WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 08, 1997 AT 7:30 P.M.
(810) 347-0475
Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairperson Lorenzo
PRESENT: Members Bononi, Churella, Csordas, Hoadley,
Chairperson Lorenzo, Markham, Vrettas
ABSENT: Members Capello, Weddington
ALSO PRESENT: Planning Consultant Brandon Rogers,
Engineering Consultant David Bluhm, Traffic Consultant Rod Arroyo, Assistant
City Attorney Dennis Watson, Landscape Architect Linda Lemke, Water
Resources Specialist Susan Tepatti, Director of Planning & Community
Development Jim Wahl, and Staff Planner Steven Cohen
Chairperson Lorenzo suggested to the Commission to
consider modifying the Agenda to allow for the second Audience Participation
to occur after Stuart Frankel makes his informal presentation so that the
public has the benefit of hearing the presentation and the comments of the
Commission before they respond. She clarified that Mr. Frankel’s
presentation will be an informal presentation and the Planning Commission is
not reviewing any rezoning application, therefore, it is not a Public
Chairperson Lorenzo asked if there were any other changes
to the Agenda? Seeing none she entertained a motion to approve the Agenda as
Moved by Csordas, seconded by Markham, CARRIED
UNANIMOUSLY: To approve the agenda as amended.
Yes: Bononi, Churella, Csordas, Hoadley, Lorenzo,
Markham, Vrettas
No: None
Chuck Young, 50910 West Nine Mile Road, informed the
Commission that the Sports Club will now be located in an I-1, I-2, B-3
location at Ten Mile Road and Novi Road. He stated it was a good location
because it was centrally located for the City and the residents. It was his
belief that it would not interfere with the residents. Mr. Young was hopeful
that the Commission would take the same deliberation that it has in the past
when these issues come up.
Mick Winship, 47355 Scarlet Drive North, spoke in
regard to the Stuart Frankel proposal. As he understood it, Stuart Frankel
has prepared plans to develop a large retail development at Ten Mile Road
and Beck Road. It is to include a Kroger, several retail outlets, a
restaurant and a gas station. He believed the site to currently be zoned R-1
and objected to the rezoning stating that it would be a major blot on his
landscape. It would significantly increase noise, traffic, pollution, road
safety, crime, and drunken drivers, due to the restaurant. He stated the
Briarwood North subdivision would suffer an increase in traffic because the
boulevard would become a turn-around for those who fail to turn into the
retail development the first time. He stated the neighborhood is full of
small children and the reason he chose to live in Novi was because it was
supposed to be a community area as Master Planned. To go against the plan in
such a manner, would be outrageous.
Frank Brennan, 23876 Heartwood, stated he lives in
the Echo Valley subdivision and would like to speak about planning because
he saw an article in the newspaper regarding the consideration of
undertaking a valuation of sites for a grocery store in the west end of the
city. He stated the Planning Commission invests a considerable amount of
time and energy in dealing with planning for the City, he felt the
Commission does not need to take on the additional task of looking for
sites. He referred to the 1993 Master Plan which states that the west end of
the City should be developed primarily with low-density residential housing,
and the existing commercial shopping strip at the northeast corner with the
surrounding stores in Wixom, probably will not need additional shopping
malls until the year 2010. It was Mr. Brennan’s feeling that any expanded
commercial districts that the
City may need, should be in the properly zoned Grand
River Corridor. He stated good planning has already been done and this
information needs to be conveyed to the developers. He stated there is a
large contingent of west side residents who are opposed to the rezoning of
residential districts, not the grocery store itself.
Edward Thomas, 47213 Scarlet Drive South, spoke on
behalf of the homeowners of Briarwood Village. He spoke in regard to the
rezoning of the northwest corner of Ten Mile Road and Beck Road. 1) He
stated the request to change the lot size of a residentially zoned property
at the corner of Beck Road and Eleven Mile Road was denied,it was to remain
residential; 2) Providence has suggested the possibility of developing a
commercial center at the northwest corner of Grand River and Beck Road. The
area, property and roads are currently more conducive to commercial
development, however, the City Council is concerned about the aesthetics. 3)
In September of 1997 the homeowners submitted a petition to dedicate the
subdivision streets to the City of Novi. The request was denied by Council
because everyone who purchased homes was aware at the time of purchase, that
the roads were private. As a result, the prices of the homes were
considerably lower than those located on city streets. Mr. Thomas was sure
that Mr. Frankel was well aware and had knowledge of the fact at the time of
purchase, the northwest corner of Beck Road and Ten Mile Road was zoned
Residential. The zoning made the property less valuable to him, then as it
would be if it was zoned Commercial. In conclusion, he stated the City
should have received signed petitions against the rezoning for Ten Mile Road
and Beck Road and hopefully the Commission and the Council will not treat a
commercial developer differently than voting, tax paying, home owning
residents in the City of Novi.
Robert Stone, stated the community appreciates the
services put out by the Commission in doing the planning for the City. He
called the Commission’s attention to the fact that there is a lack of
disclosure to a lot of the areas that are approved. He stated there are
traffic, water and infrastructure concerns that are not addressed.
Enforcement of traffic on the roads is not taken into consideration. Mr.
Stone would like to see something put into the draft that says there will be
a study made on the problem areas that currently exist. He asked the
Commission to put themselves in the position of how the planning affects the
residents after they move in. He suggested disclosure be something that the
Commission considers when approving a subdivision so if there are any
alternative plans or if surrounding areas are proposed to be changed to
business, the residents are aware of it.
Jack Carney, Echo Valley, stated he has lived here
for the past 17 years. He spoke in regard to the corner of Novi Road and
Beck Road. He stated the Master Plan was changed to accommodate a large
strip mall. The citizens saw fit to fight it and the Council denied it.
Unfortunately, within a few weeks, it was reopened and the Council reversed
their ruling. The citizens again gathered petitions to put it on the ballot,
the citizens voted to prohibit the strip mall. The Council and some of the
actions gave some justification for the possibility of a court case,
subsequently, a compromise was worked out whereby a much smaller strip mall
was developed. Mr. Carney pointed out that this has been done once before,
there has been a vote of the residents concerning the question of the corner
and they have worked out a compromise, therefore, there is no reason for it
to be reversed this time. Mr. Carney requested that the Commission give
consideration to stopping this rezoning so the same situation does not come
up as in the past.
Chairperson Lorenzo asked if there was anyone else who
would like to address the Commission? Seeing no one else she closed the
Public Hearing announcing there will be a second after Mr. Frankel’s
presentation and a third before adjournment.
Chairperson Lorenzo deferred to Mr. Cohen in Member
Capello’s absence.
Steve Cohen, Staff Planner stated he has received seven
(7) new letters as well as 40-50 petitions against a possible rezoning for
the northwest corner of Ten Mile Road and Beck Road.
Mr. Cohen summarized that all of the letters voiced
opposition to any change to the Master Plan and Zoning Map from Residential
to Commercial. He stated the residents are concerned regarding Mr. Frankel’s
intentions for development at the northwest corner of Ten Mile Road and Beck
Road and how such a development could affect home investments, traffic and
overall quality of life. Mr. Cohen stated that all of the letters will be
placed into the formal record of the meeting minutes.
