney is still under review. Mr. Klaver then advised that the city’s policy in the past has been that although they really do not try to anticipate what the amount might be, they have included a number in the attorney’s budget that reflects a 5% inflationary increase. He then added that the increase the city attorney is looking for will be addressed once the committee comes back with a recommendation. Consequently, Mr. Klaver suggested that the attorney’s budget be brought back for discussion at that point.


Councilman Kramer asked whether they will make the recommendations prior to the end of the budget process. Mr. Klaver advised the committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 23 and is dedicated to reviewing budget proposals.



2. City Clerk - Pages 93-94 or 10 (¼ hour)


Tonni Bartholomew advised the department’s budget is close to what it was last year. However, she noted they have included money for data processing supplies, business registration, bar coding and a maintenance contract for the business registration software. Ms. Bartholomew noted there is also a request for a link to Oakland County. In addition, Ms. Bartholomew advised there is a $3,000.00 increase in tuition reimbursement due to the staff’s interest in taking college classes.


Ms. Bartholomew reported the Election’s area is decreased because there is only one city election scheduled for this budget year. She continued by stating that this has worked out well because new forms will be required with the implementation of the Qualified Voters’ system.


Councilman DeRoche asked what is the city’s policy for tuition reimbursement? Mr. Klaver advised they allow for a $500.00 reimbursement per year for classes that directly relate to an employee’s position. Mr. Klaver advised tuition for Administrative positions is reimbursed $1,200.00. Mr. Klaver advised the employee must also be employed for one year and receive a C grade or better for reimbursement.


For Council’s information, Councilwoman Mutch noted that a $500.00 reimbursement may only pay for four credits per year.


Mr. Klaver advised that many employees do not use this benefit. He then estimated that perhaps only four to five employees request tuition reimbursement per year.


Additionally, Ms. Bartholomew reported she is requesting a locking book storage unit for $4,000.00 under Capital Outlay for record security.



3. Police


Chief Doug Shaeffer introduced his staff: Deputy Chief Al Rasmussen; Lt. Tim McNamara, Planning Analyst Brenda Borders; Communications Manager Joe Burchett; and Record and Computer Systems Manager Linda Harrison.


  1. Police Domestic Violence Grant


Chief Shaeffer reported this is a complex federal grant that requires partnership throughout the community in order to make application. Chief Shaeffer advised that the deadline is this Friday, and he requested that Council permit them to proceed with the grant and make application.


Chief Shaeffer advised that the grant is federally funded and administered, and targeted at domestic violence. Chief Shaeffer reminded Council that the city previously had a domestic violence grant that lasted until February that paid for one full time officer dedicated to domestic violence operations. It also provided a $20,000.00 grant for HAVEN to provide counseling services for victims of domestic violence. The Chief reported this grant is similar to the previous grant in that it requires partnership with others in the community. He explained this grant also requires a partnership between the district court staff, the counseling service staff and the police department.


Chief Shaeffer reported they are requesting one detective position and the grant lasts for eighteen months. He noted if they do not renew the grant, they would try to assimilate that officer through normal attrition and put him back into patrol.


Chief Shaeffer added that the grant requires that someone from the counseling services (HAVEN) be assigned to sit at the 52-1 District Court during the hours that the court is open. Further, HAVEN must also provide counseling services within the community to victims of domestic abuse within approximately one hour after the event occurs. Chief Shaeffer added that the provisions of the grant require that the 52-1 District Court provide full time probation officers assigned to nothing but domestic violence as well.


Chief Shaeffer advised the financial provisions of the grant are: the Novi Police Department would receive $154,000.00 and the city would match it with $11,000.00; HAVEN would receive $161,000.00 and HAVEN would match it with $20,000.00; and the 52-1 District Court would receive $118,000.00 and the court would match it with $11,000.00.


Chief Shaeffer added that HAVEN must also have an advocate at the district court at all times, and added they will receive one counselor and one caseworker in addition to that work in the community. Further, 52-1 District Court would receive one probation officer and one clerk.


Councilman DeRoche asked whether the detective assigned to domestic violence from the previous grant will be assigned to this position? Chief Shaeffer reported that the last grant utilized a police officer they have now reassigned to patrol duty. However, he understands they would assign a detective to the position created under the domestic violence grant.


Councilman DeRoche asked if the staffing level will be different from the current staffing level eighteen months from now? Chief Shaeffer advised the difference would be one police officer and would be the same situation they had after the expiration of the last grant in February. He explained because they were aware that this was upcoming five months prior to the expiration of the grant, they held onto a vacant police officer position and moved that person into that position so there would be no change in personnel levels.


