View Agenda for this Meeting View Action Summary for this Meeting REGULAR MEETING -- ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Proceedings had and testimony taken in the matters of ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS at City of Novi, 45175 West Ten Mile Road, Novi, Michigan, on Tuesday, July 17, 2001.BOARD MEMBERS ALSO PRESENT: REPORTED BY: MR. CHAIRMAN: At this time I would like to call the Zoning Board of Appeal meeting to order. Madam Secretary, would you call the roll, please. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Bauer? MEMBER BAUER: Present. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Brennan? MEMBER BRENNAN: Present. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Fannon? MEMBER FANNON: Here. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Gray? MEMBER GRAY: Present. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Gronachan? MEMBER GRONACHAN: Present. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Reinke? MR. CHAIRMAN: Here. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Sanghvi? MEMBER SANGHVI: Present. MR. CHAIRMAN: We have a full board before us tonight, so all cases heard will be final. Zoning Board of Appeals is a hearing board empowered by the City charter to hear appeals
seeking variances in the application of the Novi zoning ordinance. It takes a vote of at least four members to approve a variance request and a vote of majority of the members present to deny a variance. The board consists of six members. Unless there's six members of this full board, any and all decision made will be final. Are there any additions, changes or corrections to the agenda? Sarah, you talked about a couple cases. SARAH MARCHIONI: Yeah. Number two and three will be switched. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. MEMBER BRENNAN: Mr. Chairman? MR. CHAIRMAN: Mr. Brennan? MEMBER BRENNAN: This is probably a good time to do this. I'm -- as a resident, I'm personally involved in two cases on tonight's agenda, the Ten and Beck and also the Comerica, and I will not be participating and I'll leave the room at the time.
MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay, Mr. Brennan. In the first case, since I was absent at last month's meeting, I'm going to turn that case over to Mr. Fannon to continue on finishing that case so I have the same board members reviewing the cases they had at the last meeting. Any other changes or corrections to the agenda? MR. SAVEN: Mr. Chairman, I'd like to add, if at all possible, I'd like to combine case number four and five together as they both -- depending on one another, so if we could do that it would be appreciated, make things go a little bit easier. Also I'd like to point out, with us tonight I'd like to welcome Cheryl James. She's a court reporter who's going to be with us through this evening. We're going to give this a shot, see how things go, and if it goes well we're going to consider. MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Mr. Saven. Any further corrections? If not, I'd accept a motion to approve the agenda as changed or corrected.
MEMBER GRONACHAN: So moved. MEMBER GRAY: Second. MR. CHAIRMAN: All those in favor signify by saying aye? (Vote was held.) MR. CHAIRMAN: Minutes from the July 5th meeting, any additions or corrections to those minutes? MR. SAVEN: Would be the June 5th meeting, sir. MR. CHAIRMAN: What's that? MR. SAVEN: Would be the June 5th meeting? MR. CHAIRMAN: Yes. MEMBER FANNON: Mr. Chairman, I have one change. On page four of the minutes, this is minor, but at the third paragraph where it says that I spoke to Mr. Storm, I think it was Mr. Brennan who has said that. He was the chairperson at that time. I'm sure I would never had said anything like this. It's Mr. Brennan. MR. CHAIRMAN: Any other changes or corrections? Hearing none, the chair will
entertain a motion in the case -- or in the -- to approve the minutes as corrected. MEMBER BAUER: Move to accept the minutes as corrected. MEMBER FANNON: Second. MR. CHAIRMAN: Been moved and seconded to approve the minutes as corrected. All those in favor signify by saying aye. (Vote was held.) MR. CHAIRMAN: Opposed? (Vote was held.) MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. At this time it is a public remarks section. If there's anyone who would like to address the board, we would assume and prefer that you would address each case as they come up, but if there is somebody in the audience that has something they wish to address the board on that is not on one of our cases tonight, they can step forward at this time. Seeing none, we'll close the public remarks section and I will turn the meeting over to Mr. Fannon for continuation of case 01-034.
CASE NUMBER 01-034 MEMBER FANNON: Okay. The way we left this case off is that we had asked the city attorney to take the minutes and to present to the board members who participated in the case at the last meeting a proposed findings and determination, and I'm assuming that the people who were here last month, which is all of us, have had a chance to review this. I'm assuming, again, and maybe we can get some legal advice, that the purpose is to read this and if we agree with it or don't agree with it, to make changes to it and vote on it. MR. SCHULTZ: Exactly. MEMBER FANNON: That's the purpose of bringing this back up to tonight. So with that I would open it up to the board members to find out if there is anything that you disagree with as it relates to this proposed findings and determination, any changes, discussions before we take any action on it. MR. SCHULTZ: Mr. Chair? MEMBER FANNON: Yes. MR. SCHULTZ: On page nine, I think
it would not be inappropriate if the Chair would like to have the proponent be given an opportunity to comment. I'm sure that she's been given a copy of the finding. MEMBER FANNON: Okay. Maybe we should do that first. The petitioner, I see, is here. Would you like to make any comments regarding -- we're assuming you have a copy? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I do. MEMBER FANNON: And would you like to speak to us to see -- to tell us what you think of what this- UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: (Interposing) I just have some brief comments. First, I'm going to renew the objection I made on the evening of June 5th when you referred this matter to the city attorney to prepare findings, because I still believe that it was the board's job to make their own findings that evening after hearing our case and to make a decision that evening based on their finding. I also want to add that to the extent that you did ask the city attorney to prepare these
findings for you, that it probably -- if that is appropriate at all, it would have been more appropriate to also ask us to also provide you with some proposed findings and truly review both and make your decision that way. I object to much that are in the findings because I find them more to be conclusions of law rather than findings of fact and not to be really reflective of the record. I believe there are some inaccuracies in the sense that they're not really findings of fact. And I was just wondering if the board -- if everyone did review the findings before tonight's meeting? MEMBER GRONACHAN: Yes. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Other than that, I guess I have nothing else to say. I also -- well, I do want to know, I guess, if it's -- if I can talk to Mr. Schultz, whether you consider tonight to be a final decision, which would -- if we're going to appeal this decision, are you going to take the position that it should be from tonight's meeting, or are you going to then approve -- I mean, you're going
to approve these minutes in the future, and I just wonder what position you would take. MEMBER FANNON: Mr. Schultz, I -- go ahead. MR. SCHULTZ: Okay. I guess, preliminarily, again, these are -- these aren't findings at all until this board makes them. If the board chooses to adopt these findings or amendments to these findings, that will be the board's action, and the time for appeal will be a typical -- appeal from that decision. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Which would be from the day- MR. SCHULTZ: (Interposing) Be when the minutes are approved from tonight's decision, yeah. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Okay. Thank you. MEMBER FANNON: Board members? I agree with Mr. Schultz. I don't think that we're approving his findings. I think we're approving our own findings based on whether we agree with what was typed up or not, the changes. So, I mean, this is our action tonight. We didn't take any
action the last meeting on the variance itself. So -- if there are no changes or additions or suggestions to change this finding and determination by the board, the Chair would entertain a motion to adopt these findings and determination as proposed -- or as written in front of you. MEMBER BAUER: I so move that the things that are in front of us be approved. MEMBER SANGHVI: Second. MEMBER FANNON: There's a motion and a second. I just want to ask Mr. Schultz one other question. By approving these findings that we have read, is the variance, therefore, denied? Does it actually say that in these -- I'm trying to make sure that the -- that the action the board is taking is not only adopting the findings and the determination but the request for the variance is hereby denied? MR. SCHULTZ: Would be a motion to deny based upon the findings that have been presented to the board. MEMBER FANNON: I think I just made
that. You're supporting that, that's what I thought was happening. Okay. If there is no further discussion on the -- we'll take a roll call. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Bauer? MEMBER BAUER: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Sanghvi? MEMBER SANGHVI: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Fannon? MEMBER FANNON: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Gray? MEMBER GRAY: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Gronachan? MEMBER GRONACHAN: Yes. MEMBER FANNON: Variance is denied and we -- we'll probably be looking at this in the minutes of the next meeting, I would assume, to approve those- UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: (Interposing) Thank you. MEMBER FANNON: Okay. I'm no longer the Chairperson.
CASE NUMBER 01-054 MR. CHAIRMAN: At this time we'd like to -- we're going to jump ahead to case number three, case number 01-054 filed by Gary Gottschalk representing Comerica 2-29 well. Sir? BILL HORN: Good evening, Mr. Chairman. MR. CHAIRMAN: Would you be sworn in by our secretary, please. BILL HORN: I will do that. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Could you raise your right hand? Do you swear that the matter before you, that the testimony that you're about to give in this case, is true? BILL HORN: Yes, I do. MR. CHAIRMAN: Sir, would you present your case. BILL HORN: Mr. Chairman, my name is Bill Horn. I'm appearing on behalf of Somoco this evening. With me are Gary Gottschalk, vice-president of Somoco, as well as Tim Baker, the operations manager of Somoco.
I'm going to present a summary of our application to be able to try and answer any questions you have. These gentlemen are more adept at answering the technical questions related to the operations than I am, and I may refer to them in that regard. Somoco is seeking a variance from this board to allow for the drilling of an oil/gas well on residentially zoned property. We provide an extensive narrative discussing this proposal, the operating parameters, the safety features, what we have been doing at this site before, charted the characteristics of the site. We provided data showing the lack of impacts that would result from this type of activity. I'm not going through those in detail. We will be relying on them but I will summarize them and make a few points in the part of our case this evening. Let me start off by telling you one thing we are not asking for. We are not asking for an authorization or a permit to actually drill this well. That authority lies with the Department of
Environmental Quality and through Chapter 23 of the State's ordinances of the city council. That statute -- the statute, the State level and the city's ordinance, details specific setback requirements, safety requirements, operational requirements, all of which will be dealt with through the issuance of permits by those bodies. We're here before you to tonight is really a pure land use question; should we be granted a variance to drill this well in a residential district. Let me run through your ordinance structures a bit because of the interrelationship between two different sections of your code. You have the zoning ordinance which is applicable, and you have Chapter 23 of the City's Code of Ordinances which deals with oil and gas wells. Under the zoning ordinance, Section 2508 allows for certain types of uses specified in that section to be permitted in any district or not -- they aren't limited to any specific district. One of those uses in Section 7 is oil and gas drilling facilities, and it makes sense not
to define those in a zoning ordinance to any particular history because oil and gas is found where it is, it pays no attention to zoning districts, municipal districts, state lines, et cetera. 2508 sub 7 provides that oil and gas drilling facilities shall be permitted subject to the requirements of Chapter 23 of the Novi Code of Ordinances. Chapter 23 provides for city council approval of the drilling permit for oil and gas facilities. So why are we here in front of the Zoning Board of Appeals? According to the city attorney, language found earlier in the section 2508, the uses specified in that section are not allowed in any residential district. So, accordingly, we've been told we need a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals to locate this well in a residential district. The property I'm speaking about is located south of Ten Mile Road and east of Wixom Road. Why should a variance be granted? I
want to make four points. The first two are fairly obvious, and I'm not going to go into detail with them. The last two I will discuss in more detail. First of all, oil and gas is a unique resource type of land. It can only be used if it is reached by some sort of drilling. Oil and gas is located where it is without any involvement of the City of Novi, without any involvement of Somoco. It is where it is. It does not limit itself to any particular zoning district or any other municipal body. In this particular case, the reservoir which we have identified, and have actually drilled one well into, is located entirely beneath residentially zoned property. And the only way to reach this reservoir with the well is to locate the service facility on or within a residentially zoned district. That way this is a very unique circumstance. Your zoning covers the area where the reservoir is as well as adjacent areas from which we could drill from a surface site. And it's all zoned residential. We need to drill a second well into
this reservoir for two reasons. One, it will allow us to recover hydrocarbons which, if we don't drill the well at this time, we will not be able to recover from this reservoir. Secondly, a reason for granting the variance along with the second well is it will shorten the time that we will need to produce the hydrocarbons from this reservoir into one well. Now, I'll talk a little more in detail on that in a minute. The other point I want to cover in a minute is why there's no impact to public health, safety, welfare for the public by this particular proposal. We're going to be drilling from a common drill site. There's already one well there. There has been since 1992. This is a large parcel, mostly wetlands, a lot of buffer between the adjoining parcels. The history of development out there will confirm that there has been no impact from that well on any of the adjoining properties or on any interest that the City has to protect, nor will the second well impact those. Final point, and I'll just mention
now and get into is, in fact, surrounding area of this well is now owned by the City of Novi, so this area will not be developed as residential property. In fact, I believe the -- or I understand the City of Novi has an option to purchase the well site itself, particular area where the well is located, and the second well would be located once production is done, which is another reason why we should be allowed to drill the second well so we can complete operation soon. Let me briefly go through the history of Somoco's development in the city, at least with regard to the Comerica 1-29 well. If the history demonstrates that you can locate an oil and gas well in a residential district safely without incident and without impact to any adjoining properties or the public interest in any way. Also, the history demonstrates that questions you may have about granting the variance, or the concerns, have already been answered by the City in approving the first well. And then looking at what the City was deciding before the first well was drilled, the
history indicates it was correct in finding there would be no impact. That history can be implied to the second well proposal and the conclusion be drawn that there will be no impact from the second well located on this property. In the early '90s, Somoco came before this Zoning Board of Appeals and the city council seeking approval to drill the well. There were many hearings, many hearings. The City hired its own experts to advise it about this proposal. This was the first time in the city a well was going to be drilled in a residential district. After those hearings, with the advice of your consultants, the Zoning Board of Appeals issued a variance allowing the drilling of the well on this residentially zoned property, this area of property we're talking about. City council also issued its permit allowing for the drilling. Implicit in these approvals is the finding by the Zoning Board of Appeals, and the council should act -- there would be no impact to any interest that this board or the city council is designated to protect.