Chairperson Lorenzo announced there were two (2) items
for consideration. The approval of the December 18, 1996 Regular Planning
Commission Meeting Minutes and a request from the Department to schedule a
Special Planning Commission Meeting for Monday, January 13, 1997 at 5:30
p.m. for an MSPO Site Plan Review Workshop. Chairperson Lorenzo asked if
there were any corrections to the Minutes.
Member Hoadley stated on page 9, paragraph 7, word 7
should be "proposed".
Member Bononi stated on page 5, the first sentence under
Discussion should read, "...that opacity requirements of the Ordinance are
being met?" Page 21, paragraph 7 should read, "Member Bononi expressed a
Member Markham stated on page 32, paragraph 3, line 2
should read "err" not "heir".
Seeing no other changes, Chairperson Lorenzo entertained
a motion to approve the December 18, 1996 minutes as amended.
Moved by Hoadley, seconded by Csordas, CARRIED
UNANIMOUSLY: To approve the December 18, 1996 Regular Planning Commission
Meeting Minutes as amended.
Yes: Bononi, Churella, Csordas, Hoadley, Lorenzo,
Markham, Vrettas
No: None
Moved by Hoadley, seconded by Markham, CARRIED
UNANIMOUSLY: To approve the scheduling of a Special Planning Commission
Meeting for January 13, 1997 at 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Council
Chambers for an MSPO Site Plan Workshop which the Public is invited to
Member Markham stated the seminars are a great idea and
she was glad that they were being done, however, the Commission is being
asked to schedule a Special Planning Commission Meeting before asking the
Planning Commissioners whether they were available to attend the meeting.
She thought the Commission would be better served through the course of the
year with all of the Special Seminars if a schedule could be provided in
advance so they can be planned for.
Chairperson Lorenzo stated Member Markham’s point is well
taken and asked Mr. Cohen if he would like to respond?
Mr. Cohen added that a master schedule is currently being
worked on, however, all of the Commissioners were contacted before the
meeting was scheduled.
Member Markham stated when she was contacted, she was
asked if she could attend a meeting on the 13th and when she answered, "no,
she didn’t think so", she was told that this was the date of the meeting.
Mr. Cohen answered the Department will work on that.
Yes: Bononi, Churella, Csordas, Hoadley, Lorenzo,
Markham, Vrettas
No: None
An Ordinance to amend Section 2516, Subsection 7 of
Ordinance No. 84-18, as Amended, the City of Novi Zoning Ordinance, to
promulgate a Revised Site Plan Manual for the City of Novi to expedite site
plan review and development by establishing site plan review procedures, and
by providing developers and prospective developers with an overview and
step-by-step description of the site plan review process, as well as
additional information relating to development within the City of Novi for
possible recommendation to City Council.
Steve Cohen, Staff Planner announced this is the first
Site Plan Manual revision in over four years. He explained that the Manual
was reformatted, making it easier to read. A whole new section on
Subdivision Review has been added which takes the developer from point A to
point Z and explains what it takes to build a subdivision. Mr. Cohen further
explained that the Rezoning Submission Content had also been revised after
some concerns and suggestions had been raised by Member Bononi. He stated
new information has been added regarding the Soil Erosion Process. Rod
Arroyo has also contributed a section regarding Traffic Impact Studies and a
section on Construction Traffic Route Planning. Mr. Cohen asked the
Commission to send a recommendation to the City Council to approve the
document so the Department can better advise developers about the City of
Novi’s Planning Process.
Brandon Rogers, Planning Consultant commented that it is
an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance this is the reason for a statutory
zoning hearing. In the present Zoning Ordinance, there is one half of a page
that refers to compliance with the Site Plan Manual, so this is really an
appendix to the Zoning Ordinance itself. It was Mr. Rogers’ recommendation
that the document continue to be a valuable service to the community. Mr.
Rogers explained that when the applicant comes in for their ½ hour or one
hour meeting with Mr. Arroyo and himself, there is not merely enough time to
go through all of the questions on process, standards and policies. He
explained that the applicant can obtain the Site Plan Manual ahead of time
thus simplifying the processing of Site Plans.
Rod Arroyo, Traffic Consultant added that the basic
structure of traffic studies that are required will remain the same. The
section on traffic studies has been modified to reflect recommendations from
a statewide model ordinance that was developed by a committee on which he
served that was sponsored by the Michigan Department of Transportation,
SEMCOG and Tri-County Regional Planning. He further explained they were
trying to bring some things up to date and make some minor improvements but
the overall structure will remain the same.
Chairperson Lorenzo suggested once the Commission
addresses a particular section, that they get through all of the questions
or comments in that particular section before moving on. Before turning the
Matter over to the Commission for Discussion, Chairperson Lorenzo asked if
there was any member of the Public that would like to address the issue.
Mr. Stone stated he obtained a copy of the Ordinance from
the library and he has a hard time understanding it, specifically in regard
to the traffic. He stated it is a continuous problem. He suggested before
the Commission rushes into approving the draft, that each Commissioner take
a section of the Ordinance and thoroughly review it considering what the
impact will be to the developer as well as the residents who will be moving
onto the site.
Chairperson Lorenzo asked if there was anyone else who
would like to address the Public Hearing? Seeing no one she closed the
Public Hearing and turned the Matter over to the Commission for Discussion.
Member Hoadley stated he had the chance to read the
entire Manual and agreed with some of the comments of Mr. Stone. He thought
one of the major problems the Commission has with the manual or any other
ordinance, is the lack of enforcement. It was Member Hoadley’s opinion that
if the Commission was not willing to enforce the ordinances, why have them?
As community leaders he thought it needed to be addressed.
Mr. Arroyo stated the Site Plan Manual does not in any
way control or establish the criteria for the placement of stop signs or set
speed limits within the city. This comes under the Michigan Manual of
Uniform Traffic Control Devices and is governed by the City Council. He
stated when there is a concern about the speed on a roadway or a need for a
stop sign, there should be some type of correspondence or contact made with
the Department of Pubic Works who will then initiate some type of analysis
to determine whether or not there is a need for some type of change in
traffic control orders, usually a recommendation is made to City Council who
has the final word.
Member Bononi stated the Manual is a lot of information
to digest and be able to make recommendations on. In this regard, she agreed
with Mr. Stone in saying that the Commission has to be concerned with how it
affects everyone. As a Planning Commissioner, she was concerned how the
document affects her because she did not have any knowledge of the manner in
which it was put together. Member Bononi was looking for better
communications and the next time there is a revision, if there was some way
the Commission could receive some input as to what is being discussed, what
the concerns are and where it is going, this way the Commission could have
its’ input at that time instead of after the document has been completed.
Member Vrettas stated he has not had the chance to read
the whole document. He did not feel comfortable making decisions on it at
this point, stating he did not believe the Commission has had enough time to
think it through.
Moved by Vrettas, seconded by Hoadley, CARRIED
UNANIMOUSLY: To postpone further comment and action on the Site Plan
Development Manual document until January 22, 1997.
Member Bononi stated she would feel more comfortable
making a decision on the motion if she knew how the other Planning
Commissioners felt about it.
Member Csordas agreed that such a critical process should
be streamlined, easier to understand and be more user friendly. He was not
comfortable making decisions on it for the reason that he has not had the
opportunity to read the entire document and understand it.
