View Agenda for this meeting 


Thursday, November 15, 2012 – 7:00 PM


The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm with Commissioner Policicchio presiding.

ROLL CALL: Policicchio (Present), Ferrell (Absent), Jewell (Absent), Staab (Present), Tecklenburg (Present), Torimoto (Absent), Wingfield (Present), Kodali (Present), Singh (Present).


It was moved by Commissioner Tecklenburg and seconded by Commissioner Wingfield to approve the agenda as written.

Voice Vote Unanimous



A. Approval of the October 25, 2012 minutes.

It was moved by Commissioner Wingfield and seconded by Commissioner Tecklenburg to approve the minutes as written.

Voice Vote Unanimous


A. Walkable Novi - Commissioners Policicchio & Torimoto

Commissioner Policicchio stated the Walkable Novi meeting was cancelled due to insufficient attendance for a quorum.

B. Novi Parks Foundation - Commissioners Staab and Tecklenburg

Commissioner Staab stated there was a meeting on Tuesday night. The Holzer agreement is now before City Council for approval. It has been signed off on by both the Foundation and Tom Holzer Ford. It should be on the agenda for the next City Council meeting. They also discussed new marketing material that Erika Pratt has been working on for the Naming Rights program. The year-end financials were approved from their CPA, Michael Thomas. They also talked about the renewal of the ITC commitment and developing a strategy.


A. Administration Division – Director Jason Mangum

1. Service Improvement Requests

Director Mangum stated these were requested last month from the Commissioners and we can continue to take any Service Improvement Request that you may have as far as ideas. Service Improvement Requests are items which are not capital in nature but could be improvements in the parks, recreation programs or facilities. He will be glad to continue taking these requests.

2. Update Pavilion Shore Park

Director Mangum stated on October 29th the Pavilion Shore Park mobilization for construction occurred. The mobilization at that time consisted of putting a couple of pieces of equipment there but this week some tree protection and fencing have been going on. The estimated completion date is the middle of July for the completion of phase one and two.

3. Barr Property

Director Mangum stated we continue to move forward in the purchase of that piece of property. We are looking at ways to promote that and the art in Novi and creating that culture of art and having that cultural hub in the City. Mr. Barr has a series of lectures that he has given all over the country and he has agreed to give those lectures in Novi starting at the beginning of the year at the Novi Public Library. He has agreed to give three of the lectures which will cover everything from the history of art, how to understand art and about his personal works and his major works around the world. Mr. Barr is in the process of documenting not only his works but his life and particularly his works that are here in Novi, especially those that will be a part of the City and the public art display.

Commissioner Wingfield asked if the house on the Barr Property was going to be maintained and used as a facility. He asked if a parking lot would be added and if other art would be added.

Director Mangum stated the Barrs will be living there for now but we will have access to the grounds and the sculpture that is there. The eventual plan is that when we take possession of the home we will develop the property in to an art park with access to the studios and make it a cultural arts center not only for the City but for the region.

Commissioner Policicchio asked if we would be doing anything with the DIA.

Director Mangum state we will be reaching out to the DIA in the future. We are also looking at the College for Creative Studies and other potential partners and museums. This would also include the Michigan Legacy Art Park in Crystal Mountain.

B. Recreation Division – Superintendent of Recreation Scott Pratt

1. Upcoming Theatre Productions

Superintendent Pratt stated "Stuart Little" will be this weekend. It is at 7pm on Friday and 2pm on Saturday and Sunday. "The Nutcracker" will be on December 7th, 8th and 9th. Our 2013 season will start with "The Wizard of Oz" and "The Little Mermaid". The Novi Choralaires "Christmas Past and Present" concerts are coming up on Sunday, December 2nd at the Church of the Holy Family at 4pm and on Friday, December 7th at the Farmington United Methodist Church at 7:30pm. They will also have a concert at our Novi Senior Center Auditorium on Saturday, December 8th at 7:30pm.

2. Tennis court refurbishing

Superintendent Pratt stated today we had our bid opening on the tennis court refurbishing for the two tennis courts at ITC Community Sports Park and for the two tennis courts at Rotary Park. We will be going to City Council with the motion to get the courts fixed.

A Commissioner asked if this was on the Capital Improvement Plan for this year.

Superintendent Pratt stated it was rolled over a couple of times and we finally got it on the docket to get it done this time.