And, in fact, history bore this out. Comerica well was drilled, completed and put into operation in 1992. There have been no problems with that well since. We have asked the City for records of any complaints made regarding operation of that well. The only complaint that was made was a complaint in 1992 relating to noise during the drilling process. The fire department investigated and no action was taken. After that, there's no record of any complaints made regarding operations at this site. 1997, City of Novi's manager, Mr. Streetwall (ph), was quoted in the Detroit Free Press discussing this well site, first well. He stated that when the application process was ongoing there was a lot of concern regarding this and a lot of discussion about the well, but once the well was drilled everybody forgot about it and didn't notice it. It's been operating without problems since 1992. So the issues and concerns that this board should be concerned with really can be evaluated in light of the history from the first well. No impact has been created, no issues have
been raised, no complaints have been submitted to the City. Additionally, the materials we submitted to you is a study by an appraiser. We asked this appraiser to take a look at the potential impact on market values of residential properties adjoining an oil and gas well. Not just any oil and gas well, the existing one on this property. She looked at it, she studied changes in the market, sales of property, concluded that there was no impact on the residential property values, whether existing home sales or new development and sale of new homes, caused by the Comerica 1-29 well, the existing well. I'd also note terms of impact on property values a letter I reviewed -- form of letters that Echo Valley Homeowners Association submitted, which I believe they were intending to raise this point of some criticism about the proposal, that they identified six housing developments which, apparently, are going to be built near to this site. I don't view that as a criticism. I
view that as indication that this board was right before, and the city council was right, that having a well located in a residential district does not impact residential values, does not impede residential property development. These developers would not be developing these properties nearby if there was an impact flowing from the existing well. So what history confirms is that the City made the right decision in allowing the first well to be drilled in a residential history, there has been no off-site impact from that well, and that history can be applied to this proposal for a second well. You can find that there will be no impact from the drilling of a second well. Why do we need a second well? Let me get into a little bit of the technical part of this. We need a variance for the second well because we still can't reach this reservoir to produce the hydrocarbons that are there from a non-residentially zoned parcel. There has not been change in zoning designations of parcels which would allow us to reach it from nonresidential
property. So we still need to drill from a residential site. The site we're on is a perfect site, approximately seventy-five acres covered by our lease, not going to be developed, mostly wetland, heavy trees, well buffered visually, aesthetically, sound-wise from adjoining properties. The City now controls all of the surrounding acreage, except the basic five acre parcel where the well hit is, and they will obtain that -- or this is a good exercise option to purchase it once we are done out there. We need a second well, in fact, to produce several -- approximately 385 to 485,000 barrels of hydrocarbons which are in this reservoir which the first well cannot produce. Let me talk about that. You may think that the reservoir where this oil and gas exists is like a cavern, a hollow pool in the ground. It is not. This is a sample of Niagran rock, a reservoir rock. This is the type of rock into which the existing well bore penetrates, in which the oil is being produced from the existing well. It's rock. It's solid fossilized corral rock.
As you can probably infer, you drill a well into this, depending on the shape and configuration of that reservoir, where your bottom hole location ends up may not necessarily allow you to extract the hydrocarbons from that entire reservoir. It's not a pool where you just drill to the bottom of the lowest depth and let everything fall down to it and suck it dry. You have to locate the bottom hole so, given the permeabilities and the configurations of this reservoir, you can extract as much as possible. In Tab D of the materials that we submitted with their application, you'll see a diagram of the reservoir and the relative drainage. The existing well is located in that reservoir, and the drainage to the second well for penetrating this reservoir would allow. Now, you can see that the second well will allow us to produce hydrocarbons that we will not be able to recover if we don't put in the second well. We did try to use the first well, Board, to recover additional hydrocarbons. Last
year we reentered that well bore, using some newer technology, drilled horizontal bore holes at the bottom of that well, fanning out into the reservoir. We could not, though, drill them far enough in order to extract all of the hydrocarbons that are in that reservoir, again, given the location of the existing well bores, the bottom, and the configuration of that reservoir. So we need to have a second well put in to get the hydrocarbons. We calculated the materials. Actually, the calculations were made by petroleum engineer. 485,000 barrels of hydrocarbons can be recovered by the second well. If we were not able to drill the second well, the first well would continue to produce for a number of years, and its production would decline, but it would start to pull some of the hydrocarbons from the area of the reservoir -- into which we seek to put the second well. It would pull some of those hydrocarbons towards it, approximately a hundred thousand barrels, leaving 385,000 barrels in the ground that would not be recovered.
That's a waste of a needed resource, a resource which allowed everybody here to come to this hearing tonight, which keeps the lights on. So we're asking for a variance to allow us to recover this needed resource. There's another aspect about the second well and the need for it that I want to bring up, and that is that point I just raised about the first well being able to produce some of the hydrocarbons from the other part of the reservoir. It can do that, but the rate would be low enough that it will extend the life of operations at that site substantially. If we are allowed to put in a second well to the spot where this hydrocarbons are more centrally located, we'll be able to shorten operations by approximately 20 years. We've submitted, again, an analysis by petroleum engineer setting forth his calculations. So besides allowing us to recover the additional resources, which is of benefit to us, yes, but it is also of benefit to the publics. Without the hydrocarbons we would be sitting in the
dark here if we were here at all. It will allow this property to be freed up sooner, put back into use as originally residentially zoned, or particularly put into use the -- entire parcel put into use, whatever the purpose the City has in mind. I think in conclusion, points I want to make are this: We are asking to be granted a variance in relation to a use in a residential district which is otherwise not allowed. We have demonstrated this type of a use in a residential district does not have any extra maladies, any adverse impacts. Demonstrated this by production history from 1992. We will be using the newest technology, the newest safety measures. New regulations are actually in place since the drilling of the first well. We believe that granting the variance will allow the recovery of this needed resource and have the additional benefit of putting this property back into whatever use the City has in mind once we're done. Once we're done with our production, then our lease is done, we have no more right to
stay on the property. I'd be happy to answer any questions you have. MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. At this point in time I'd like to ask if there is anyone in the audience who would like to have input into this case? Sir, back there, would you please step forward. Would you give your name and address to our secretary? FRANK BRENNAN: Good evening, Chairman and board members. My name is Frank Brennan. I am the president of Echo Valley. I have been so in that capacity since about 1984. I would -- couple quick points. You do have a letter from me -- I believe it's in your packet of June 14th -- that outlines our general feelings. I've asked residents who were in concurrence with this to send that in. I hope you got some. I think you do. For these gentlemen to sit here from Grand Rapids and to assume that we've had no issues is not correct. As I told the Planning Commission
last year, we've had smell problems since day one. Our order -- our sequence of events when we have an odor problem is to call the fire department. Now, if you could imagine, you've got a poof of stinky gas in the air. How long does that stick around? Certainly not long enough for Chief Lenahan to come out in his truck 20 minutes later and stand in your driveway and see if he smells it. So we've been living with the smell. Secondly, I think it's ludicrous for these guys to suggest that all this local development has gone on with all of the realtors telling potential buyers oh, by the way, right there at Ten and Beck, a little bit west, is an oil well, just wanted you to know that. Of course they're not going to tell them. They gave you a list of reasons why this make sense, and let me give you a couple reasons why it doesn't. First of all, this board, ZBA, granted a special land use in 1991. If you grant a second variance, you've now doubled the scope of this land use. You double the risk to the city, fire, police, residents.
It extends the timetable. We expected these guys to be out of here in ten years. You know what? They're almost there. You give another variance, you know where we sit. It'll be here twenty more years. It provides no revenue to the City, no taxes. And the site's still residentially zoned. Now, the ZBA and the city council did not stamp this thing with a vote of approval. Believe me. I've got the videos. This was done, as Mr. Pope said, back in 1992 with a litigation shotgun to his head. The city council did not want to grant this permit. Now I'll give you the reasons why to say no. Since 1991, west of Beck Road there's three new subdivisions, couple hundred homes. West of Beck Road on the south side there's two new subdivisions. There's a child day care center right across the street from this place. And the City has found it okay to build a fire station, not to mention that the Ogden Lake development is right across the street, million dollar homes. I would suggest this is an
appropriate time to say no. There are changes in the scope, there's changes in the area since 1991. The use variance requires an affirmative finding by the board under five conditions. The first is the property cannot be reasonably developed for its permitted use. This can be developed. This property can be developed R1. We've developed a lot tougher sites than this in this town than this site. Number two, the requested variance is based on unique circumstances related to the subject property. Yeah, it's got oil underneath it. There's oil all over this city, and there's oil all over this state, but they're running low. Number three, the variance will not alter the essential character of the area. Well, I think it does significantly now, in 2001 especially. We got another thousand residents living out there. Number four, the variance is not based on -- hardship. It sure was. They pounded pavement all over, found the well, knew that it was on R1, and fought the system and got that first well, so it was.