Member Markham stated she did read the Manual and the
problem she had was that there were issues that have come up in previous
meetings and at that time, had to be approved because that was what the Site
Plan Manual stated. She stated many of those items have not appeared in the
Manual and believed it partly to be, because the Commission did not get the
chance to give some feedback. She suggested tabling the issue until each
Commissioner has had the chance to review the document and list those issues
that they feel need to be changed.
Yes: Bononi, Churella, Csordas, Hoadley, Lorenzo,
Markham, Vrettas
No: None
Property located west of Novi Road, between I-96 and
twelve Mile Road for possible PD-3 Option and Preliminary Site Plan
recommendation to City Council.
Mark Young of Seiber Keast & Associates reviewed the
Revised Preliminary Site Plan for the Art Van showroom expansion. He
referred to the Site Plan, stating the most important feature was that Art
Van decided to drop its’ plans for expansion of Scott Shuptrine Furniture at
this time. Previously there had been a Phase I expansion of Art Van and a
Phase II expansion of Scott Shuptrine. The open area to the north of the
Scott Shuptrine Furniture showroom is now to be used for land banked
parking. In addition to the dedication of that space for land banked
parking, Art Van Furniture also reduced the size of its’ proposed expansion
by ten (10) feet along the north wall and thereby surrendered almost 2,000
square feet of showroom space and about 1,000 square feet of warehouse space
in order to create additional parking. Additionally, there are 24 new
parking spaces which have been created just north of Scott Shuptrine in the
land banked parking area. The Revised Site Plan meets all of the parking
requirements and negates the need for a variance from the ZBA. Deficient
green space setbacks are existing conditions on the south and east side of
the Art Van showroom to mitigate, Art Van Furniture has proposed a donation
to the City, of 23 new trees to be planted along City property, along
Karevich Drive. Additional evergreen plantings have been proposed in the
land banked parking area to further screen the truck well area for the new
Art Van Furniture showroom. Six new tree planters have been added to the
east facade to further heighten interest. Mr. Young stated the trash
compactor located between the buildings will be screened with a six foot
high masonry wall and enclosed behind wooden gates. Face brick replaces the
CMU block that was originally proposed on the west wall and display windows
have been added to both the north and south facades to increase interest of
the building. The Traffic Impact Analysis has been revised to reflect the
reduced scope of the project. Additionally, the Community Impact Assessment
has been revised to reflect the deletion of the expansion of Scott Shuptrine
Furniture. Lastly, Mr. Young pointed out that the recommendations by Michael
Evans, have been incorporated in the new revised plan and a fire department
connection along the north side of the expanded Art Van Showroom will be
moved westward so it will be within 100 feet of the existing hydrant. Two
new fire hydrants have been added, one south of Scott Shuptrine and one
south of the Art Van Furniture showroom.
Brandon Rogers, Planning Consultant stated his report
runs through the setbacks, compliance with off-street parking, green space
setback along the east and along the south as prior existing, there is
alternate green space on the site and in the area between Karevich Drive and
Novi Road. Mr. Rogers stated the building will be face brick. He commended
the applicant for many things, one of them being that they listened to the
Commission on reducing the size of the building, providing land banking,
adding considerable on-site landscaping, adding the windows on the north and
south facades and using brick on all sides. Mr. Rogers conditions on
recommending a PD-3 Option approval and Preliminary Site Plan approval are
subject to: 1) waiver by Planning Commission of deficient green space
setbacks on the south and east sides in consideration of alternate interior
green space on site and 2) approval by City Council of the PD-3 Option and
the Preliminary Site Plan.
Linda Lemke, Landscape Architect stated along the
northern edge, the applicant has added more plant material to screen the
drive coming into the shopping area. Along Novi Road they have created
almost a double buffer. The applicant has added more landscape areas
immediately adjacent to the building and added a row of evergreens in the
parking lot to screen the truck loading area. In the northwest corner, there
is a pedestrian node where there will be benches, a table and additional
plantings for the shoppers to use. Ms. Lemke stated she had met with the
applicant a couple of times on-site and she is very pleased with the
resubmittal and recommended approval.
Victoria Weber of JCK stated in review of the revised
plan for engineering feasibility she found that it continues to comply with
the design standards and recommended approval. The comments of the previous
approval letter dated November 19, 1996 still apply.
Rod Arroyo, Traffic Consultant stated it is a very low
traffic generator which is forecasted to generate 7 trips during the p.m.
peak hour and 14 trips during the Saturday peak hour. He stated furniture
stores generally are fairly low trip generators. In terms of the Site Plan
issues, many of the issues have been resolved, the parking land banking plan
has been provided and he recommended approval of the Preliminary Site Plan.
Chris Pargoff, City Forester informed the Planning
Commission, because of the power lines that exist along Novi Road, the Novi
Road trees may be the proper trees for planting in adjacency to a power
line. They may not be the tall shade trees that would normally be planted,
however, on the south, along the entryway from the existing shopping center,
there will be shade trees planted. He also stated his letter dated January
3, 1997 addresses some of the concerns he had with the plan and the fee that
will be assessed at the time of certificate of occupancy.
Chairperson Lorenzo announced she has received a letter
from Officer Anthony Swope, City of Novi Weighmaster which states: 1)
ingress and egress for demolition and reconstruction, be permitted only via
the existing entrance for Fretter off West Oaks II Access Drive, West of
Karevich Drive. This will permit for the rapid movement of the construction
equipment and supplies entering or exiting from the site. Also any mud
and/or debris being dropped will do so well clear of the busy intersection.
2) The staging of both equipment making deliveries and, the stock piling of
materials, be done on the proposed land banked area at the west end of the
project. This staging area is to be either of suitable stone or gravel or
bituminous material, so as to keep objectionable dust and debris being
tracked to a minimum.
Chairperson Lorenzo turned the Matter over to the
Commission for Discussion.
Member Markham commended everybody who worked on the
project for the last four weeks in making the adjustments. She was really
happy to see that applicant was so responsive to the comments of the
Commission for increased landscaping, smaller building size, etc. She hoped
other developers would take heed because she thought it was a job well done.
Moved by Markham, seconded by Vrettas, CARRIED
UNANIMOUSLY: To send a positive recommendation to the City Council for the
PD-3 Option, Preliminary Site Plan for Art Van Furniture SP96-38A and also
to include a green space waiver from the Planning Commission and an approval
from the Planning Commission for land banking per the appropriate sections
of the Ordinance and subject to all of the recommendations and comments of
all of the consultants.
Member Vrettas also commended the applicant.
Chairperson Lorenzo asked Member Markham if she wished to
include the green space waiver or do it separately?
Member Markham wished to include it in the motion, she
thought she included everything.
Mr. Rogers believed the Commission also had to address
the land banking. He stated they have to make a finding that the land
banking is proper as one of the findings in the Ordinance.
Member Markham also included to approve the land banking,
Sec. 2505.14, c (9) and Sec. 2505.16.
Member Hoadley agreed with the other Commissioners that
the project is an outstanding one. He stated it will compliment Twelve Oaks
as well. He stated the applicant is an example of what developers should be
doing in the City of Novi and thanked them.
Member Csordas stated the project will be a tremendous
addition to the City of Novi. He thanked the applicant on behalf of the
residents of the city, for being a good neighbor and commended them on the
development of an outstanding project.