Mr. Klaver reminded Council that they created a detective spot approximately seven years ago that has not been filled and he recalled it was dropped last year.

Councilwoman Mutch asked what is the actual cost to the city? Chief Shaeffer advised the cost of the program to Novi is $165,000.00. He noted for that cost the city will receive one detective, overtime, money for supervisor’s salaries and so forth.


Councilwoman Mutch asked if the other agencies have to apply for the grant? Chief Shaeffer advised that the city is the only applicant, but the city has received written commitments from the other two agencies.


Councilwoman Mutch asked why was HAVEN selected as the agency to provide counseling services? Chief Shaeffer is unsure, but he understands that another active agency could have been selected.


Councilman Schmid asked whether the city rejects any grants? Chief Shaeffer advised that they do reject grants.


If the grant never gets to the table, Councilman Schmid asked what will happen to those people that they expected to offer these services to? Chief Shaeffer replied that they would not receive the same level of service that they would have otherwise received.


Councilman Schmid asked where would someone go if they were in a domestic violence situation? Chief Shaeffer replied that it would depend upon the level and manner of violence. He explained if someone simply wanted to seek counseling, HAVEN would be a source.


Councilman Schmid asked whether Oakland County offers a similar program? Chief Shaeffer is not certain although he understands that HAVEN is the most used program within the county.


Councilman Schmid asked if there is $11,000.00 in the police budget to fund this grant? Chief Shaeffer would answer that question yes and no, and reminded Council that the Police Department traditionally turns back approximately $150,000.00 in unspent budgeted dollars annually.


Councilman Schmid asked who determines whether they should pursue a grant? Chief Shaeffer replied that the merits of all grants are first reviewed internally. For this particular grant, the Chief reported they have received letters from HAVEN, the court, the judges, the prosecuting attorney and the community recommending that the city maintain their presence in this domestic violence situation.


Councilman Schmid asked what responsibilities will be assigned to the domestic violence officer? Chief Shaeffer replied that the officer will be principally in charge in the investigation of domestic violence.

Councilman Schmid asked who would handle matters of domestic violence if a domestic violence detective position did not exist? Chief Shaeffer replied that the case load would have to be absorbed by the other investigators.


Councilwoman Lorenzo asked what is the status of the adjustment of dispatch fees for the other communities? Chief Shaeffer replied that one community has accepted it (South Lyon) and the other (Wixom) would like to negotiate their fees.


Councilwoman Lorenzo asked if they have made up $11,000.00 in the adjustment? Chief Shaeffer advised they have and the adjustment of fees will take place as of July 1, 1998.

However, Chief Shaeffer noted he is uncertain about the date of the award for the grant. Councilwoman Lorenzo wondered if this additional money could be used toward the grant.


Mayor ProTem Crawford asked if they could expect to be awarded the grant within a couple months of application? The Chief believes it could be as many as six to eight months.


Mayor ProTem Crawford asked if there would be any consequences if they turned down the grant after it was awarded. Chief Shaeffer does not believe there would be any repercussions.


Councilman Kramer understands they have had domestic violence grants for the past three years; Mr. Gibson reported they have had grants for the past two fiscal years.



CM-98-04-112: Moved by DeRoche, Seconded by Lorenzo, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To grant the authority to apply for the Domestic Violence Grant as presented





Councilman DeRoche believes this grant is closer to police work than the Community That Cares Coalition grant about which he has significant reservations. Councilman DeRoche supports this particular grant because he believes it requires an officer actually to intervene by enforcing laws and arresting people to help reduce the increasing patterns of domestic violence in Novi. Councilman DeRoche’s main concern is that the Police Department should first provide the actual cost of the grant to the city to Council.


Councilwoman Mutch asked whether the grant requires that they assign a detective to this position? Chief Shaeffer replied it is not required, but noted they have experienced many union problems in the past.


Councilwoman Mutch understands that the nature of this position determines that it should be a detective position and asked whether they must train a person for this position? Chief Shaeffer agreed it should be a detective position and he added that if they assign the previous officer to this position, then they will not require training.


Councilwoman Mutch believes that having this kind of training for everybody would be beneficial so that they will not have a need to have only one person assigned to that position.


Councilman Schmid admits he is somewhat negative toward federal funding because they need to match the grants with taxpayers’ money.