3. Recreation Software Update

Superintendent Pratt stated the staff has been training and getting ready for the new Rec 1 software. We are getting the data in. It is going to be user friendly and we will be able to produce reports quicker and easier.

4. Youth & Teen Programs

Superintendent Pratt stated we have a Holiday Family Road Rally which is for all ages on Friday, December 14th. You register as a team of four to six members and the deadline for registration is December 7th. It was very successful last year.

During the December winter break we are offering a Camp Winterblast at Township Hall in Fuerst Park. It is for ages six to twelve years old. The registration deadline is December 13th. The camp runs December 27th and 28th.

We have had a very successful fall basketball and volleyball season. The deadline for winter basketball and volleyball is December 11th. Registration is going on now.

We do have art in the Atrium. It is from Arts of Novi and is mixed media. Last month we had art from the Colored Pencil Society which was all colored pencil art. The current display runs from December 2nd through the 30th.

Commissioner Tecklenburg asked about the refurbishing of the tennis courts.

Superintendent Pratt replied that they will patch the courts and fill in low spots as well as paint. There may be a different color on the courts due to the USTA change of color for standard painting of courts.

Commissioner Tecklenburg stated he had been by the courts the other day and he feels it is time and is glad to see we are doing this.



A. Discussion and possible action on support of Older Adult Services Strategic Plan – Rachel Zagaroli

Older Adult Services Manager, Rachel Zagaroli, stated she is very proud of the 2012-2013 Strategic Plan for Older Adults. She and Tracie Ringle have been working on it for a while. There is a tremendous amount of information in the Strategic Plan book the Commissioners were provided. The beginning of the book starts with the rich history of Older Adult Services. The next section lists all of the services they provide and all of the trends. It is very important to know the current trends so we can keep up with what is popular and what our older adults would like to see. The next section is "Contributing to the Community." It is very important that we contribute everything we can to the community so they can fulfill their wishes and everything they want to do. The last thing is the goals we completed with the last Strategic Plan. There were twenty-nine goals. She is proud to say that they completed all twenty-nine goals. Next, it shows all of the current offerings, how people perceive us to be and our Strategic Action Items. This will be our road map as to what we are going to do in the next three years. It is very important that we have this because it keeps us on track. More things could come up or we might be doing more things. These are the major things we want to accomplish. One is to engage a larger audience. This means that we need to make sure that we have the activities, programs and opportunities that are specific to our older adults. We also need to encourage a sense of community through volunteer opportunities. We need to increase program awareness through effective communications. This means everything is social media so we are learning and teaching and making sure our older adults stay on track with all of this. We want to educate our residents on how to use our online system so they can register for classes using our webpage. On our Facebook page we have eighty "likes". We will collaborate with schools, non-profit and other people for off-site programming. Providing and promoting social service is of the utmost importance. This means going to workshops and seminars to stay in touch with everything that is going on. Working with all of our social service agencies such as the area Agency on Aging, the Fire Department and the Police Department are all going to play a big role in what we do. Transportation is also of the utmost priority. We need it to take our older adults where they need to go and extend their life by letting them live in place and going places for socialization and medical visits. There is a transportation overview that shows just what our transportation is, the vehicles we have, how many miles they have, their maintenance and our drivers. We also listed our partner organizations. We can’t do what we do if we don’t have a tremendous list of partners and agencies that we work with. It is exciting to have this and she will be happy when it is totally completed. We will then move on to completing the twenty-six goals that we have to do.

Commissioner Wingfield stated he noticed that the Older Adult Services moved their offices to the Civic Center. He asked how the transition has gone for the staff as well as the senior adults.

Manger Zagaroli stated it is hard not only for staff but also for the Older Adults. It was hard to move from the location they were in to the new location and they wondered how they were going to serve the Older Adults. It is working out very well though because they have seen people come through the door who have never come through their door before. There is a whole group of older adults who will not go to a Senior Center because it is not what they want to do. We are in a neutral territory, in the heart of the City and are able to have people come in and pick and choose what they want to do. It has been a good transition. It was difficult for a lot of people at the Senior Center because they thought we were leaving them. We have not done that nor taken any of the programs out.

Today was a perfect example. We had our Thanksgiving Show today. Over one hundred and twenty-five people attended. The Senior Variety Show was there to do a portion of their show and it was wonderful. She was at the door greeting people and talking to them. The move is working.