Member Vrettas liked the fact that Art Van is taking
pride in its’ property and its’ building and stated it is showing class. He
stated this is the kind of residential community that the Commission is
working towards. He commended the applicant and thanked them.
Chairperson Lorenzo concurred with the Commissioners and
stated she appreciated all of the applicant’s cooperation and continued
commitment to the City of Novi and thanked them.
Yes: Csordas, Hoadley, Lorenzo, Markham, Vrettas, Bononi,
No: None
Property located at the northwest corner of Grand River
Avenue and Haggerty Road for possible Section 2520.4 Facade Waiver approval.
Lee Mamola explained to the Commission that the project
is a continuing work in progress project and he is presenting the facade
portion of the site plan approval. Mr. Mamola reviewed the building
elevations. He explained that the building addition is dryvit which is a
change from the previous submittal of a flat metal panel system. The change
was made because it was visually unacceptable. The 18 foot tall, 500 foot
existing building is proposed to be paneled with a type of metal panel
system that interlocks with one another. Along the entire length there will
be asphalt paving abutting into the floor line, Mr. Mamola stated this is
not a desirable situation but it was built this way 20 or more years ago.
There is a slight overhang on the existing building and its’ purpose is to
mitigate the appearance of the overhead doors which face Haggerty Road. The
ordinance does not allow this, however, after a lengthy presentation to the
ZBA, a variance was warranted to allow the overhead doors to face Haggerty
Road. The balance of the building is proposed to include dryvit material. A
top coursing is being added so the water can be caught, bringing the water
in and then out, eliminating down spouts, Mr. Mamola thought this to be an
important sense of appearance on this side of the building. He explained the
appearance of the windows to have a stepping action to give the building
more of a corporate, high-tech look which is more appropriate to the
appearance on Haggerty Road. The front of the building will be dryvit
material with horizontal detailing.
Mr. Mamola explained on the Keyford side of the building,
if the dryvit material comes down to low to the grade, in a short period of
time, the material will deteriorate due to the various conditions including
snow being plowed against it. He stated he would like to paint the block, it
is much more maintainable and would be more sightly in the long run. Mr.
Mamola stated the building has a budgetary requirement dictated by code. He
explained he can only spend 50 percent of the value of the building. The
reason is because the building is in a flood plain area. In order for the
building to be altered, he can either bring it up out of the flood plain,
raising the interior floor more than a foot or do a number of things to the
interior. These include: providing air evacuation systems, new fire
suppression system, finish the building off entirely, demolition, floor
drains, oil interceptors, etc. Mr. Mamola expressed his point being that he
is somewhat dictated by code.
Brandon Rogers deferred to Mr. Necci of JCK.
Doug Necci of JCK stated there is a vast improvement in
the overall design of the building. The change from metal panels to dryvit
serves two purposes, it helps offset some of the additional costs as well as
ties the building together. Mr. Necci stated this puts the percentage of
dryvit over the ordinance maximum, however, it is a far superior design than
the previously proposed. Mr. Necci stated it would be advantageous to put
some landscaping in the belt to break up the wall of the building. In regard
to the west wall, the percentage of metal siding appears to be within the
ordinance limits, the dryvit has been added to cover up all of the patchwork
of openings and windows. Mr. Necci agreed that all of the comments of Mr.
Mamola, in regard to the poor durability of dryvit when closely exposed to
an asphalt parking lot are valid. He stated the design is close to being in
full compliance, he recommended a waiver based on the latest design. He
suggested the specification of the height in the transition between block
and dryvit on the west wall. Mr. Necci stated the gutters and down spouts
are the most unsightly aspect of the design, he felt this has been addressed
very nicely with the interior drainage systems.
Victoria Weber of JCK had no comments regarding
Chairperson Lorenzo turned the Matter over to the
Commission for Discussion.
Member Churella felt that the facade change would make a
wonderful entranceway into the community. He stated he walked the property
and saw nothing but positives.
Member Hoadley expressed concern on the west side
regarding the height of the dryvit. He stated aesthetically, the lower the
better. He asked Mr. Mamola if he would be willing to bring it down to two
Mr. Mamola felt it should be brought down in increments
of eight inches which are the modular dimensions of a block. He answered,
yes it could be lowered to the fullest extent possible.
Member Hoadley asked for a definition. He then asked if
the parapet that is proposed to be built on the east side, will be extended
to even it out?
Mr. Mamola answered the representation on the east
elevation is what is intended to be built. He referred to the drawing,
stating there is a dotted line below the top of the building that represents
the existing parapet line.
Member Hoadley again expressed concern with the west
side, stating he would like to see dryvit all the way down on the west side
of the building for aesthetics, however, he was willing to compromise.
Mr. Mamola stated it was the opinion of the engineers
that during the winter, about 32 inches is needed and this is lower than
what was earlier proposed.
Member Csordas asked Mr. Necci for a verification in
reference to his letter dated December 18, 1996. He asked if the petitioner
has addressed his concerns as named in the final paragraph?
Mr. Necci answered the point he was trying to make in his
letter was, in taking the flat metal panels off of the south facade and
substituting E.I.F.S., he achieves the uniformity between the south and the
east, but then it is contradicted by using metal panels on the west. Mr.
Necci stated this has been solved by bringing the E.I.F.S. onto the west
wall as well. The percentage he is showing is within the ordinance and it is
less than the dryvit.
Member Csordas commended the applicant for the
modifications on the site plan, he stated it will be a tremendous
improvement to the City of Novi and expressed his appreciation to the
applicant for listening to the concerns of the Commission and the ordinance
and thanked them for the changes in their design.
Moved by Markham, seconded by Vrettas, CARRIED
UNANIMOUSLY: To grant the Section 2520.4 Facade Waiver for Mercedes-Benz of
Novi SP96-44A.
Member Hoadley again stated he would like some
specificity as to how far the dryvit will be brought down on the west side.
Mr. Mamola answered 32 inches from grade, upwards.
Yes: Hoadley, Lorenzo, Markham, Vrettas, Bononi,
Churella, Csordas
No: None
Mr. Mamola asked Chairperson Lorenzo if the Agenda would
allow the time, he would like to present an update on some of the drainage
issues, he explained if time did not allow, the Commission would see them at
the time of Final.
Chairperson Lorenzo answered, the Agenda is fairly tight,
however, the Commission appreciates the offer.
Chairperson Lorenzo announced the Commission will take a
ten minute break.
Presentation by Stuart Frankel regarding retail
opportunities in western Novi.
Stuart Frankel, 3221 West Big Beaver Road in Troy. Mr.
Frankel thanked the Commission for extending him the opportunity to discuss
retail opportunities in the City of Novi. He stated he was not seeking
rezoning for the northwest corner of Ten Mile Road and Beck Road, he would
like to discuss and share some thoughts and observations he has regarding
the demand and need for convenience neighborhood retailers in western Novi.
He defined western Novi as being an area of 16 square miles, bounded by
Eight Mile Road on the south, Twelve Mile Road on the north, Novi Road on
the east and Napier Road on the west.