Councilman Schmid believes Novi has a great police department and that they are paid to handle these kinds of situations whether they receive grants or not. Further, he believes if Novi accepts a grant that tells him they are unable to do the job because of insufficient staffing and that they do not have the expertise to address domestic violence. If that is not true, Councilman Schmid wondered whether this request is only an excuse to hire another officer. Therefore, Councilman Schmid’s question is whether they are sufficiently handling domestic violence? If the city does not accept the grant, Councilman Schmid believes the city will still handle the domestic violence issue as well as any other department in the tri-county area.


Chief Shaeffer advised he does not believe it is possible to handle domestic violence at the same level without the grant because the city cannot provide the counseling services nor can they devote one person’s full attention to this issue.


Mayor ProTem Crawford understands if the city does not accept the grant, then HAVEN and the 52-1 Court would not receive their monies; Chief Shaeffer agreed.


Councilman Kramer requested that the Police Department provide documentation prior to acceptance of the grant.


As a point of order, Councilman DeRoche believes that the application should be prepared by April 15.


Councilwoman Mutch asked whether HAVEN and the 52-1 District Court have approached other communities to apply for this grant? Chief Shaeffer understands HAVEN is in partnership with other police departments throughout Oakland County.


Councilwoman Mutch believes if Novi does not participate with the other communities, then Novi would not be a part coordinated effort to address this issue. Consequently, Councilwoman Mutch understands Novi may not have the advantage of the same kind of cooperation from the other agencies as those communities that participate would; Chief Shaeffer agreed.



Vote on CM-98-04-112: Yeas: Crawford, DeRoche, Kramer, Lorenzo, Mutch, Schmid

Nays: None



b. Pages 105-106 or 17-18 (1 hour)


Les Gibson noted that the correct amount on Page 18 of the yellow book, Ref. #710 should be $40,000.00 instead of $11,000.00.


Chief Shaeffer reported they have requested additional personnel and have provided funding for two officers. He reported they will utilize one in the D.A.R.E. capacity as authorized in Council’s acceptance of the Community That Cares Coalition Grant and the second will be assigned to patrol. Chief Shaeffer added that they have also increased the supplies account to replace and upgrade the department’s radar units in radar vehicles, to purchase radio replacements and headphones for the dispatchers, and to purchase uniforms for the two new officers.


Under Other Services and Charges, Chief Shaeffer reported there is an increase of approximately $35,000.00 under Data Processing and added there is also a $15,000.00 reduction. Further, there is a request for $40,000.00 to equip the new vehicles and a $9,000.00 cost for special investigation that was authorized to put two people undercover with the Farmington Hills and West Bloomfield Police Departments in narcotics investigations. Chief Shaeffer noted this effort has been extremely successful to date.


Chief Shaeffer advised that the Capital Outlay is primarily focused on the police department building and is a result of a 1994 study. Chief Shaeffer advised that the architectural firm recommended that they add additional vehicle repair bays and he then reminded Council that they currently repair all of the city’s cars at the Police Department. The architectural firm also recommended that they increase the evidence storage capacity and that they add a multipurpose training room. The Chief reported the total cost for that building addition amounts to $1.4M. Chief Shaeffer advised that the recommended building alterations include the lock-up facilities, improvements to the sergeant and police supervision desk to overlook the lobby, improvements for the holding cells, improvements for the male locker room, improvements to the communications center, change the General Services Commander’s Office, create a Special Focus Units office, improve the lobby and other areas to comply with the ADA, add an interview room on the first level, improve the female locker room to accommodate the growth of female officers, create a conference room on the second floor, and reconfigure the work out area to accommodate the movement in the investigation’s area.


In addition, the Chief reported there are several Building Repair/Capital Improvements items that Council also recommended. They are: improve the electronics room to accommodate current technology, replace door frames because of fire hazards, replace an aging boiler by adding a second boiler, repair sealants on exterior windows, balance the heating and air-conditioning ventilation system, and provide a few ventilation improvements and replace the lighting fixtures in the Crime Lab. Chief Shaeffer reported that the total cost of the project amounts to $3.5M and noted when they were quoted the original cost in 1994, the total cost amounted to $2.4M.