Finally, the variance will ensure that the spirit of the zoning ordinances will observe public safety, secured substantial justice done. I say it would be a substantial injustice for you to grant another variance. Thank you. MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Is there anyone else in the audience who would like to input into this case? Can we have your name and address, please. SHIRLEY O'CONNELL: My name is Shirley O'Connell. I reside 24047 Hartwood, which is the westerly road of Echo Valley subdivision. Good evening, Chairman and board members. I was here in 1991 and opposed the oil well then. And if I recall, there was a team of lawyers and it was kind of intimidating with a court reporter provided by them to listen to all of our testimony. But they had, at that time, said it would be approximately seven years that the oil well would be producing. And it does have smells.
I guess we just don't all call every time the smell is there. But now they're talking twenty years. I don't know where they got the feasibility of seven years ten years ago. The improved time testing should have told them, but I won't know. Anyway, that's what we were told, it was approximately seven years they would be drilling and they're still there. They had requested a special use permit, and I still believe the danger -- potential danger is still there. I -- if I -- can I question them as to where they'd be pumping to the pipeline that comes down the Detroit Edison? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Yeah. We have the same pipeline. The well is actually produced on industrial property. SHIRLEY O'CONNELL: And piped over- UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: (Interposing) And that's near the -- ironworks. And all this is present along the eighty acre property parcel wetland area. There's just two pump jacks there, pipes coming out of the ground, two pump jacks --
well, one pump jack right now. What we're proposing is another well head or pipe out of the ground with an additional pump jack within an area of approximately a hundred and fifty by a hundred and fifty feet. We would absolutely going in there- SHIRLEY O'CONNELL: (Interposing) So we would have the potential danger- MR. SAVEN: (Interposing) Mr. Chairman, can he identify himself, please. MR. CHAIRMAN: Yes. GARY GOTTSCHALK: Gary Gottschalk. I'm vice president of Somoco. MR. SAVEN: Thank you, sir. MR. CHAIRMAN: I'd like to call the direction to the board. If there's a question, we can raise that. SHIRLEY O'CONNELL: I guess my question is, is there still a potential -- a hazardous potential on this whole pipeline that comes along and below all of the residential property? Is it not -- can you ask him, is still -- it still remains a hazardous condition
that we'll have to endure for 20 more years. In the event that anything -- there's a possibility of an explosion? MR. CHAIRMAN: You're gonna -- I guess the question is, you're going to be using the existing pipeline, correct? SHIRLEY O'CONNELL: We've lived with this for ten years now. GARY GOTTSCHALK: Yes, we'd use the existing pipeline that's currently in place. SHIRLEY O'CONNELL: So we have a potential again for another 20 years of this hazard hanging over our head? MR. CHAIRMAN: That's what they're indicating I guess. SHIRLEY O'CONNELL: Okay. And then I had one more thing. I thought in '91 we had come to an agreement with Somoco that they would test -- we all have -- we have well water in Echo Valley. We all live on wells. And I thought they had an agreement that they would provide protection for us by testing and paying for testing of well water. To my knowledge, not one well has been tested, but I could be wrong, but I -- I'm --
I'd ask them if they have ever tested any wells for contamination during the process and after of the drilling. Thank you. MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Anyone else in the audience? Sir? HARMON ZEFFER: My name is Harmon Zeffer, and I'm living on 24018 Angel Drive in Echo Valley. I'm speaking for myself and Andron, my wife. We moved over a year from Germany, like, two-and-a-half years ago, and we have selected Novi as place to live because just a really -- a great developed town. If, seriously, we would have known that there is, like, a heavy industrial operation right close to the house that we bought, like, more than two years ago, I think we would choose to consider our decision. This is the only remark. The other remark is, I'm an engineer, so I'm hearing the argument that this is, like, a valued resource. Those are, like, 380,000 barrels? Just make a quick math. This supplies
Michigan for two weeks gasoline. So much to being a valuable resource, so two weeks. On the other hand, the vacuum that it produces could drop down our subdivision by up to four feet. And as I come from Germany, I've seen homes disappear from the ground because back in the -- up to the '60s of last century, there was some coal mine and house disappeared, or there was some inch cracks, like two, three-inch cracks in the homes. And I seriously don't want to see this in Novi. Thank you. MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Is there anyone else in the audience who would like to input into this case? TIM MEDANSKI: Good evening, Mr. Chairman, board members. My name is Tim Medanski, address 23910 Woodham Drive. We at that address no longer want to receive the royalty checks that we have received in the last seven years. We do not want a well -- a new well underneath our home, and we would ask that you respect our mineral rights that belong underneath our homes.
And explanations that were given earlier on behalf of the pros and cons of what could take place in the extraction of these hydrocarbons, it's strictly up for debate at this point in time, but I just ask you to keep, if you would, unanimously or however you choose, to deny this variance on behalf of the residents who have spoken here tonight of Echo Valley. Thank you. MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Anyone else that would like to input into this case? Hearing none, we'll close the audience input at this time. The building department? MR. SAVEN: No comment, sir. MR. CHAIRMAN: Board members, further comments or discussions or questions? One moment, if I might interrupt. There were -- Sarah, I'm kind of confused a little bit on this. It says there were two notices sent and nineteen objections. SARAH MARCHIONI: Yeah. Only two properties were within three hundred feet, but Mr. Brennan, the president of the homeowners, sent
out the letters, and so -- everyone from that. MR. CHAIRMAN: For clarification, there were two official notices sent out, but we did receive -- if you'd like to present, we can accept that at this time, that a objection to this or -- TONY PERCY: My time is Tony Percy. MR. CHAIRMAN: Would you please come up to the podium. TONY PERCY: Members of the board, my name is Tony Percy, and I reside at 48175 Sealwood. We've lived there for over 28 years, so we have the same problem with the well when it was first put in. I think the lady over here, Sarah, said that she's only received two letters stating that they don't want variance. MR. CHAIRMAN: Let me correct that point. There were two letters sent to adjacent property owners. There were nineteen objections received. TONY PERCY: Ah. Okay. Is our names all along- MR. CHAIRMAN: (Interposing) Yes. I
would assume that it is. I didn't go through all of them, but there -- I would say that it -- yes, it is in there. TONY PERCY: Fine. Thank you, because we still object to them having a variance allowed on that. We object to that. MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. TONY PERCY: Thank you. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. Board members, comments, questions or discussions? MEMBER GRONACHAN: Mr. Chairman, I have several questions, and I don't know which one of you gentlemen would like to answer them for me. First off, I want to go and touch -- because there's residents here that made statements in regards to the increase or decrease of property on the residents in subdivisions that have an oil well, okay. In our packet this evening, and we received these a couple of weeks before tonight so we had a lot of time to research this, there is a subdivision in New Hudson that has a well in it, that they're drilling, and they use this subdivision as a point of reference, although I
don't agree necessarily with the years that they're using for the prices because the years of -- that they gave us are -- I think the earliest is '97, in saying that the houses sold for "X" amount of dollars and that there was no loss of profit. One of the houses in particular, I have a adopted family member living in that subdivision. At the time that this person purchased this home she was properly notified that there was a well in this subdivision. She needed to sign the paperwork to find that, one, she was being notified; two, she had to sign away her mineral rights. And so my question for you, gentlemen, the first question is, are all members in this subdivision that's here tonight, as well as the members that are not here from this subdivision, are they given due process that they are being exposed or that these mineral rights are no longer theirs and that this oil well is in place? There's a gentleman that moved here from Germany. Is it possible that he misunderstood when he bought his home? I would like to
understand that process with -- for these people that are purchasing homes. BILL HORN: If I understand your question, it's whether -- if this gentleman's purchasing his property, his mineral rights are included within our unit, I guess. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Okay. BILL HORN: Does he have notice? MEMBER GRONACHAN: Yeah. BILL HORN: Our oil and gas lease is covering all the areas for which we are producing, are recorded with the Register of Deeds. Any title insurance policy or abstract is prepared in context of the purchase of the property would show the lease. What I don't know is if this gentleman's property might have had the minerals severed, sold separately from the rest of his property. In other words, Michigan, you own land, you own everything down the center of the earth, you -- when you sell it, unless you make an exception, everything goes along with it. You make the exception for the minerals -- I sell the land to you preserving the minerals, I still own the
minerals. That would show up in his title policy, too, as an exception to his title. So yes, he should have received some sort of notice. MEMBER GRONACHAN: How many of those homes in that subdivision are -- are needed to be notified? How many of these homes in Echo Valley are affected by that, do you know? BILL HORN: I'd probably have to turn this -- that over to Gary Gottschalk in terms of how many are included. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Okay. I do have other questions before you turn it over to him, and I think you're the one that needs to answer these, okay, if you would, please. In regards to one of the residents marketing -- making a statement in regards to additional exposures, any oil well, there is some sort of hazard, is there not? I mean, just basic things, an oil well. BILL HORN: There's potential risk, yes, for any industrial activity in any -- frankly, any activity.
MEMBER GRONACHAN: Okay. So how, if -- please, you know, you have to bear with me. I'm an insurance agent by day and a part-time ZBA member by month. Okay. So how is it that you can have a second oil well and no added additional exposure or danger or hazard? You made a statement, excuse me, but that there was no increased hazard or no impact on public health, safety, and welfare, and I also read it in your report. Who makes this decision and who -- where -- if I missed something in here, that you studied this and said absolutely not, or are we basing it strictly just on the history of the first well? BILL HORN: History of operation of the first well. There's been no problem, there's been no impact. Potential for the second well would have any impact or problem is even less. Newer technology exists, more stringent regulations are in place. Potential for risk is there with a second well, but that potential is even less than the first well. In reality, impact or risk has not kept. MEMBER GRONACHAN: So the second
well, the impact or risk decreases by how much? Is there a percentage here that we're talking about or -- BILL HORN: I think the risk of the first well is diminimous. It's a incremental amount less than diminimous for the second well because of better technology. MEMBER GRONACHAN: All right. My last question is about the water test that the resident had mentioned, about the water testing. Has this been taking place, or is this just one resident that wasn't made aware of it, or when was the last water test? BILL HORN: Mr. Phil Baker can address that in terms of testing residential areas at the well site. There are wells in place that are tested regularly, and we monitor for any flow away from the well head to all the property, and that's done regularly. Tim probably knows the details of that. As far as testing in the subdivision, I'll refer to him. TIM BAKER: Tim Baker, Somoco operations manager. We initially tested the wells.
We sent out letters requesting that we be allowed to come in and test. MR. CHAIRMAN: Excuse me. TIM BAKER: Some of the residents- MR. CHAIRMAN: (Interposing) Can we have our secretary swear you in so we have that ready? TIM BAKER: Okay. MEMBER GRONACHAN: That's me. Do you swear that the testimony that you're about to give in the matter before you is true? TIM BAKER: Yes. MR. CHAIRMAN: Sorry for the interruption. You may proceed. TIM BAKER: No problem. Early on, we sent out a letter requesting that we be allowed to test the wells, and there were -- there was limited response to that letter. We sent someone out. They were present in the subdivision. We did have some testing, we did have some results, we did submit those to the fire department. We have wells that -- around the well site. We test those quarterly, then send those into the DEQ. We've had no problems.
In addition to that, some three years ago Mr. Brennan alleged that we had polluted his water well and made a lot of accusatory remarks. We, at our sole expense and cost, went out and hired a firm to test the well. We had the testing handled by fire department. They handled the transference of the sample to an independent testing lab, which we paid for. The results came back that there was no impact whatsoever by any of our operation. There were, however, some potential problems with Mr. Brennan's water well, but nothing that was related to anything to do with our operation. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Mr. Chairman, that's all I have. MR. CHAIRMAN: Other board members, questions or comments? Miss Gray? MEMBER GRAY: Mr. Reinke, I have some questions that I would like to ask, and I will ask them and -- when Mr. Brennan appeared at the last planning commission meeting he referred to fire department monitoring the wells or the site as required by ordinance.