He gave some history of Novi stating the city is
approximately 32 square miles with a population of approximately 41,000
people. Anticipated population within the next 15 years is between 65,000 -
70,000. He stated there is presently 2,700,000 square feet of retail space
in the city, of this space 2,300,000 or 83% of the total retail space is
within one mile. This is a combination of three developments, Town Center,
Twelve Oaks and West Oaks I & II the rest of the retail is dispersed within
the remaining portion of the City. Mr. Frankel categorized retailing into
three different types: 1) Regional Mall; which draws from an area of between
20-25 miles. The average person will frequent the shopping center
approximately once per year. The importance of the development is convenient
access to a very large trade area and to a wide population, density within
the immediate area is not important. 2) Power Site; is lower in number of
stores and size. It may have one discounter as a major anchor, a supermarket
and other satellite stores. This center typically draws from 6-10 miles and
draws from a smaller trade area, density within the immediate area is more
important. 3) Neighborhood Convenience Shopping; a center of between
20,000-150,000 square feet with a supermarket as a major anchor. This type
of center is frequented by the customer typically two to three times per
week. It draws from an area of two miles, 50% of the customer base is within
one mile of the retail development. 75% is within two miles. Mr. Frankel
asked the Commission to take these statistics into consideration as he
reviewed the existing City of Novi.
A typical city has one supermarket for every seven
thousand residents. Novi currently has one and one half supermarkets.
Because of this, 85% of the food supermarket dollar leaves the City of Novi
and travels to other surrounding communities. Mr. Frankel stated the
customer wants convenience, almost 90% of the supermarket customers come
directly from home or work, 95% leave the supermarket and go directly home.
With the change of families and dual incomes, there is a significant change
in hours and days of shopping. the primary shopping day is Saturday, the
second primary day is Sunday. The primary shopping hours are after the 9-5
rush. Stores are opening later in the morning and staying open later in the
evening to better service the customer and make it more convenient. There
are many changes within the supermarkets which include offering a wider
selection, express lanes and drive thru’s in drug stores. Mr. Frankel asked
the Commission to consider the following factors as the growth of the city
and the lack of retail opportunities is evaluated: 1) in order to service a
market, the retail opportunity must be in the middle of the market; 2) the
size of the site layout; 3) the visibility of the site; 4) access to major
arteries. Mr. Frankel stated one of the primary sites has severe
environmental problems and did not think the site could be developed under
any circumstance. I-96 is a major arterial that divides the market in half
and acts as a buffer. Mr. Frankel stated he is as concerned as a property
owner as many of the residents, although he is not a voter, he is a tax
Mr. Frankel stated retail traffic compliments residential
traffic. The bulk of the residential traffic is generated from 7:30 a.m. to
8:45 a.m. when people are traveling to work, and the reverse is true between
4:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. A retail development does not have these same hours,
therefore it is not generating additional traffic. Saturday is the busiest
shopping day and is a non-work day, this is when the roads are used least.
The combination of the two together, there is a much more even distribution
of the use of the roads.
In summary, Mr. Frankel asked the Commission to consider
the demand for retailing in western Novi. Western Novi has no supermarket,
85% of the supermarket dollar is leaving the city, 70% of the population
growth is already in that area, it needs it and it warrants it.
Chairperson Lorenzo turned the Matter over to the
Commission for any comments or questions.
Member Hoadley stated the summation that Mr. Frankel has
provided is three years old, many things have changed since his report was
done. Member Hoadley stated before he can give any kind of an informed
decision, he would disregard the report because it is not up to date. He
suggested an up to date report and a new accurate survey of the people who
live within two miles be done, before any kind of decision can be made. He
stated he is willing to keep an open mind but he was not willing to accept
the report. He stated the population was not up to date, and the report
contradicts itself on page nine, paragraph one and five, in regard to the
percentage of volume generated by two Novi stores. Member Hoadley again
requested an up to date survey if Mr. Frankel wanted to pursue this.
Member Markham agreed with Mr. Frankel that a grocery is
necessary on the west side of Novi for a lot of the reason he stated in his
report. Member Markham believed whenever possible, a resident should spend
their money in the community in which they live because it provides a
commercial tax base, keeping the property taxes and taxes to keep the
services running, low. She believed there to be the need for a full range of
services within the City of Novi so she can do most of her shopping in the
Member Markham stated Mr. Frankel has not convinced her
that Ten Mile Road and Beck Road is the proper site. She explained the
polling data in the study was not necessarily scientifically gathered and
she would like to see a more statistically or scientifically gathered set of
data to substantiate his viewpoint. She again stated she believed a grocery
store is necessary on the west side of Novi, she stated there is a need for
local services in that area.
Member Vrettas stated the presentation that Mr. Frankel
gave was about things that the Commission already knows. He stated he found
a lot of the things to be not quite true. He stated he has lived in
communities where there were only one or two supermarkets and the residents
were happy with that. He stated the fact that many communities have
supermarkets on their fringe in another community was not taken into
consideration as well as the new Meijer store on Wixom Road. Member Vrettas
asked what about human environmental concerns and referred to the residents
who have moved into the city with the knowledge that according to the city
their neighborhood is zoned residential. He expressed concern that things
stay the way they were planned because it made sense at the time. He stated
he has heard nothing that was new or nothing stating that the location is
perfect for Novi. Member Vrettas acknowledged Mr. Frankel’s comment in
regard to Ten Mile Road being Novi’s major artery. He explained that the
residents of Novi do not want it to become a major artery, therefore, it is
not going to be widened and it is not a major artery. He stated Mr. Frankel
has a long way to convince him.
Member Csordas commented that it is the charge of the
Commission to do what is best for the City of Novi and its’ citizens and to
follow the Master Plan.
Chairperson Lorenzo did not oppose a shopping center in
western Novi, she had proposed the Commission consider particular sites in
the city and suggested to Providence Hospital that they consider a
supermarket and they stated they were already doing so. She encouraged the
audience or whoever supports a supermarket at the Grand River and Beck Road
location, where Providence Hospital owns property, to make those desires
known to the City Council because she did not believe the City Council may
zone that property accordingly. Chairperson Lorenzo disagreed with Mr.
Frankel’s terminology and the way he categorized shopping centers. She
stated she looked up the definition of "destination" and it states, "the
place or point to which someone or something is going or directed." She
stated Mr. Frankel’s marketing materials state when consumers make trips for
convenience goods to a supermarket, drug store, hardware store, video store,
they are planning on a relatively short trip to a single store. She stated
he also mentioned that 62% come from home and 95% shoppers go home after
shopping, so she called this destination oriented.
Chairperson Lorenzo stated that Mr. Frankel’s information
also tells that the sheer nature of the success of a destination oriented
retail area causes a tremendous amount of traffic congestion in the vicinity
of the development. She stated the portion of the traffic study indicates
that the proposed development will draw the majority of its’ traffic on
weekends and evenings when there is less other traffic on the roadways,
therefore, having little impact on peak hour roadway operations. She stated
it will have a peak impact on the quality of life of the people in the area.
Chairperson Lorenzo stated the only way she could support a shopping center
anywhere along Beck Road other than Grand River would be if the petitioner
had the overwhelming support of the people in close proximity to that area.
She understood that Ten Mile Road and Beck Road or Eight Mile Road and Beck
Road may be an ideal trade area for a supermarket, unfortunately, it is not
ideal for the quality of life of the citizens of Novi because the character,
the surrounding environment and the atmosphere would change drastically with
the introduction of a commercial center in the heart of a residential area.