Chief Shaeffer advised there are also additional building needs that amount to approximately $308,500.00 that were not apparent in 1994. He explained they now need to replace the air conditioner chiller, they need new 911 equipment because the current system is no longer manufactured and parts are unavailable, and the building telephone system is not fully functional because it is not completely compatible with the 911 System. Further, the Chief reported they would like to purchase what is known as a Reverse 911 System that would allow them to preprogram messages to communicate throughout the community automatically. The Chief advised they also would like to replace the Record Department’s counter and the carpeting throughout the building. Chief Shaeffer advised the cost for total building improvements would amount to $3.8M.


The Chief reported there are two separate items under Capital Outlay that they should remove.


Chief Shaeffer gave a history of the police department’s manpower. He noted that Council commissioned Coopers-Lybrand in 1996 to conduct a management staffing study for the Police Department and at that time they recommended that the city have a ratio of 1.512 officers per 1,000 population; Novi currently has 1.27. Further, using that ratio Coopers-Lybrand recommended that Novi have 65 officers and the Chief advised they currently have 56. Chief Shaeffer advised that the Police and Fire Needs Committee recommended 1.6 officers per 1,000 population earlier in 1996. When comparing Novi with other communities within Oakland County, they came up with 1.76 officers per 1,000 population. Chief Shaeffer displayed a graph representing what an increase in manpower would mean to Novi. Chief Shaeffer advised the addition of two officers would keep them even with the population growth and would increase the ratio to 1.31.


Councilman Kramer understands that the Personnel Services includes all the police officers; Mr. Gibson agreed.


Councilman Schmid asked whether Mr. Kriewall is recommending this budget? Mr. Kriewall advised as they reviewed the department’s needs, the controlled capital needs were obviously still weighing very heavy on the budget. Therefore, he advised it was their intention to go out for a GO Bond primarily for the ADA improvements. He added they are targeting the August primary for this request.


Councilman Schmid asked whether there has been any thought given to giving up the D.A.R.E. officers because of the poor results of the program? Chief Shaeffer believes if they decide not to continue the program in the eighth and tenth grades, then he would question whether they should continue the program in the sixth grade.


Based upon the City Manager’s recommendation, Councilman Schmid understands they are going to add three officers. He then wondered whether it is as critical a situation to hire additional police officers for Novi as it is for other cities (i.e., Detroit, Pontiac, Houston) that are much more demanding of their police force. He noted if Novi’s situation is not the same when compared with other cities, he would think that they could reduce the national number somewhat. Chief Shaeffer agrees that the national and Oakland County levels are somewhat high for Novi, and therefore, he is not comfortable in recommending that kind of staffing level. Mr. Kriewall believes they should compare Novi with communities like Troy or Auburn Hills.


Councilman Schmid noted most of the budget consists of capital improvements. Mr. Kriewall believes that is the advantage of voting on these kinds of things. He recommended that they leave this in the budget and then reprogram that money later.


Councilman Schmid asked whether they are suggesting that they remove D.A.R.E. from the budget? Chief Shaeffer restated he would recommend that they either do all three programs or discuss eliminating the program entirely.


Chief Shaeffer pointed out that the function of manpower is a combination of two elements; the number of people they have within the organization and the population. He added if either changes, the ratios change dramatically.


Councilman Schmid asked the Chief to evaluate the Police Department’s performance for 1997-98. Chief Shaeffer believes the overall performance is good and added they worked hard to provide services to the community. However, the Chief added there are times he has concerns about being able to respond to calls and about their ability to provide some services that they might otherwise provide (i.e., the undercover surveillance activity).


Mr. Klaver reminded Council that they recommended that the city sit on money they allocated last year from the mid-decade census to earmark for ADA compliance. He understands that if the bond were passed, they could reprogram that money.


Councilwoman Lorenzo asked why the previous bond failed and what can they do differently to see that it passes. Chief Shaeffer believes they did everything they were supposed to do so that it would pass and he was very disappointed that it failed.

Mr. Kriewall reminded Council that there were three ballot issues before the voters and added that the voters believed the police station was a relatively new building and therefore, the repairs were not critical.


Mr. Klaver added that he believes the citizen’s committee needed to be more active. He restated that most people did not realize that the building was as old as it is and were not aware that it was never completed to begin with.


Councilman Kramer agrees they should formulate an active support group and solicit community involvement if Council chooses to formulate a bond proposal.


Mr. Kriewall believes one advantage of a bond issue is that people moving to Novi will also help pay for these increasing services.


Councilman Kramer believes they should combine the request as a whole package to enable them to put more officers on the street. However, he restated that he believes they need to look at their methods and means of communication.


While campaigning for reelection this past year, Mayor ProTem Crawford found there are people in the community that do not want to see more officers on the street.