Can you tell me if this has been done, any of these gentlemen, and where those results are and what the results are? PHIL BAKER: The fire department regularly inspects our sites and the function of their operation as a function of our renewal of business application within the city. MEMBER GRAY: Okay. PHIL BAKER: They do it irregularly, as they see fit. I mean, they do it at least every year, but they also will make spot inspections. I can't tell you the days of those inspections. I don't have that at my disposal. As a company, we quarterly check our lines every year. We check our flow lines and all our systems to make sure that we haven't had any degradation of any of the operating equipment. We have a 24-hour monitoring system on the location, at the facility. We have security, which I will certainly go into you in a private -- in detail if you would so desire in a private session but not in a public session. There is -- suffice to say, there is security out there on a 24-hour basis.
The well is monitored on a 24-hour basis by means of our computer technology. We can turn the well on, shut it off from a rural location, anywhere that we might be. We provide twenty-four-hour numbers, of course, to the fire department so that they can call us. We respond to any calls, any -- even odors that someone may have within, you know, two miles of the site, three miles. If the fire department feels that there is a possibility that it might be related to our site, we do respond to that; however, we have not had any problems. MEMBER GRAY: Does this monitoring system that you have on site, is this a 24-hour uninterruptable power source? PHIL BAKER: Yes. MEMBER GRAY: Okay. Your product that you pump out of the well, I've heard and read that it's vital and it's valuable. Is this local use? Is this intended for local use or is it exported? I mean- PHIL BAKER: (Interposing) The gas
itself, the product is a mixture of gas and oil. It travels up the Detroit Edison corridor to our facility, which is located actually just -- well, near your new middle school, if you're familiar with that location. MEMBER GRAY: Eleven Mile and Wixom. PHIL BAKER: Eleven Mile and Wixom. The gas is then separated from the oil. The gas goes to Michcon and it is distributed locally within the community. The oil is taken to the Marathon refinery by truck, and a good share of that also comes back to the local community once it's refined. Marathon handles most of this area of Michigan. MEMBER GRAY: You have -- or Mr. Horn has said that by allowing the drilling of this second well it's going to shorten the presence -- your presence in our community by twenty years. When you were initially granted the variance ten years ago it was estimated in various figures you were going to be here seven years and out, you were going to be here ten years and out. If this is going to shorten your presence by twenty years, how long do you actually
intend to be here? PHIL BAKER: Our current estimate, if we do not drill a second well, is as long as 60 years. MEMBER GRAY: Sixty? PHIL BAKER: When we became before the City before, we indicated a minimum of seven years based on our experience statewide with Niagran Pinnacle Reefs. We also indicated it could be fifteen to twenty years. When you explore for oil and gas reserves, until you drill that first well to find the exact location and actually have a number for what the peracid is, the holes within the rock are, and the permeability, that is, the ability of the rock to flow oil, until you have those parameters, you cannot accurately determine the volume of the reservoir. This initial well provided us with those parameters. We also learned that we had to do some more work to get the well to flow into the well bore better. That work was completed, as Mr. Horn mentioned, approximately a year ago. The well now produces a couple
hundred barrels a day. That's the maximum state allowable. So the well is very economical. However, let me give you one analogy. If you were to go home and take a sponge and put it on your dining room table and fill it with water, that sponge would retain that water. Now, if you took your finger and put it on one end toward the end of that sponge, you're going to remove the water in that section but you're not going to remove the water on the other side. This is a similar situation in that you're putting a straw in one end, you're pulling out the oil and gas reserves in that portion, but you're never, unless you put another straw on the other end, going to get as much of that material out of the rock. MEMBER GRAY: The next question -- and that's a very appropriate analogy, that you bring up water. In -- if my knowledge of the area serves me correctly, I believe most of the west side of the city is on wells and septic tanks. I don't believe that there are city utilities extended out that far yet. And as I recall, the aquifer runs southwest from Pontiac towards, I'm
going to say South Lyon, just as a directional. I understand that when you take things out of the ground -- and injection wells are a good example, where you force something in to force something out. So then my question is, is this an injection well? PHIL BAKER: No, it's not. MEMBER GRAY: Since it's not an injection well and you're pulling something out of the ground, what then fills those spaces that are left by what you were taking out? PHIL BAKER: To refer to, again, to the sponge analogy, in this particular situation, this is solid rock with pores in it. It's not the same thing as a coal mine or a salt mine where you remove a hundred percent of the rock. You're only removing the fluid within the rock, so the rock continues to be self-supporting. So from an engineering point of view, it's nothing anywhere remotely similar to, say, a coal mine or a salt mine where you're actually potentially having subsides. You're not going to have subsides by the rule of oil and gas reserves.
MEMBER GRAY: Okay. Comment was made in the information -- or information was provided to us that said that the reef into which you're drilling has an acreage of, I believe, a hundred acres? And do you know which way this reef runs? Does it run in any direction, or is it just a -- kind of a large piece that's static or -- I mean, I know it doesn't move. But is there -- does it run in a specific direction? PHIL BAKER: It generally -- I believe you have an outline of the anomaly in your packets. MEMBER GRAY: Okay. PHIL BAKER: But it has a general north/south, maybe north slightly northeast long axis. MEMBER GRAY: Okay. PHIL BAKER: That's generally typical of most of the reefs that lie within this delta reefing. MEMBER GRAY: Another -- if you'll indulge me, Mr. Chair, I have another couple
questions, and -- is there any way to access this reef from another site that may not be in Novi and be in residential zoning? PHIL BAKER: Unless the zoning has recently changed, I don't believe there is. We looked at that before. You know, our goal is to, in all our exploration activities, is to locate our wells that least impact the areas. MEMBER GRAY: Okay. And presuming when you did your investigations, and I remember when there were -- when there was extensive seismic testing on the Lakeshore Park, and I presume that was around the same time when you folks first came to town, did your seismic testing and all your research reveal to you then that perhaps you should have gone a little bit deeper, or was it basically totally speculative at that time as well? PHIL BAKER: It's not a matter of going deeper. It's a matter of the aerial extent of the reef. And this is a hard -- somewhat of a hard concept to understand, but we obtain an outline of the anomaly once we do our seismic testing, and then we drill the well. We never know
until we drill that well whether that anomaly is fitting that picture totally. It's like if you threw an upside down bowl in front of me and I guess about where it was, I wouldn't know for sure until I actually measured that distance. MEMBER GRAY: My last question, presuming that the property owners in Echo Valley, and any others adjacent to this site, purchased their homes in good faith knowing that they possibly held oil, gas and mineral rights when they purchased their property, the -- by virtue of the fact that you are not in their subdivision and this is a directional well, drilling that goes under their subdivision -- I understand that you're paying these residents royalties. Have they signed off to you their oil, gas and mineral rights, or do those of them who have them with their purchase of their home, their property, do they retain those oil, gas and mineral rights for whatever may be discovered in the future? PHIL BAKER: There's several questions there. Let me try to address those one at a time, and I might get some help from
Mr. Gottschalk and Mr. Horn. There's a general misconception out there that the bottom of the well is underneath Echo Valley. It is not. We have supplied that information onto the council, we have supplied it to the DEQ. We have leased some of the parcels that we felt were under lien in Echo Valley, and so those parcels have been commuted -- have been included in the determination of the -- that which should receive revenue. And from a legal aspect, I think we probably answered that question earlier, in that when someone does title search on their house they should, at that time, be obtaining the information from the title company as to the status of the oil rights. MEMBER GRAY: Thank you, Mr. Chair. MR. CHAIRMAN: Board members, comments or questions? MEMBER BAUER: Yes. MR. CHAIRMAN: Mr. Bauer. MEMBER BAUER: I wasn't an original board when you people came in 1991, and it was
stated at that time give me the well and we'll be gone in nine or ten, whatever years. And you only needed the one well. I'd like to hold you to that. Second, I don't think, due to the ordinance, that we should -- that you deserve a second well. That's my personal opinion. I don't speak for anyone else on the board. And until you can change my mind on that, I would be giving you a negative vote on this. MR. CHAIRMAN: Board members, comments, discussion, questions? MEMBER FANNON: I was on the board at that time, too, and then gone and never thought I'd be back here again so soon to see this, but I thought it was twenty years. Let me ask you a couple questions. What is the square footage area if you try to square that off of the two wells if they were both there, just approximately? Out of the seventy-five acres, is it an acre, a half an acre, just a ballpark? PHIL BAKER: The square footage on public use?
MEMBER FANNON: You took that and, you know, that's where you design -- where you have outlined where the two wells would be? PHIL BAKER: Surface use? MEMBER FANNON: Yeah. Like if you square it off direct. PHIL BAKER: Well, that map I believe you have referred to the total acreage of the entire parcel. MEMBER FANNON: Okay. Just square off the area like you did here in Kensington. Two wells- PHIL BAKER: (Interposing) Surface area that we actually used- MEMBER FANNON: (Interposing) Surface area. PHIL BAKER: -is approximately an acre. Right now it's probably 75 feet by a hundred feet. MEMBER FANNON: And what would it be if you had a second well on it? PHIL BAKER: The same. MEMBER FANNON: The same? PHIL BAKER: Yeah. We've drilled
wells -- again, we try to locate wells in clusters, and the purpose of that is to minimize our surface usage. We've drilled wells all over using that technique. And we would drill that well next to the other well and then directionally diverge. That would allow us to use all that same equipment, the surface, the equipment, the pipeline system, the security system to minimize our land usage and actually end up depleting that anomaly quicker and be out of there quicker. That's our -- what we're proposing. MEMBER FANNON: So I voted no in 1991 because I wanted the property to remain vacant, and that was not an option so I voted no. I guess it wasn't an option, but it wasn't offered because I was concerned about what would happen if somebody built homes on the property, and history -- that's proven, that some of our fears probably were unfounded. You do have ground-mounted monitoring wells that you say are checked quarterly and- PHIL BAKER: (Interposing) Yes. MEMBER FANNON: -distributed to the DEQ, and there's never been anything in those
wells? PHIL BAKER: No. MEMBER FANNON: I can just tell the board members I'm having some real trouble. I voted no for one reason, that the property remain vacant, or I would have voted yes if they would have said they would have promised to do it, but they couldn't. They didn't own the property. They still don't own the property. The City of Novi, I understand, is they closed on this property. Does the City actually own this property? I've heard that they bought -- does the City -- do you know if the City owns the property, the City of Novi? BILL HORN: My understanding is that the City of Novi purchased approximately -- let's say it was a seventy-five acre parcel -- approximately seventy acres of it and closed on it, I think, a year-and-a-half, two years ago maybe. They have an option. There's five acres that were carved out where our road, the well site is, and they have an option to purchase that once production activities are done.
MEMBER FANNON: So, in affect, the City of Novi owns all the property around the well except the road that goes into it, approximately? I'm just -- to it and- BILL HORN: (Interposing) That's -- we weren't part of that transaction but we were consulted, and that's my understanding. MEMBER FANNON: So the City itself can make a determination whether anything will be built on the property now that they own it, and I think this goes to the city council for the permit like it did ten years ago? BILL HORN: Not from you but in a different process, yes, we have to go through a separate proceeding and end up with the city council, which then decides whether it will issue the actual permit to drill the well. MEMBER FANNON: So even if we gave you a variance, let's say, that you could put a second well on a residential property that the City now owns, and they could change the zoning as they felt, like at a public hearing, you don't have the right to drill that well without going in front of that city council and getting a permit somehow?