John A. Kuenzel, 23819 Heartwood supported the ideas
of Mr. Frankel, however, it was his belief that as nice as it sounds, this
is not the appropriate area.
Tim Gilberg, 24253 Warrington Court stated he lives
to the west of the site and Mr. Frankel has been around his subdivision to
speak to many of the residents. As a former Planning Commissioner he
appreciated the Commission’s support of the residents. Mr. Gilberg stated
that he and his wife do not particularly like the plan as it has been
Jim Krystoff, 47631 Greenwich Drive appreciated the
Commission’s sensitivity to the residents in the area. He agreed with the
comments of Member Vrettas stating it was not a mistake that he selected the
area he moved into. Mr. Krystoff stated he did his research on the school
systems, churches, zoning ordinances, etc. He commented to Member Markham
that some of the things she said, "scare" him.
Kevin Schwanz, 24279 Scarlet Court complimented the
Commission on how they addressed the issue. He expressed concern with the
decentralization or the loss of the community and stated there are people
who are worried about the issue of Ten Mile Road and Beck Road, homes are
going up for sale and there are other families within the subdivision that
are valued. He expressed his appreciation for the support of the Commission.
Helen Winship, 47355 Scarlet Drive North, President
of Briarwood Village North Homeowners Association stated that Mr. Frankel
met with them and showed his intentions for Ten Mile Road and Beck Road. The
Association, in turn, showed the plans to the residents who objected to the
proposed development, signed a petition and presented it to the City. The
residents expected their neighborhood to remain quiet and residential
according to the Master Plan. They also knew that they would have to travel
to a supermarket when they chose to move into the area and they do not have
a problem with it. Ms. Winship did not believe that the land originally
zoned for Residential should be rezoned for a retail development. She
suggested placing a supermarket on land that is already zoned Commercial or
similarly zoned.
Keith Szukalowski, 24281 Warrington Court commented
on Mr. Frankel’s comment that there is not enough convenience shopping in
the area. He stated there is an Arbor Drugs and a Center Street Market
across the street from the proposed property and major shopping can be done
at Meijer and Kroger. He stated when the homes were built about five years
ago, the residents who moved into them knew that there was no shopping
nearby and were willing to make the commute. Mr. Szukalowski disagreed with
the rezoning. He also commented on Mr. Frankel’s comment that the
development will not affect traffic. He stated at the Ten Mile Road and Beck
Road area, you cannot make a trip in five minutes, even on a Saturday.
Dave Hadley, 24265 Warrington Court stated he moved
to Novi in 1993 and the reason was because the according to the Master Plan,
the area met his needs. As a result of this, he stated he does not mind
traveling outside of the trade area for his needs. He stated it is more of a
convenience to him for the area to remain residential and was opposed to the
development that Mr. Frankel is proposing.
Tim McDonald, 47610 Warrington Drive was impressed
with the comments of the Commission. He stated his lot joins with Mr.
Frankel’s lot, therefore he has a vested interest in this issue. He along
with neighbors in Warrington Manor met with Mr. Frankel and reviewed the
proposal, he stated they did not like what they saw which was a strip mall,
not just a Kroger. Mr. McDonald bought his property and built his home with
the expectation and understanding that the neighbors would be people, not
commercial development. It was Mr. McDonald’s belief that his property value
and quality of life would be adversely affected by a commercial development
on the site. If the rezoning is approved, he stated he would sell his home
because he does not want to live next door to the development. To rezone the
parcel from Residential to Commercial would be fundamentally unjust to the
surrounding residents. He stated if Mr. Frankel’s parcel is rezoned it opens
the doors for other developers to follow his lead and seek similar
rezonings, setting such a precedent would make it hard for the city to turn
down developers who are seeking rezoning as he is. Mr. McDonald strongly
encouraged the Planning Commission to be pro-active on the issue of
supermarket or other retail development on the west side. A thoroughfare
study needs to be done including an updated survey to determine whether a
supermarket is even needed or wanted. If the survey concludes that there is
a need, the city should advocate for a site that follows the current Master
Plan and makes sense from the perspective of the City of Novi and all of
its’ residents.
Jill Baty, 24295 Warrington Court stated regarding
Mr. Frankel’s statistical studies, the demographics show information about a
grocery store shopper, it does not show why the citizens of Novi have chosen
the city for their community. She stated the residents do not choose a
community for the reasons of a grocery store, they choose one because of
people like those on the Commission who support a Master Plan that works.
Mark Czapski, 47226 South Scarlet Drive stated he has
lived in Briarwood Village for about four years. He stated with the rumor
going around about the big development across the street, a lot of residents
are talking about moving. Mr. Czapski commented on Member Markham’s comment
in regard to there being no good place to shop in Novi. He stated the Farmer
Jack supermarket has been remodeled, he shops there and suggested that she
try it out.
Fred Purdy, 47261 Scarlet Drive North made a
statement to Mr. Frankel. He suggested that he channel his efforts and put
some nice homes or condominiums in that area and help create the environment
that the residents would like.
Denise D. Sinkovich, 47186 Scarlet Drive South stated
she supports the City of Novi and she likes to spend her money within the
city. She took comfort in knowing that she is supported by the City
regarding this issue. She stated she met with Mr. Frankel with Briarwood
Village and felt that he was diminishing her concerns. It concerned her to
know that he was proposing a restaurant, which means drinking and driving,
therefore putting her family’s safety at risk. She stated this was a big
concern to her but didn’t seem to concern Mr. Frankel.
Chris Andrews, 23685 Meadowbrook believed that most
of the residents agree with and understand the Master Plan he was glad to
see that the Commission was not willing to change it.
Dr. Tracey Arbour, 47205 Scarlet Drive South
commended the Commission for standing up for the residents. She hoped in the
future she would not have to worry about any other type of zoning changes
that might occur.
Mark Barsamian, 47602 Greenwich reiterated what had
already been said by previous residents. He did not believe that it should
be assumed that Mr. Frankel does not know what he is talking about just
because some of his statistics are incorrect. He stated he drives a long way
to work, to buy gasoline, to buy groceries and he never gives it a second
thought, he is happy to do it. He stated he would not have moved to Novi if
he was concerned about convenience. He was not opposed to having a grocery
store on the west side of Novi, he thought if it were located in the Grand
River area it would not be detrimental to anyone.
Chuck Young, 50910 West Nine Mile Road stated he is a
life long resident of the community. He stated S.W.A.N. Southwest
Association of Novi was founded as a watchdog. He commented to Mr. Frankel
that he was up against the citizens/voters of the community and it is a
citizen/voter community. Mr. Young asked Mr. Watson to explain to Mr.
Frankel what it requires for the rezoning of the property.
Mr. Watson stated it requires the majority of the City
Council to vote on it. There is a provision in the State Zoning Enabling Act
that allows for protest petitions to be filed by adjacent property owners
when a rezoning is requested. The requirements are that 20% of any area
surrounding the area within 100 feet of the property be represented in such
protest petitions. He stated if this occurs, then it requires a 2/3 vote.
Tim Rose, 24395 Nantucket Drive stated he moved to
Novi four years ago on the strength of a city government that had a
reputation for having its’ act together and for having some strong zoning
laws. He stated this was a lifestyle choice that he made and when a parcel
is rezoned, an effect is being made on the property values of the
surrounding land as well as changing the lifestyle of the residents who have
moved there. He stated that anyone who is in support of changing the
lifestyles and property values of the surrounding land is not someone that
he will look very favorably upon.