Councilwoman Mutch asked if there is a savings because of the bond issue, would they add those items back to the budget that were originally removed.


Mayor ProTem Crawford asked whether Administration would come back before Council with bond language and with information about what items would remain in the budget; Mr. Kriewall agreed they would. Councilwoman Mutch believes that would be a good idea.


Councilwoman Mutch believes Novi has worked hard on the concept of community oriented policing. She continued by stating that she believes the down side to that bond issue is that when voters saw the numbers and detail, they believed it was for more creature comforts for administrative staff. She also agrees with the earlier comment that the voters did not realize the building is as old as it is and she also believes they do not view the police station as a place they normally go to for services. Councilwoman Mutch believes they need to turn that perception around and that the police station is a place for citizens to go to do certain things. She believes they would then be more sensitive to the department’s needs so that the staff can be more responsive to the public’s concerns and needs.


Councilwoman Lorenzo asked if the Bike Patrol is still active? Chief Shaeffer reported the Bike Patrol is still operational, but reminded Council that the bikes and $30,000.00 for overtime were paid for by a federal grant for two fiscal years. He added that once the grant ends, they will continue the Bike Patrol as part of the general patrol salary account.


Councilwoman Mutch asked for an update on how the department utilizes the bike patrol. Chief Shaeffer reported the bikes are used in the parks, shopping center parking lots and wooded areas around the schools to protect the students from dangerous situations (i.e., flashing incident). He added they also use the bikes for special events (i.e., 50's Festival) and they have proven to be very effective by even arresting drunk drivers on the bicycles.


Councilwoman Mutch understands that the officers are not strictly assigned to bike patrol. Chief Shaeffer advised that they are patrol officers that are paid overtime for bike patrol duty at special events, but noted they are paid their regular rate if they are on bike patrol during their regular duty.


Councilman Schmid noted the increase in temporary salaries. Chief Shaeffer advised that cost is incorrect and should be changed to $24,00.00 for co-op students.


Councilman Schmid noted the increase in overtime and asked whether the department is impacted by the traffic problems. Chief Shaeffer advised the department’s overtime is primarily impacted by the traffic problems, but restated they have received several grants to provide overtime (i.e., bike patrol). In addition, the Chief advised they are receiving more requests from the community to provide officers in situations that they would not otherwise provide them (i.e., special event at Expo Center, Christmas season at the shopping centers). He reminded Council that they authorized him approximately five years ago to negotiate contracts for these types of requests to pay for the officer’s services. Chief Shaeffer added that another significant impact is a result of the significant vacancies in dispatch; they are paying overtime to existing employees.


Councilwoman Mutch asked how is the grant impacted if the D.A.R.E. program is not expanded? Chief Shaeffer replied they would not accept the grant.


Secondly, Councilwoman Mutch asked if they were to discontinue the D.A.R.E. program entirely, could they integrate the positive parts of D.A.R.E. into another program? She explained she understands there are multiple officers who have the ability to continue to work with this program in the schools in a limited way. Chief Shaeffer believes there are some very positive features (i.e., officers serve as role model to youths) in the D.A.R.E. program in spite of the criticism. However, the fact is that the empirical studies indicate the opposite in that a one year program does not have a positive impact. Further, Chief Shaeffer is uncertain whether the schools would permit them to come into the schools without a structured program.





4. General Administration - Pages 103-104 or 15-16 (½ hour)


Historical Commission


Craig Klaver introduced Linda Krieger, Historical Commission member, to Council.


Mr. Klaver advised the budget reflects a conservative approach, and added that the utilities and maintenance costs for the building are fairly stable from year to year. Mr. Klaver reported they are requesting $7,500.00 to enclose the exterior of the staircase to connect the first and lower levels of the Township Hall building. Mr. Klaver further reported that the original township hall only had a foundation and he believes to get use out of the building, they needed to add a basement and restrooms. Mr. Klaver advised the other components of the budget are for additional programs (i.e., a historical picnic), additional conferences and to continue with the historical marker program.


Mayor ProTem Crawford asked where would the markers be placed? Councilwoman Mutch replied that the Fuerst property would be one.


Mayor ProTem Crawford asked what is the cost of a historical marker? Mr. Klaver advised that the Fuerst Committee would like a full size State of Michigan marker that would cost approximately $2,500.00. Mr. Klaver recalled that the Township Hall marker cost approximately $1,400.00.