BILL HORN: That's correct. MEMBER FANNON: I mean, we've had nine years of history, and it's too bad that any complaints weren't put in writing. I don't think the City has any record of any complaints that I know of. MR. SAVEN: As indicated with Mr. Brennan. BILL HORN: One -- I did a FOIA request. We were interested. We did it within the last month. One note came back of a fire department investigation in 1992 regarding a noise complaint. They did the investigation, no problem. That was the only written complaint or notice of investigation that came back. MEMBER FANNON: One of our other concerns ten years ago was what would happen if something went wrong, an appropriate fire department need, and how would they get to it. My understanding also was there was going to be a fire station on the property. BILL HORN: According to Mr. Brennan, yes. MEMBER FANNON: I mean, I don't know
that to be -- I don't have all these. That's what I've been reading, that the City's going to build a fire department on the property. So I'm just saying that maybe they won't, but I mean there's some talk about it at this time. MR. SAVEN: Fire station four will be adjacent to this. MR. REINKE: Okay. Board members, further comments and discussions? Mr. Sanghvi? MEMBER SANGHVI: My question was, how can you make an assessment about the time period this time? PHIL BAKER: Our assessment of the time period is based on standard engineering principles, and that includes bomitable (ph) pressure, that includes the production rate and the type of oil, and generally standardized engineering oil and gas parameters. This particular reservoir is a low gas/oil ratio reservoir. If it were a higher gas to oil ratio reservoir, it would probably been easier to produce the well.
And to define that a bit further, if you have more gas dissolved in the oil, it moves better through the rock than if you have less. This particular reservoir has a lot of oil in it but it's a little lower gravity oil. And -- so, again, we want to get that additional oil that's there and get it in a quicker time and be done. So our evaluation is based on the past history, increasing history of the existing well. MEMBER SANGHVI: (Inaudible) What is the time period? PHIL BAKER: Well, we think it -- if we have another well, we think we could probably -- I think we supplied -- having submitted our engineering -- let me look at that real quick. I'm quoting Christopher Wood of Troyman Engineering, saying if the 1-29 well- MEMBER SANGHVI: (Interposing) What are you saying? PHIL BAKER: Did you have this -- do you have this? MEMBER SANGHVI: Okay, all right.
PHIL BAKER: It's in that, twenty more years, total life of sixty years. Now, let me explain that, too. That's based on projections of oil and gas pricing. And, you know, there may be some variation in that, but as you can see, a well five years ago at $14 oil would not be economic -- as economic as a well at today's prices of $25 oil. MEMBER SANGHVI: So, really, the length of the procedure can really depend on the market of oil? PHIL BAKER: That's true. MEMBER SANGHVI: Can be ten years or it can be hundred years? PHIL BAKER: The potential is there. MR. CHAIRMAN: Board members, further comments or discussions. Question I have is, we keep bringing up the odor problem. Is there anything that can be done to address that? PHIL BAKER: We have not been made aware of any odor problems at the well site. We have, however, continued to update our facilities to the best available technology. Recently we put in remote monitoring
of the tanks so that the tanks are never physically opened. The old method involved actually opening what we call a hatch at the top and running a gauge in the well. During that period of time there was a potential of minor gas amounts to escape. That has been -- that system was changed to allow for remote monitoring of the tank volumes. All of our vessels are sealed vessels, sealed assemblies. We have pollution control equipment on the well site itself. There -- that's -- the well site itself is a sealed system. If a rubber gasket or a rubber -- what we call a stuffing box around a rod should wear out, there's a second backup system and there's a device that sits between that to indicate that the first set has worn out. So our system is a no-vent system, and we will continue to stay on top of technology and review and advise our wells in the event something better comes along. I believe our -- we are very much current with the current -- with the technology that's being employed offshore for -- in refineries
or anywhere in the state that you might -- you know, your local gas stations, for example, I believe our technology surpasses their technology for odor control. MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Board members, further comments or discussion? I guess in reviewing all the information we have here, unless there's something else that we need to bring up and discuss, I'm prepared to hear a motion in this case. Is there anything that we need to discuss further to bring to the point that we feel that we're comfortable to make a motion in one direction or another, or what -- where do we stand? MEMBER SANGHVI: I thought, Mr. Chairman, it would be a good idea to give that (inaudible) approach to state their case after all the discussion that is before the board before we make a decision. MR. CHAIRMAN: Well, I don't think -- they stated they wanted the variance to build a second well. MEMBER SANGHVI: You don't have any-
MR. CHAIRMAN: (Interposing) I don't think there is any way they can deviate from what their request is on that. They can't drill half a well, they can't drill a quarter of a well. MEMBER SANGHVI: No, no. I'm not talking about that, but I'm talking about reassuring the concerns of the residents and the people. MR. CHAIRMAN: Well, I think they've addressed everything they can. The residents have brought up their concern about depleting material from the ground and, you know, the possible settling, take advantage -- that really -- it's like a sponge. They're taking it out of the rock. The rock is not going away, that you have unsupported structure. I don't know how better they can answer anything. I'm going to defer to the lady out here who's indicating she wants to say something, and I'm sure not going to stop anybody from saying something. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Can I come up here?
MR. CHAIRMAN: Would you please step forward. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: State my name again? MR. CHAIRMAN: Please. SHIRLEY O'CONNELL: Shirley O'Connell, 24047 Hartwood. I'm on the west side of Echo Valley, and my property -- my backyard abuts the Detroit Edison electrical property easement. My question, I'll address it to you, is, now that I've heard this well could last up to another 60 years, I have a question regarding the pipeline that carries the oil and the gas through the easement, the Detroit Edison easement through to Eleven Mile by the school. What is that composed of and how long will that last? Will it last 60 years? Who do I ask? MR. CHAIRMAN: We'll get your answer for that. Directed to me the way you did. Can you give us an answer on -- I'm assuming that this is maintained and how is it maintained, I guess is the best way to answer that
question. PHIL BAKER: We -- first of all, we comply with all of the Michigan Public Service Commission requirements for monitoring the pipeline, that is, we have sacrificial land owns on the pipeline, we have methodic protection on the pipeline, we check the pipeline for corrosion yearly, we walk the pipeline quarterly to check with a leak detector to make sure there aren't any leaks. And in addition to that, we actually doubled the wall thickness on this pipeline when we designed it, which was over and above that required by the Michigan Gas Safety Code. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. SHIRLEY O'CONNELL: What is the life expectancy on the pipeline that's now there? PHIL BAKER: Well, I can't answer -- I think the original design was for a hundred years, but I would have to check our engineering design on that. I did not do the design or consult it. That's our normal design criteria for our pipelines. SHIRLEY O'CONNELL: Thank you. MR. CHAIRMAN: You're welcome. Board
members, comments or discussion? I think we need to address the issue. If there's any question they need to be raised, but we need to moved forward. MEMBER GRAY: Mr. Chair? MR. CHAIRMAN: Miss Gray? MEMBER GRAY: A clarification for purposes of discussion. The information provided by the petitioner has told us why they want to be only twelve feet away from the existing well head in lieu of the six hundred sixty feet required by ordinance. Apparently they're not able to do that on their own property or in a manner that would not intrude into the wetland, although I have not heard that addressed tonight. So that may be one issue we need to have addressed. If we are going to increase -- double the exposure, I think that we may be -- even if we -- even if we don't approve of it being in residential property, I think that we might need to hear why it can't be with -- meet the requirement of six hundred sixty feet in distance and separation. I've not heard that addressed. BILL HORN: The reason we didn't
address it is that that is actually in the Chapter 23 ordinance dealing with the drilling permit. We're not asking for a variance or a waiver from you. We included information which is really relevant to the council, as well as your decision. That's not in the zoning ordinance. That's the oil and gas ordinance. MEMBER GRAY: So it's not in our jurisdiction? BILL HORN: That's correct. And why we're doing it, it allows us to avoid going into wetlands, keep our well heads closer together, use the same area rather than put it 660 feet apart. We have to build more pipeline, go into the wetlands on the property. But that is an issue for the approval of the permit for the council. MEMBER GRAY: So the only issue before us is do we allow them to drill another well head on residential property when they already have one, and that's the only issue before us; is that correct? MR. CHAIRMAN: Correct, because the variance they have is for one well head.
MEMBER GRAY: They already have a variance? MR. CHAIRMAN: Right. MR. SAVEN: Mr. Chairman? MR. CHAIRMAN: Yes. MR. SCHULTZ: Just a -- maybe a point of clarification of the issue. What's really before the board tonight is essentially a use variance question, is the well to be permitted in a residential district. That's really the bottom of the question, as the gentleman pointed out they didn't address the six hundred sixty feet or the twelve feet. We have from the first item, the five criteria for use variance before you, and maybe that will help you sort that out. And you have to remember as you make a determination, point that Mr. Freed made in the minutes -- that I'm sure you all got a copy of -- back in 1991, that sort of a backdrop of the use variance issue is also the question of are there -- is there any evidence of serious consequences that will result in the event the natural resources explode. That's kind of an overarching or
overlying issue that should be on the board's -- part of the board's focus when it's making the use variance determination. So it's a single question, use variance to drill within a residential district. Council will handle the other issues. MR. CHAIRMAN: Board members? MEMBER SANGHVI: Mr. Chairman, I'm going to (inaudible) and make a motion that case number 01-054 be -- recommend the acceptance of variance as requested by them. MR. CHAIRMAN: Can I ask a reason for your motion? MEMBER SANGHVI: Because they already have variance, they have had a good check over the period of time, and, of course, no (inaudible) as well depends really on the marketplace, and nobody can really say how long it will last. They've longer than the previous assessment, and could be wrong again in the next assessment, depending upon how much oil we get from other countries. So this is something we cannot control and it doesn't seem to have impacted the neighborhood, at least on the surface, in any other
way, and the previous board's decision. MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Is there a second to the motion? MEMBER FANNON: I would support the motion. MR. CHAIRMAN: It has been moved and seconded to grant the petitioner the variance request. Is there any discussion or comments on the motion? I guess the point -- go ahead. MEMBER GRONACHAN: I'm sorry. I do have something to say, because we have so many residents here concerned. I'm struggling with this. As you can see, the entire board is. When we're looking at these variances, it's not that easy to say well, you know, we just don't want this in our backyard, we just don't want it. This has been here, and my struggle that I have is that this company has done an excellent job providing evidence, answered all our questions as to the length of time. I wasn't hearing anyone -- I don't know what happened back then. I tend to support this based on the fact of all of the I's have been dotted and all the T's have been crossed.
However, I am concerned about the odor. And I know we addressed this, but I would like something -- if I can add something to the motion -- to protect the residents in regards to the smells or -- and to the water test, that it becomes more documented, that we -- that the residents are more aware. I realize they have no complaints, but some sort of process that the residents are aware that, in fact, that there is nothing further that can contaminate, if there is some sort of contamination that takes place, that they're made aware of it. MR. CHAIRMAN: I agree with your comments there, and I don't know if it really needs to be part of the motion, because I think that they have and will be required to address the complaint has been made, and I think it's up to the residents, and if they have an odor problem out there they should be complaining about it and an investigation should be made. The petitioner has stated that they have a sealed system, there should not be an odor problem out there. If there is, that means something's wrong and needs to be fixed.