Tammy Frizzell, 47354 Scarlet Drive North agreed with
the Master Plan and strongly believed in it. She stated she wanted to live
in a community that she shared values with and felt from talking with other
homeowners that they had the same opinion. She stated she met with Mr.
Frankel and left the meeting feeling that he did not fully understand what
Novi is all about. She stated until Mr. Frankel sways her to believe that he
is for the community, she did not feel she would agree with any plan.
Andrew Mutch, 24541 Hampton Court commented to the
residents that the City of Novi’s Planning Department is conducting a
process called Futuring which is encouraging residents to become involved
and set the future goals of the City. He read from the brochure. He
encouraged the residents to contact the Planning Department if they are
interested in becoming part of the futuring process and set the future of
Novi’s identity. He also stated if the residents are concerned about the
development of the community, any time there is any proposal to purchase
park land or open space, or any other such thing which will help preserve
some of the rural character of western Novi, he suggested that they support
it both with their vote and tax dollars. Further, he expressed concern in
regard to the PD-1 Option. He stated the action that was taken failed to
address the planning concerns that he has as well as expressed by others in
the area that is being discussed at Twelve and one half Mile Road and Novi
Road. He referred to the pages he brought forward to the Commission which
illustrated the problems in the area. It pointed out the existing wetlands,
woodlands and wooded wetlands on the property which constitutes about 50% of
the property. He stated this area has been targeted for the most intense
type of development and by looking at the environmental nature of the
property, it seems like bad planning. He stated that no industrial or
commercial developer would build there and he did not feel that the PD-1
Option was appropriate there because it does not do the job to protect the
environmental resources. Mr. Mutch stated according to the Habitat Master
Plan a major portion of the core reserve extends through the area designated
for PD-1 Option. Development of the area as the PD-1 Option would create
major intrusion and destruction of the habitat area. Mr. Mutch referred to a
memorandum from Bruce Jerome, DPW Superintendent which commented on the
condition of the infrastructure and that it cannot support the type of
development that the PD-1 Option proposes. Mr. Mutch asked the Commission to
direct the Master Plan and Zoning Committee to re-evaluate the PD-1 Option
and come forward with alternative zoning proposals that respect the land
use, the environment, acknowledge the lack of the existing infrastructure
and would propose density’s that are more in line with the existing
Trudy Stone of Briarwood Condominiums stated there
are many things in Mr. Frankel’s proposal that did not make sense to her.
She stated the number of miles that one drives to a grocery store is not a
big issue. She believed the Kroger at West Oaks was closed because a new one
was built at Twelve Mile Road and Halstead Road and it was just too old to
compete, not because it was too congested. In regard to traffic, Mr. Frankel
stated it would be handled by right and left turn lanes, it was her belief
that this would not take care of all of the traffic that the shopping would
bring to that area. She felt that the Commission should stick to its’ Master
Gail Zarancheck of Mockingbird Subdivision was
impressed with both sides of the issue. She felt the need for something on
the west side. She was aware of the new Meijer’s, however, she stated she is
a creature of habit and likes to travel away from traffic instead of into
traffic. She did not feel that the site at Ten Mile Road and Beck Road was
the appropriate site from the standpoint that the residents have made a
large investment based on what the City’s Master Plan. On the other hand,
she stated properties that are surrounded by undeveloped land should be
looked at.
Kim Hogan, Sandpiper Court in the Mockingbird Glen
Subdivision stated she just moved to Novi about 4 months ago. She was very
careful in her selection stating she looked at the wetland issues and she
wanted everything around her to be residential as the Master Plan called
out. She hoped the Commission would side with the Master Plan.
Anamaria Kazanis, 24284 Woodham Road stated that Novi
has all of the conveniences that she could want. She did not move here
looking for convenience, she saw the Master Plan before she moved to Novi
and was intelligent in her choice. She stated she did not want anyone to
change her choice for her.
Jeffrey Bowdell, 25790 Sierra stated he comes from a
community that is much older and has gone through many growing pains. He was
surprised that there wasn’t some action taken many years ago, however, from
listening to the residents he knows why. He stated there is going to be more
development on the west side. At some point, he believed that the
residential developments will have to be put somewhere because once a
mistake is made, it is very difficult to correct.
Kim Teiss of Mockingbird Glen has been a resident of
Novi for 26 years. She grew up in Novi and built her home in Novi. She hoped
the Commission would support the Master Plan so that her children can have
the kind of future that she has had in Novi.
Debbie Bundoff stated although she does not live
south of Twelve Mile Road, she does live west of Novi Road. She thought it
was great that the Commission was listening to the concerns of the
residents. She was hopeful that the area would remain residential and stated
the area that she lives in has seen well over ten Master Plan and/or Zoning
changes in just twelve parcels of land.
Chairperson Lorenzo asked if anyone else would like to
address the Commission? Seeing no one she closed the Audience Participation
and thanked everyone for their patience, attendance and participation.
Member Markham reiterated her comments of earlier. As a
shopper, she felt the need for a grocery store in western Novi. She is not
convinced that Ten Mile Road and Beck Road is the appropriate location for a
grocery store for many of the reasons that were sited. Member Markham stated
she voted against the proposal to look at all of western Novi for the
location of a grocery store because she agreed with many of the residents
who spoke to the Commission and likes that fact that there is all of that
residential area with nothing around it. She was in strong support of a
grocery store on the Grand River Corridor area of Novi. Member Markham
explained that her intention is to keep an open mind on the issue, she
stated this is the first time she has seen Mr. Frankel’s proposal and the
residents may have more information about what he is proposing than she does
at this point. Lastly, she stated she frequents Center Street Market on a
regular basis and she likes it.
Member Vrettas agreed with the comments of Member Hoadley
and stated the problem is not with the ordinances, it is with the
enforcement. He explained to the residents that the Commission needs their
support in enforcing its’ talk.
Discussion of City Council member request to reconsider
amending the Master Plan for Land Use Map from Non Center Commercial to
Single Family Residential Property located on both sides of Old Novi Road,
south of Erma and Linhart.
Steve Cohen, Staff Planner stated the property has been
under study since April, in November the Commission voted to send a negative
recommendation for the rezoning of the area from Commercial to Residential.
The Commission also denied a Master Plan Amendment from Commercial to
Residential. Mr. Cohen reported that the City Council has rezoned the
property from Commercial to Residential and one Councilman requested that
the Planning Commission possibly reconsider their decision for the Master
Plan in that area. The impressions taken from the meeting was that it would
be rolled into the motion, however, it was not. Mr. Cohen explained that he
felt it was his duty to bring the issue back to the Commission. He stated if
the Commission wishes for it to be reconsidered, another Public Hearing can
be set up at its’ request.
Chairperson Lorenzo turned the Matter over to the
Commission for Discussion.
Member Hoadley thought the Commission should Re-Master
Plan the area because he strongly feels the area should be Residential. He
did not believe the Master Plan should be continued as it is contrary to
what the City Council feels.
Member Churella expressed his support for the rezoning.
Discussion of Master Plan and Zoning Committee
recommendation "to leave the PD-1 Option designation alone in Section 10
until there is a need to investigate the issue further."