Director Mangum stated for intergenerational programming there are things that can be done by those in High School to connect with the Older Adults.

Student Representative Singh commented on volunteer opportunities at the Senior Center for High School student.

Manager Zagaroli replied that some students come in and volunteer on the Senior Center "Super Saturdays" and other special events when they are out of school. Some students are volunteering at the information desk in the Civic Center but she would love to hear some other ideas for volunteer opportunities for High School students.

Student Representative Kodali stated the volunteer opportunities should be advertised because not many students know about them.

Manager Zagaroli stated they will be doing that. We have a big event at the end of this month, "Light Up the Night", and we always need volunteers for that.

Superintendent Pratt asked how the students hear about volunteer opportunities.

Student Representative Singh stated that students can find out about opportunities at the Volunteer Office.

Commissioner Polocicchio asked if there were other things the seniors could be helping with in the community that they aren’t already doing. It is a two way street. The youth can help the seniors and the seniors can help the youth in their development.

Commissioner Polocicchio stated the way the plan is presented is exemplary because it first focuses the department on specific objectives that need to be performed to benefit the community and also holds everyone accountable when you are able to come back a year from now and say "here was the checklist and this is what we accomplished or this is what we still have left to accomplish." He thinks it covers all of the bases in terms of where seniors can be involved in the community besides just their own recreational acitivities.

Commissioner Staab made a motion to support the 2012-2013 Older Adults Services Strategic Plan as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wingfield.

Voice Vote Unanimous

Director Mangum stated Manager Zagaroli does a phenomenal job in her role as the Manager for Older Adult Services. Not only does she bring a wealth of knowledge, her passion, understanding and compassion makes her an incredible asset not only to the department but also to the City. This Strategic Plan is one of the physical evidences of this. He thanked her for her service.

Commissioner Staab reinforced Director Mangum’s statement. He asked how the plan would get out to the public.

Manager Zagaroli stated the Older Adult Services Strategic Plan will be on their webpage and there will be notice of it on Facebook. They will send it out to the people who were on the committee for the plan as well as all of our partners.

Commissioner Staab asked if there would be a press release.

Manager Zagaroli confirmed this.


Lewis Williams stated he supports the Older Adult Services Strategic Plan. It is straight forward and he likes the way it was laid out.


Student Representative Kodali stated the Senior Plan was very thought out and was a detailed plan.

Commissioner Tecklenburg thanked Manager Zagaroli for coming. He got a chance to look through most of the Strategic Plan prior to the meeting. It is a great document and he appreciates the history section. He stated on November 30th we have "Light Up the Night" and he encourages everyone to participate. He saw that some of the preparations have started outside the building.

Commissioner Wingfield thanked Manager Zagaroli for the great job on the Strategic Plan and the job she does with senior programming. It is one of the best he knows in the metropolitan area.

Commissioner Staab recapped some of the activities and events coming up in the City which Superintendent Pratt talked about in his presentation. He stated that programs and activities like these are what make Novi a great place to live. He wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Commissioner Policicchio stated that if the minutes are accessible online, for those who may not be listening this evening, he would like emphasize a couple of things. He thinks this meeting reflects a department that is very broadly based, covering all of the areas that are necessary to have a good quality of life in the community. It builds infrastructure, such as Pavilion Shore Park. It expands in to new areas that will attract more attention to our programs, such as the Barr Property acquisition. He is not aware of any other community which will have that type of a park facility. It will enhance the quality of life here and consequently property values that every homeowner is concerned about. It is also broadly based in terms of its outreach to all demographics of the community. They are quality programs and well attended. They are quantifiable and the taxpayers can hold us responsible for the tax dollars and how they are spent. He thinks that is something that is absolutely necessary to future commitments from the public for whatever resources are needed. He thinks anyone who looks at Novi as a place to live is going to look at it as a quality community with everything you need regardless of your age, interests or needs. He wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.



A motion was made to adjourn by Commissioner Wingfield and seconded by Commissioner Tecklenburg.

Voice Vote Unanimous

The meeting was adjourned by Commissioner Policicchio at 7:41pm.

DATE APPROVED: ___________________________________________________________


Paul Policicchio, Chairperson


Harry Torimoto, Vice Chairperson