I guess if a lot of us had our druthers, we wish the first well wouldn't have been there. But the first well's there and we're stuck with it. With that, my feeling is it's not going to change, and if we get a second well and get them out quicker I think it's probably better to do that. And I've struggled very hard with this, just like all the board members have, and it's -- if by turning the variance down we'd make everything go away, I'd definitely turn it down, but the situation is not going to go away. It's there, and we have to deal with it, and if we can get them out sooner, I'm all for it. Board members, further comments or discussions? MEMBER BAUER: I only have one thing more to say, Mr. Chairman. MR. CHAIRMAN: Mr. Bauer? MEMBER BAUER: And that, of course, is in Section 2508, paragraph seven. Says that -- states that a -- every case the uses herein set forth shall be expressly prohibited from any
residential district unless specifically permitted in this section. Thank you. MR. CHAIRMAN: Board members, further comments or discussion? MEMBER FANNON: Mr. Chairman, I just want to go on the record saying I'm going to vote yes instead of no ten years ago because of the track record. They've done an excellent job. I had my own hesitations. This is a real difficult case. There's no other way to get to this oil. The ten-year-ago meeting was terrible. There was threats of litigation. There was all kinds -- attorneys. It was a mess. This company showed us that they can do it. I just don't know what else we can ask for from them. The City controls the property. The city council is going to get this case, and I think they can even protect it even more than we could ten years ago when you didn't control the property, and I'm amazed weren't built on that property in the last ten years, although it was fifty acres of
wetlands. So maybe we're better off with a second well with the City owning the property and protecting the whole area than we were for the last ten years. I mean, that's how I feel about it and that's why I'm going to vote yes. MR. CHAIRMAN: Miss Gray? MEMBER GRAY: One last comment. I echo everybody's comments. This has been probably -- this is probably the most difficult case I've been aware of in years, going back to even the first well, and I know the council will listen to it, take into consideration our comments. This doesn't mean that this is a slam dunk. This means you still get to go to the council when it appears before the council and to voice your opinions again. I think because of the development that is occurring on the west side of the city now, everybody's going to be even more watchful of what's going on and your -- your concerns are certainly appreciated. Again, it has been a very difficult
decision. I think you're aware of that from all of our points of view and questions that we've asked, and your diligence as being the watchdogs in the area is going to be even more necessary now than it has been in the last ten years. Thank you. MR. CHAIRMAN: Board members, further comments or discussion? MEMBER SANGHVI: No further questions, sir. MR. CHAIRMAN: Madam Secretary, would you call the roll, please. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Sanghvi? MEMBER SANGHVI: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Fannon? MEMBER FANNON: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Bauer? MEMBER BAUER: No. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Gray? MEMBER GRAY: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Gronachan? MEMBER GRONACHAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Reinke? MR. CHAIRMAN: Yes.
Sir, your variance request has been approved. See the building department or whoever you need to go to work with this. And, really, I hope that you address all the residents' concerns that they have about it. Thank you. (A short recess was taken.)
CASE NUMBER 01-011 MR. CHAIRMAN: Let's reconvene the meeting. And the next case before us is case number two filed by Lou Agoston, and he's requesting a four-foot front yard setback variance for construction of a fence and wall located at 20911 Turnberry, lot twelve. Is petitioner present? Please step forward. Would you be sworn in by our secretary, please. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Raise your right hand, please. Do you swear that the testimony that you're about to give in this matter is true? LOU AGOSTON: Yes. MR. CHAIRMAN: Will you please present your case. LOU AGOSTON: Lou Agoston, 20911 Turnberry Boulevard, looking for a variance for a decorative masonry wall that we're putting across the front of our lot. It's a masonry wall with rhinestone cap, three-foot high. I think we go out of the restriction about ten-foot section at the top, if we're not within the code that we need to be, but the entire wall is going across the
front of the yard. It's a decorative wall. And that's basically about it. I have an artist's rendition of what the front of the house will look like, if that will help. MR. CHAIRMAN: If you would, please. Is there anybody in the audience that would like to participate or input into this case? Hearing none, building department? MR. SAVEN: Mr. Chairman, I do believe in the packet you have approval from the association -- from the association. Also, that the property is a little irregular. It should be -- front yard setback as you proceed, I believe in a southerly direction. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. There were -- fifteen notices were sent out. We received two responses. Both of those were approval. Board members, comments or discussion? MEMBER BRENNAN: Mr. Chairman? MR. CHAIRMAN: Mr. Brennan? MEMBER BRENNAN: This appears to be a very, very modest request from the petitioner.
He's got no objections. His association is behind him. It's a tasteful addition to the property. I think he's within the sphere of the ordinance and I'd like to make a motion, if you like. MR. CHAIRMAN: Would you, please. MEMBER BRENNAN: With respect to case 01-011, that we would move to support the petitioner's request for variance to the lot configuration and he is within the sphere of the ordinance. MEMBER FANNON: Second the motion. MR. CHAIRMAN: It's been moved and seconded to grant petitioner's request. Is there any further discussion or comments on the motion? Hearing none, Madam Secretary, would you call the roll, please. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Brennan? MEMBER BRENNAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Bauer? MEMBER BAUER: Present -- yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Fannon? MEMBER FANNON: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Gray? Oh,
I'm sorry, you can't vote. Member Gronachan? MEMBER GRONACHAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Reinke? MR. CHAIRMAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Sanghvi? MEMBER SANGHVI: Yes. MR. CHAIRMAN: Sir, your variance request has been approved. See the building department and we wish you the best of luck. LOU AGOSTON: Okay. Thank you.
CASE NUMBERS 01-052 AND 01-053 MR. CHAIRMAN: Next case is a combination of cases, case number four and five, filed by Home Depot. Is petitioner present? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Yes, Mr. Chairman. MR. CHAIRMAN: Are you going to be presenting both cases, Mr. Dalton (ph)? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Yes, I am, Mr. Chairman. MR. CHAIRMAN: Why don't you give us a quick overview of both and then we'll go on from there. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: We're here seeking two variances. We're really -- an extension of variances which was granted for the Home Depot outside sales area. What I'm showing to the board right now is a rendering which shows where the extension area will be physically. And you can see this area I'm outlining now shows you where the current outdoor sales area is. The locational criteria that supported the variance at the initial granting
continued to exist. I did want you to see the landscaping treatment that will exist, assuming the variances are granted. We have received site plan approval, of course, subject to this board's action. The location, you will recall, and I think, is near the I-96 expressway, the future ramp with the land which was taken, which goes to the parking variance. The -- reasonably put, the property variance is being requested in order to remain consistent with what we did the first time. We have a sufficient amount of parking spaces to support the store. The outdoor storage area, while it comes in the literal language of the ordinance, does not in and of itself generate the need for additional parking. We have supplied to the board traffic studies to support that premis. Upon the buildup of the center, with the parking which is currently there, which is sufficient to the -- to support the store, there never having been more than three-quarters of the available spaces for the
store used, even at its highest sales day, indicate that the prior variances which were granted continued to be supported by the unique shape which is mandated, if you'll recall, by the land which will be taken by the new interchange and by the land which has been devoted to the woodlands and wetlands, open space areas. In a word, what we are asking this board to do is to allow the expansion of the outdoor sales area only, which will permit the storage of some materials which initially we had thought we could store indoors. That has not proved to be the case, and this will allow a layout which, from our discussions with the staff, with the planning commission, will make for a more desireable layout for the community. I think that each of you has been to the facility. It is a well-maintained store. It is a clean store. This shopping center is a true credit to the city, and on those bases, we would ask that the variance to allow the 11,000 square foot increase in the outdoor storage area, together with parking waiver for the spaces which that additional storage would require, be granted.
And I have a number of people from Home Depot here to answer any questions the board may have. MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Is there anyone in the audience who would like input or information on this case? Hearing none, building department? MR. SAVEN: Mr. Chairman, it was a concern earlier on referencing -- I'm sure the store is a very clean store, there's no doubt, but the issue regarding outdoor storage -- the issue regarding outdoor storage was one that we had considerable concern about. Over the past couple days we did monitor this, and the issue regarding outdoor storage has been cleaned up, and you'll find a comment from the ordinance enforcement officers regarding that particular situation. And based upon those particular concerns, that issue is the one issue I want to make sure was addressed. MR. CHAIRMAN: Board members, comments or discussions? Mr. Brennan?
MEMBER BRENNAN: Yeah, a couple things. This is consistent with use that we granted elsewhere. It does abut the freeway, so there's not a lot of visibility from surrounding store owners. You know, when we've granted this usage in the past, we keep continued jurisdiction to ensure that things are fine. I don't have, really, any objections to either variance request, the expansion nor the waiver of the additional parking spaces for the addition. MR. CHAIRMAN: Board members, comments or discussion? MEMBER BAUER: I'm glad business is going good. MEMBER SANGHVI: I agree. MR. CHAIRMAN: We're talking about seasonal. What kind of parameters, ending and starting, are we talking about? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Generally starting in April, and it tapers off toward the end of November, and then there are sales of Christmas trees. There are some materials which would be
stored, but they wouldn't be sales, in the remaining months. MR. CHAIRMAN: You're talking about a year-round season then? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Not for sales but for storing. The sales would -- beginning in April, Mr. Chairman -- excuse me, beginning in April, Mr. Chairman, and running toward the end of November for the real sales activity, and then the Christmas tree sales -- and then the Christmas tree sales. And then the Christmas tree sales in December. MR. CHAIRMAN: I have -- it says seasonal, and I look at it as more of a summer orientation is what my definition was. Being where the location is, it's not really something that's gonna be where you're jetting out into a traffic area or something really of that nature, so I really don't have any problem. I really don't see a problem with that. Board members, further comments or discussion? MEMBER SANGHVI: No, sir. MR. SAVEN: Mr. Chairman, if I may, I
would like to have at least some representative from Home Depot step up to the mic and discuss the issue of the outdoor storage issue, the monitoring, what's going to take place. You've given the City some committment regarding this particular issue. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Certainly. I'd like to introduce to you, for the next time you're at the store, Dawn Watson. Dawn is the store manager. And, Dawn, could you comment on Mr. Saven's question? MR. CHAIRMAN: Before doing that, I'm going to ask you be sworn in by our secretary. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Do you swear that the testimony that you're about to give is the truth? DAWN WATSON: Yes, I do. MR. CHAIRMAN: Just give us an overview why you need it, what you're going to do with it and how you're going to maintain it. DAWN WATSON: We -- I really do need it seasonally from about April to really the beginning of November. I'm very limited on space. I have the smallest garden department in all of
Michigan. I -- we have doubled our sales since last year, almost doubled our sales. This time last year we were doing $400,000 in sales. My busiest week this year I did $790,000 in sales, and I'm still doing 730 to $750,000 in sales right now. I need it for additional live plant storage, also block, any type of outdoor landscaping, so that we have enough on hand, really to serve our customers in our community. We are limited also on skus right now. I do not carry all the skus that all of the stores carry, and it tends to be an inconvenience to some of our customers because they're used to seeing it at some of our other stores and they can't get it at the Novi Home Depot. So, seasonally, I really need the extra lung space and the capacity so I have enough product to sell to our customers. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. Any other questions? I just want to bring up real quick, since we've got you on the spot- DAWN WATSON: (Interposing) Sure.