Councilman Schmid asked for an update on the Fuerst property? Mr. Klaver advised they are having trouble getting things lined up for that project. He explained he just received quotes for electrical work (approximately $11,000.00). He added there is no duct work in the home and therefore, they are having difficulty finding a residential contractor to do the work.


Councilman Schmid asked how are they going to fund the Fuerst project? Mr. Klaver replied they currently have an unspent budget of $25,000.00 and they are hoping that Council will provide more funding for next year.


Councilman Schmid recalled that there was a lot of funding already available to restore the Fuerst property. Councilwoman Mutch restated they are having a difficult time getting contractors to bid on this project because they do not want this type of work. She then advised they initially had contractors that were willing to donate their services to repair the foundation and the chimney. Mr. Klaver interjected, Brewer Roofing donated their services to repair the roof. Councilwoman Mutch continued by stating that they cannot very well apply for grants without being specific about what they will need the money for and how much money they will need.


Mayor ProTem Crawford advised that they will discuss the Fuerst property further on and asked that they only discuss the historical markers at this time.


Councilman Schmid asked what amount did they budget for last year? Mr. Klaver recalled they budgeted approximately $21,250.00.


Councilwoman Mutch commented that the current committee members have more enthusiasm and commitment to getting something done than what she has seen in a long time. Consequently, she expects great things to happen this year.


Councilman Schmid appreciates the efforts of the outstanding volunteers, but he is still concerned about spending the taxpayer’s money for this type of initiative.



BREAK - 10:00 until 10:10 p.m.



General Administration (con’t)


Mr. Klaver reported they are not looking at any major changes in the JCK retainer.


Councilwoman Mutch asked for a further explanation about the Engineering Wetlands. Mr. Kriewall explained that the revenue historically came in and out of the budget, and now it is just a pass through activity.


Mr. Klaver reported the Consultant Review Committee is currently soliciting for qualification statements from planning consultants and will come back before Council during the budget process.


Mr. Kriewall noted General Consulting includes items for which they may not have budgeted. Mr. Klaver interjected, the Coopers-Lybrand study for the Police Department is one example.


Councilwoman Mutch noted that they should budget an amount for the city’s thirtieth anniversary; Mr. Kriewall agreed and the amount should be set at $5,000.00.


Mr. Kriewall reported although the 50's Festival consists primarily of police overtime, the festival typically returns more than they spend. Mr. Kriewall reported they will be purchasing a $60,000.00 portable stage and they have committed to a $100,000.00 band stand on the southwest corner of Main Street.


Councilwoman Mutch asked whether they have any kind of display to promote the city at the 50's Festival? Mr. Kriewall advised that the city is given credit as a sponsor on all of the literature for the festival.

Mr. Klaver noted they have suspended the Employee Suggestion Award Program because of the lack of interest.


Mr. Klaver noted the insurance budget is deliberately kept high because there is a significant amount that is not picked up by the insurance company.


Councilman Schmid noted the dramatic increase in the cost for insurance. Mr. Gibson advised the increase is a result of changing coverage from a single individual to family coverage.


Councilwoman Mutch recalled that Mr. Jerome had a proposal as a part of the whole sidewalk project prepared by Mr. Nowicki quite some time ago which included a maintenance proposal for the current sidewalks. Mr. Gibson believes this should be budgeted under Public Works and they will move the charts to that section of the budget.


Mr. Klaver discussed the difficulties the city is experiencing with the outdated phone system.


Councilman Schmid reminded Mr. Gibson that he had asked him at their last meeting to provide Council with a list of capital improvements by department, a draft copy of the CIP report, and provide the existing and proposed personnel costs for 1998-99.


Councilman Schmid asked Mr. Gibson to provide an approximate figure for what the city has spent on computers. Mr. Gibson recalled they have spent approximately $2.0-2.5M over the last five years. He noted most of that cost was from five years ago.


Councilman Kramer noted they did not see the funding listed for the Communities that Care Coalition Grant. Mr. Gibson reported they have not yet phased in that grant as of yet. However, he noted they have included the D.A.R.E. officer for the grant.


Councilman Kramer understands they will discuss whether they want to allocate any funds to Oakland Family Services during the budget wrap up session; Mr. Kriewall agreed.


Councilwoman Mutch asked when will they further discuss Information Technology during the budget process? Mayor ProTem Crawford advised that will be discussed further under Finance.




There being no further business before City Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m.










Mayor City Clerk


Transcribed by Barbara Holmes


Date Approved: April 20, 1998