Steve Cohen, Staff Planner stated it was sent to the
Master Plan and Zoning Committee, it was reviewed and a motion was made to
leave the PD-1 Option designation alone in Section 10 until there is a need
to investigate the issue further.
Chairperson Lorenzo turned the Matter over to the
Commission for Discussion.
Member Hoadley disagreed stating that City Council made a
motion that was made by Mitzel, seconded by Mutch, at the meeting of
September 11, 1996 which stated, "To ask Planning Commission to look at
amending or exploring environmental performance standards in the RM-1, RM-2
Districts which was recommended by the Planning Commission." The motion was
Carried Unanimously. Member Hoadley stated that several Commissioners
recommended removing the PD-1 at one time and believed the Commission to be
unanimous on the issue. He stated the area is environmentally sensitive,
City Council has directed the Commission and he believed they should do it.
Member Vrettas stated he was for removing the PD-1
Option, then he became unsure of his position and pulled back. He explained
that he did not realize how environmentally sensitive the area was until
Andrew Mutch provided information to the Commission. Member Vrettas stated
he has flip flopped back and forth and thought the Commission should look at
Member Bononi stated after devoting a lot of personal
time to the issue, she did realize how environmentally sensitive Section 10
was. She did not see a big issue with removing PD-1 from Section 10 unless
the Commission has something else to replace it with. She saw no reason at
this point, that would require the attention of the Commission until there
is a need to investigate it further, this was the main reason she voted for
the motion and it passed.
Member Hoadley asked if the Commission was going to
ignore the direction from City Council?
Chairperson Lorenzo stated it has been referred to the
Implementation Committee and it has not been addressed as yet.
Member Bononi explained this was her point, to leave the
PD-1 Option designation alone in Section 10 until such time that the
Commission has something else and she would like to be guaranteed that there
is something else.
Member Hoadley agreed with Member Bononi.
Chairperson Lorenzo stated she would get rid of it. The
only thing PD-1 does is increase density and it allows five stories. She
explained that sometimes the building height may have some flexibility but
the allowance of the density defeats it, no matter how much the building
goes up, the density still causes it to build out. She saw absolutely no
purpose in having PD-1 other than to increase density.
Member Vrettas stated he remembered a conversation with
Member Hoadley regarding the number of apartment units in Novi versus the
surrounding areas. He stated that Novi, one the average, has more apartments
than all of the surrounding cities.
Member Hoadley stated 50% of Novi’s population live in
high density zoned areas.
Member Vrettas stated his point was, why does Novi need
to have any more?
Member Hoadley agreed.
Chairperson Lorenzo stated without PD-1 the property
still remains RM-1.
Mr. Rogers clarified that most of the property is R-A and
the Sasoon property is RM-1.
Chairperson Lorenzo stated R-A with a PD-1 Option.
Moved by Vrettas, seconded by Hoadley, CARRIED
UNANIMOUSLY: To remove the PD-1 Option in Section 10.
Mr. Hoadley asked if this included the Sasoon property?
Chairperson Lorenzo stated there is no point in including
the Sasoon property because it is already done.
Mr. Rogers stated it becomes a Non Conforming Use.
Mr. Watson reminded the Commission that they are talking
about a change to the Master Plan so they are not just going to make a
motion. He stated if the Commission is contemplating any action on the
issue, it would be to ask the Consultants to prepare a report on it and send
it for a Public Hearing.
Moved by Vrettas, seconded by Hoadley
Yes: Bononi, Churella, Csordas, Hoadley, Lorenzo,
Markham, Vrettas
No: None
Report from Brandon Rogers, Planning Consultant regarding
history and recommendation for future zoning of area, per Planning
Commission’s request.
Brandon Rogers, Planning Consultant did not recommend
rezoning the two lots. He thought the history research was clear that the
property has been zoned and planned for Commercial or Industrial for many
years. He stated in 1955 when the house was built, it was legitimate even
though the zoning was C-2 because it permitted residential in the C-2
District. Subsequently in the 60's the zoning changed where a house could
not be built, therefore, it is a legal Non Conforming Use.
Chairperson Lorenzo stated Mr. Roger’s is recommending
that the Commission do nothing.
Member Hoadley agreed.
Chairperson Lorenzo stated the Commission will not take
any action on this item at this time.
Andrew Mutch, 24541 Hampton Court thanked the
Commission for the action they took. He expressed concern when looking at
the Master Plan, he suggested not to exclude Debbie Bundoff’s property from
the PD area because he felt it was an example of bad zoning. He stated it is
not just an environmental issue, he thought the PD-1 Option provides no
environmental protection so from a Master Planning and Zoning viewpoint,
there are options such as a Cluster Development or a Preservation Option
that could provide better environmental protection. He thought the Master
Plan Amendment shouldn’t just be to remove the PD-1 Option, but also to look
at some other zonings such as some Low Density Residential zoning such as
R-1 which would be consistent with the surrounding properties. He did not
think going from PD-1 to RM-1 would be the solution, he thought the solution
was Low Density Residential.
Chuck Young, stated he has been a resident of Novi
for half of his life, he has become real involved and likes the community.
He stated it is very disturbing to him to see the residents of Novi have
different opinions. He stated in a public forum, every instrument should be
represented and every faction should be considered. He stated he has set up
an appointment with the Mayor and the City Manager and he is going to
question some of the Committees. He stated that Commission and vision are
extremely important in Novi, but does the Committee represent a true faction
of what is going on in the community? He did not know. He noticed a lot of
things being "steam rolled" through. He stated the residents are being told
what they need, they come to the Commission and tell them what they don’t
want, Mr. Young stated he is going to find out why bad things are happening
to good people in a public forum.
Jeffrey Bowdell, 25790 Sierra stated his community
had the national record for owner occupied properties in the 1970 census.
Today it is looking at doing some things through the building department and
inspection services because they are being overwhelmed with rental
properties. He thought it to be because for whatever reason there is not a
good blend of any type of Commercial. It was his
opinion that some kind of changes must occur at some point. He stated the
developers are not going to want to stop building more and more. He stated
long term, it will hurt the residents who attempt to retire in Novi if they
don’t get driven out by taxes, because all of the residential will cost tax
Debbie Bundoff was unhappy with the decision of the
Commission regarding the PD-1 Option. She hoped that the Commission reads
the PD Option and understands it. She stated in regard to protection for the
environmental aspects, it states in the ordinance not to bother any
wetlands, if a tree is taken down, put another one up. She stated it was
unfortunate to think that after all of the meetings, that the Commission is
going to even consider even doing anything again. She stated to do anything
would be premature and asked the Commission to leave the area alone until
there is actually concrete building ready to take hold.
Chairperson Lorenzo stated she appreciated Ms. Bundoff’s
comments, but unfortunately when the Commission waits until that point, it
is too late, this is what happened with Society Hill. She explained that the
Commission has to plan prior to a development coming in.
Moved by Hoadley, seconded by Markham, CARRIED
UNANIMOUSLY: To adjourn the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission at
11:45 p.m.
Yes: Bononi, Churella, Csordas, Hoadley, Lorenzo, Markham, Vrettas
No: None
Steven Cohen - Staff Planner
Transcribed by: Diane H. Vimr
January 24, 1997
Date Approved: February 05, 1997