MR. CHAIRMAN: -is we assume that that will be maintained in a neat orderly fashion- DAWN WATSON: (Interposing) Absolutely. MR. CHAIRMAN: -which you have thought in the past and everything. DAWN WATSON: Absolutely. MR. CHAIRMAN: Just would like your reassurance of that. DAWN WATSON: Absolutely. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. Board members, comments or questions? Thank you. MR. SAVEN: Mr. Chairman, I'd like to make sure that -- we have a couple issues here. One -- the outdoor storage was one issue. The other issue was the storage above 12 foot in height, which was the affidavit which was required on behalf of the planning commission. We need to have those specific items. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: So you would like Miss Watson to -- come back up here, Dawn. I think I understand what you want. Dawn, they want an assurance that you will maintain the storage of materials below the
twelve-foot height. Do you understand? DAWN WATSON: Absolutely. Yeah, that's not a problem at all. I actually am a new store manager to that store. I've only been there three months. I was not aware when I got there that they could not keep against the wall above twelve feet. The day we got the call, everything came down below the fence, and it hasn't been an issue since. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Is there anything else, Dawn? MR. SAVEN: I just need an affidavit these exact rules required by the planning department. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: You will have it. MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Building department have anything else? MR. SAVEN: I'm done. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Any notices sent, notices? MR. CHAIRMAN: Oh, I'm sorry. There were five notices sent to adjacent property owners,
and we received no approval or objections. In fact, I've received no response. Board members, further comments or discussion? Hearing none, the chair would entertain a motion in both cases. MEMBER SANGHVI: I provide the motion? MR. CHAIRMAN: Might as well. MEMBER SANGHVI: Mr. Chairman, I move that -- Mr. Chairman, I make a motion in case number 01-054 and also -- I beg your pardon, 01-052 and 01-053 that their request be granted because they seem to be working within the spec of the ordinance, and this is not going to harm any surrounding neighbors. MR. CHAIRMAN: Is there a support for the motion? MEMBER BAUER: Second. MR. CHAIRMAN: It's been moved and seconded to grant the variance requests in case number 052. MEMBER BRENNAN: May I add something? MR. CHAIRMAN: Go right ahead.
MEMBER BRENNAN: Just to note, the building department would have continued jurisdiction? MEMBER SANGHVI: Yes, no problem. MR. CHAIRMAN: Further comments by the board? Hearing none, Madam Secretary, will you call the roll, please. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Sanghvi? MEMBER SANGHVI: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Bauer? MEMBER BAUER: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Brennan? MEMBER BRENNAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Fannon? MEMBER FANNON: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Gronachan? MEMBER GRONACHAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Reinke? MR. CHAIRMAN: Yes. Your variance request has been approved. See the building department and we're all set. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Thank you.
MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. CASE NUMBER 01-036 MR. CHAIRMAN: Next case, case number 01-036 filed by Larry -- is Larry here? LARRY ANCYPA: Yes. MR. CHAIRMAN: Larry, I'm not going to try to pronounce your last name because I don't want to- LARRY ANCYPA: (Interposing) Ancypa. MR. CHAIRMAN: What's that? LARRY ANCYPA: Ancypa. MR. CHAIRMAN: Very good. Is representing Novi/Walled Lake Wastewater Treatment Plant. And could you be sworn in by our secretary, please. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Do you swear that the testimony that you're about to give in this matter is the truth? LARRY ANCYPA: Yes. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. Would you present your case, please. LARRY ANCYPA: Yes. I'm a senior
associate with Hubbell, Roth and Clark. We're the consulting engineers to the Oakland County Drain Commissioner. What the Oakland County Drain Commissioner desires to do is to change the disinfection process at the wastewater treatment plant from the current chlorine system to an ultraviolet system, which is the current system of choice by many of the wastewater treatment plants. We'll provide greater degree of safety and other enhancements to the process at the plant, and reduce costs. And the building that's necessary, which is classified as an accessory building, because of the process we need to have a crane inside for maintenance purposes on the ultraviolet equipment. And we tried to keep the character of this building similar to the other buildings that are on site by using a pitched roof. And, consequently, our building is a foot-and-a-half higher than what the zoning ordinance allows, and we're asking for a variance on that.
The building itself, we located it on site so that we can maintain a gravity flow and not have to go through the expenditure of pumps and higher operational costs that would follow. And because of that we have ended up fairly close to the east property line, but the plant is surrounded by wetlands, which is highly unlikely that these wetlands will ever be developed. We are asking that -- on the landscape issues that we maintain -- or are granted a variance so that we can maintain the character of the site as it presently is. It is a fully developed site and it is covered with grasses, with some trees, but there aren't the kind of shrubs and obscuring berms that you currently require. But we don't have any neighbors that are in the immediate vicinity that I think would find this objectionable. In fact, I'm not certain who you might have sent notices to. And that's essentially it. We have been -- received site plan approval from the planning commission subject to your approval of
this variance request. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay, thank you. Is there anyone from the audience that would like to input into this case? Hearing none, building department? MR. SAVEN: As indicated, this is an isolated site. It does have an "X" amount of wetlands around the area. This is -- the height requirement is really addressing the similar nature where the accessory structure is. This is, like, a 14-foot height requirement, which is mean average of the roof line. And as far as the sidewalks around the building, there is a portion, as you can see in the clouded area, the sidewalks are adjacent -- right adjacent to the building which -- green space requirements. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. Board members, comments or discussions? Miss Gray? MEMBER GRAY: Were there any notices sent? MR. CHAIRMAN: There was one notice
sent, I don't know to who, but they didn't respond. MEMBER GRAY: Well, since I live in the area, I'm going to speak on behalf of some of the areas, since I don't have a vote on this issue. This treatment plant has been probably one of the best neighbors to the area that anybody could ask for. It is ideally located south of the outflow of Walled Lake at the northwest end of the huge, huge wetland that runs from South Lake, which is roughly Thirteen Mile, and runs down to Twelve Mile. Any outflow or accidental spill that may happen at the site, and I'm not aware of any, would go through the wetland process, and that's what a wetland is supposed to do. So this is the ideal site. It's a -- there's absolutely nothing that will be going around it because the City owns everything about it. It's part of the what is referred to as the North Novi Park and the City mitigation area -- wetland mitigation area that is south of South Lake Drive and east of West Park Boulevard. And I understand that the reason we have berming requirements and landscaping is to
screen industrial or other types of occupancies from the neighbors. Well, I don't really think the deer and the (inaudible) and the -- really care. I don't think that -- the closest neighbors that would be east of this property, northeast of this property, would be the Arrowhead Estates subdivision, or the people on Buffington at this point really care. Again, it's been a good neighbor and I would urge this board to approve all the variances requested. Thank you. MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Board members, further comments or discussion? Hearing none, the chair would entertain a motion. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Mr. Chairman, I would like to make a motion. MR. CHAIRMAN: Go ahead. MEMBER GRONACHAN: In case number 01-036, a motion that we accept the variance of 1.5 feet, and I also move that the elimination -- that we eliminate the obscuring earth berm planting requirements on their property line, that we
eliminate the obscuring earth berm and planting and walls on the north property line, and also the elimination of the four-foot green space and planting on the northeast side of the building. And the reason for this motion is because this is in an excluded area and there are no neighbors or areas for objection. MEMBER BAUER: Second. MR. CHAIRMAN: It's been moved and seconded to grant the petition of the request as presented. Any further discussion or comments on the motion? Hearing none, Madam Secretary, will you call the roll, please. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Gronachan? MEMBER GRONACHAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Bauer? MEMBER BAUER: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Brennan? MEMBER BRENNAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Fannon? MEMBER FANNON: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Reinke? MR. CHAIRMAN: Yes.
SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Sanghvi? MEMBER SANGHVI: Yes. MR. CHAIRMAN: I tell you, you're doing a good job when you got such -- along like that one. LARRY ANCYPA: Thank you.
CASE NUMBER 01-046 MR. CHAIRMAN: Next case, case number 01-046 filed by Paul Gobeille representing Signature Associates. Is the petitioner here? Please come forward. I guess your associates have requested a sign variance for vacant property located next to the I-96 freeway. Sir, would you give your name and address and be sworn in by our secretary? PAUL GOBEILLE: Paul Gobeille, 9038 Hunter Bay, Brighton. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Would you raise your right hand, please. Do you swear that the testimony you are about to give in the matter before you is the truth? PAUL GOBEILLE: Yes. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Thank you. MR. CHAIRMAN: Present your case, please. PAUL GOBEILLE: The property is a thirty-two plus acre piece of property that's L-shaped, south side of Novi Road -- excuse me, south side of Twelve Mile west of Novi Road. And
due to the height of the expressway where the railroad tracks cross under, it's impossible to see a sign from the freeway. And you probably saw our mockup sign. That's even hard to see, but -- the request would be for a forty-eight square foot increase in size over the ordinance and a five foot height increase over the ordinance. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. Is there anyone in the audience that would like to have input into this? Hearing none, building department? MR. SAVEN: Paul, would you say you're approximately 200 foot back from the expressway? PAUL GOBEILLE: Yeah. Probably a little more than that. That's probably what the Detroit Edison attorney was saying. MR. CHAIRMAN: We had ten notices sent and none were returned. How long of a time frame are you looking for this for -- (inaudible) property? PAUL GOBEILLE: Yes. I would say it would be in the neighborhood of a year.
MR. CHAIRMAN: Any board members, comments or discussions? MEMBER BRENNAN: Mr. Chairman, that was the only note that I had on this file. I would want to produce some time line to it, and hopefully they'll sell in a year. If he doesn't and he needs to come back and see us in a year's time, we'll listen to his issues then. MR. CHAIRMAN: Other board members, comments or discussions? Miss Gray? MEMBER GRAY: I would ask why there's not a sign at the north end of the property up at Twelve Mile as opposed to the expressway? PAUL GOBEILLE: There is as well. MEMBER GRAY: There is as well? PAUL GOBEILLE: It's been up and down through the road work that's being done there. MEMBER BRENNAN: You expect to keep that sign as well? PAUL GOBEILLE: Yes. MEMBER BRENNAN: Can you have two signs? MR. CHAIRMAN: You got to frontages?
PAUL GOBEILLE: Yes. MEMBER BRENNAN: And the other one, did we give you a variance on that, or is that one -- PAUL GOBEILLE: No, that's not a variance. It's an ordinance. MR. CHAIRMAN: That's the 16 square-footer. PAUL GOBEILLE: Correct. MEMBER BRENNAN: Well, I think he's made some case for the size of the sign given its location and setback from I-96. And, obviously, I-96 is a good place to market 40 some acres of property. MR. CHAIRMAN: Is that a motion? MEMBER BRENNAN: Yes. With respect to 01-046, I would move that the petitioner's request be granted for a period of one year for the purpose of selling the property. MEMBER BAUER: Support. MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Moved and seconded to grant petitioner's request. Any further discussion or comments on the motion?
Madam Secretary, will you call the roll, please. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Brennan? MEMBER BRENNAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Fannon? MEMBER FANNON: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Bauer? MEMBER BAUER: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Gronachan? MEMBER GRONACHAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Reinke? MR. CHAIRMAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Sanghvi? MEMBER SANGHVI: Yes. MR. CHAIRMAN: Sir, your variance request has been approved. See the building department for the necessary permits and we wish you the best of luck. PAUL GOBEILLE: Thank you.
CASE NUMBER 01-047 MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. Next case, case number 01-047, filed by Andy Kowal. Is he here? Okay. Mr. Kowal is requesting a 5.92 foot side yard setback variance and a 3.5 foot rear yard setback variance, construction of a 240 square-foot attached accessory structure to be located at 1185 South Lake Drive. Sir, would you be sworn in by the secretary, please. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Do you swear that the testimony that you're about to give in the matter before you is true? ANDY KOWAL: Yes. MR. CHAIRMAN: Would you please present your case. ANDY KOWAL: I wish to -- I live across the street from the lake, like everybody else does on South Lake Drive, except for a few people. And I brought my boat recently from -- that was up north down here. And I'd like to store it, a boat, during the winter rather than leaving it out on the property exposed, and the only place I can put a garage that I could reach with a
trailer, without cutting down two huge, beautiful trees, is on the -- my east side yard. And I have, like, ten foot six inches between a tree and a -- and the side -- and the property line. And I'm trying to build a -- I need a ten-foot outside dimension for the trailer to get an eight-and-a-half foot trailer in the garage -- I mean -- yeah, eight-and-a-half foot trailer and boat in the garage. And the garage will be exactly to match my house, so it should be attractive. All the materials will be the same, as long as I can get them, and I think I can. That is the reason that I'm in front of the ZBA. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. Is there anything further that you have? ANDY KOWAL: The backyard property line, I'm also asking for a variance there, and that's because it runs at a sharp angle to the side yard property, so I'm -- although I'm six foot away at one corner of the proposed garage, I'm only two foot- MEMBER BAUER: (Interposing)
Two-and-a-half feet. ANDY KOWAL: I'm only two feet away on the other end. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. Is there anyone in the audience with input into this case? Would you step forward, please, ma'am. Could we have your name and address for the record, please. DOROTHY DUCHENO: My name is Dorothy Ducheno. I reside at 1191 South Lake Drive, which is the property next to Mr. Kowal. I am here at this point representing the property at 125 Henning, which is the property that is directly to the south of his property line. Anything else I can do? I sent in some letters. I'm making a personal appearance here today because in going over some things with the wonderful City website that we have on the Internet, I came across your rules of procedure, and I'd like to address several points on that. Under the rules of procedure for dimensional variances, it states that a petitioner
is expected to demonstrate some or all of the following criteria: Number one, that strict enforcement of the ordinance unreasonably prevents the owner from using the property for permitted use, or conforming to the ordinance would be unnecessarily burdensome. On that point, my feeling is that this request for a variance is a want, not a need. The applicant wants not to cut a tree, the applicant wants not to enter into the rest of his backyard. He wants extra storage. This building is for accessory storage on a double lot property. It's not primary storage. As such, the intent and requirements of the ordinances regarding setback should be upheld and found unreasonable. The second rule of procedure states that the proposed variance will not negatively impact on other property owners affected by the variance. That's my bone. Granting these variances, in particular the rear yard setback, will negatively affect our property which runs on the south border of this property. It will change
and it will direct the flow of runoff water from his backyard property, which is elevated, and funnel it directly onto our southeast corner just north on our garage side. There is no other place for this water to flow. We maintained the six foot rear and side yard setback when we built our garage several years ago. We did that on a thirty-eight foot wide lot. Our concern is runoff. It will impact us. There are two storm drain culverts due east of this property which I was able to locate with the help of the City. They are directly east where the properties intersect. They are physically on the Southpointe Condo property. They were installed there to control the runoff problems. Right now, even when we have a heavy rain, the entire floor on my garage is flooded and wet. It's runoff that comes. We're not going to be able to stop the rain but I can direct some of the flow of water. By locating this building that far
south, there is no place else for this water to flow except toward us and onto us. The third stipulation on your procedures says that there is not a lesser variance which could remedy the problem. Our objection is not to being allowed to build on the property, but we feel that were other options as to where. Also under your rules for procedure which I found, number two states where a residential homeowner seeks a dimensional variance, the applicant shall have sought approval from the homeonwers association, which we don't have, as well as informed adjacent neighbors and any other person directly affected by the proposed variance. First we heard of this is when I received a letter, singular, even though we have five properties, telling us that there was going to be a hearing for the ZBA. We feel other options could include a variance that would reduce the minimum setback distance from the house to the garage; in other words, push the building north and then we can retain the six foot rear yard and allow some water
to flow. We need the six foot for drainage, fire access. We have a garage building, too. Any property that's too close to a line, I believe, does have to have some extra building codes as far as fires and neighboring properties. There's also for access to the high power electrical lines. I was not able to confirm with Detroit Edison, it seems there are no records, as far as official easements, but there is a high power tension wire that runs east/west between the two properties. And at the point where the two properties touch, it also runs due north along the property line and then it cuts south into the subdivision itself. It's the main feeder line for that area. Point four, that the need for the variance is due to unique circumstances arriving from the property. We have no problem, you know, lake front home, yes, there is a circumstance. Extra storage is always nice. The lot is not a standard shape. That was how it was platted. It does consist of two combined smaller lots.
We do not object to his want of a building, just his desire where he puts it, it affects us. Number five is that the need for the variance is not self-created. We feel that the need for this variance is a want. I don't want to cut my tree, I don't want to make my backyard smaller, I do want extra storage; so, therefore, I need a variance. This is not the first. This is the fourth variance request for this backyard within the four years -- last four years. The second variance, as far as the east property line, in general, I don't think it's ever a good idea to build upon a property line. Thank you. MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Does anyone else in the audience -- sir, please step forward. Can we have your name and address for the record, please. MIKE DUCHENO: Yes. For the record, my name is Mike Ducheno. I live at 1191, and basically I'm the house that's on the corner of
Hannan and South Lake, the property that's directly to the west of Mr. Kowal. I'd like to say that I have nothing against Mr. Kowal in general. He's been a pretty good neighbor to me, and I don't have any real complaints, so I'm not taking anything personal as far as his request. As was stated, he's been here many times before this board in the last few years. I have not. You, perhaps, sometimes had the comments to the specific requests, sometimes approving, sometimes disapproving. But in this case I feel a little bit more strong as to this request, and that's why I'm here. Basically, I hope that in your package you have my letter of July 11th with the disapproval. If not, I can provide it to you. To save you the efforts, I will go through it. Sometimes sounds like you guys read the letters and sometimes you don't, but I'll go through this a little bit more detailed. My folks live in Troy. They have a very similar building in their backyard. It's a one-car garage, and they, for their uses, actually
put it in the middle of their backyard. Okay? The one hardship that Mr. Kowal has brought to you is that he has some beautiful trees that he does not want to cut. To those, it's a matter of opinion. One of them he lists as a walnut. I don't know trees, so I can't say if it's a walnut or not. He shows on his plot that he's going to build a building six inches from that tree. I assume the City is going to require rat (ph) wall. If you put a rat wall six inches from the tree you can pretty well envision what's going to become of that tree. He has requested variances to the rear yard and side yard, two variances. He says he has no other place to put this. You can take that accessory building, you can line it up with the edge of his house north/south, put it right in the middle of his property. He can back it up, not cut any trees, and he'll be farther away from his wall. So basically size -- his lot's ample in size. Talked about the power lines, the cable, the utility lines that are -- basically will
be within thirty inches of the property line now, with his request, if this is approved. Talked about drainage. And, finally, he's already encroached on the rear yard setback once. It was granted through the ZBA. He wanted to expand his house. He's got a nice sunroom, you know, and I'm sure he enjoys that, but he's already been granted one variance to encroach on the rear yard setback, and now he's coming back to you again saying okay, I've done this, you guys give me approval, I'd like to see a little bit more. My issue is I do not support the granting of any side yard or rear yard variances. Now, if there's other variances that he needs, you know, I'd consider that. When we get a proposal, the sketch had very little information, so it's difficult to, you know, really, you know, evaluate. But, again, like I said, I have nothing against, you know, Mr. Kowal. He's been a good neighbor, but I do not support his request. MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Is there anyone else in the audience? Whoever steps there
first. Go ahead. VERN DRISCO: My name is Vern Drisco. I reside at 1127 South Lake Drive, the property adjacent, and I have some pictures that I took yesterday and this morning. The first picture -- if it's working. The first picture is the area involved, the southeast corner to be built on. The fence is the south borderline, and to the red -- to the right, you can just barely make it out, there's a red or orange line which shows the east borderline facing north. The second picture, can't see too well, but on the post -- just to the right of the post on the top rail there you can see the line going straight north. That shows the east border of the property involved. MEMBER GRAY: Can you point to that line? VERN DRISCO: Right- MEMBER GRAY: (Interposing) Would you point to that line, you have a pen? VERN DRISCO: Basically, the line is running right along there.
MEMBER GRAY: Okay. So that's the property line. VERN DRISCO: Now, that would be the south boundary line. The boundary line here would be -- I have to show that with the second picture. The boundary line is right there, and he's extending onto our property there already. Picture three shows the room that he has to his left. Picture four shows a better detail of the amount of room, other than for his two trees. And that shows the amount of room he has in the front between the south boundary line and his front yard. Now, I believe he has more than sufficient room to build his building without causing a reduction in the size variance. Thank you. MR. CHAIRMAN: Yes, ma'am? MARGARET LORRIE: Hi. My name is -- can you hear me? Hi. My name is Margaret Lorrie and I also reside at 1127 South Lake Drive unit 218, slightly different from Vernie's. The reason I'm here tonight is we
also took a picture before we realized Vernie had, and I can show it to you, and it's pointed with arrows and such, what was going on. I also just wanted to mention that there's an arithmetical error on your sheet there. It says that the amount left before the property line is .8 feet. MR. SAVEN: .0. MARGARET LORRIE: It's .08 feet, which is, you know, like, nine-tenths of an inch or something like that. And he doesn't -- he doesn't really respect property lines as it is. If he were to build his shed or his storage area that close, how would he ever maintain it? And we'd like to maybe put up a fence someday. How would we do that on our property line? So let me show you this picture, and thank you very much. The property line -- our red line is even more indistinct probably than Vernie's was. I can see it on this picture, but I don't see it on
the screen very well. But that's where it is there. And all of the stuff to the left of that arrow saying property line is our property, and there's all sorts of a myriad of objects on it, as you can see, that don't belong there. Okay? So I thank you very much for your time and consideration. MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Is there anyone else in the audience who would like to input or participate in this case? Hearing none, building department? MR. SAVEN: If the board so chooses to consider the variances, there's a couple issues that I would like to bring to light. Number one would be certainly, as with the lady had just indicated, there is an issue regarding controlling the roof runoff, which Mr. Kowal would have to deal with if the board chooses to do this, and that probably would be by gutters and redirecting the flow of water in a different direction. The second issue would be for fire protection on those property -- or that wall which is located within three foot of the property line,
so he would have to be aware that he needs to do a little more fire protection in that area. Third thing is, just based upon what was presented here tonight, have some concerns about where the property line is, in fact, where -- what he, in fact, would need to do, and I believe a staking is in order. You may want to consider that as part of your motion. MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. There were ninety-three notices sent, received one approval, nineteen objections, and ten were sent back. Board members, comments or discussions? MEMBER BRENNAN: Mr. Chairman? MR. CHAIRMAN: Mr. Brennan? MEMBER BRENNAN: I'll fire off a first round. You've got a lot of problems here, Mr. Kowal. First of all, I'm not convinced that this is the only location. As I look at your layout, it appears that you could position this accessory building to the west or to the left of the nine inch pine and the eight inch walnut tucked behind the house and not need any variances.
Secondly, I'm always moved by adjoining property owners, and we're certainly on record of their position. So that plays into my feelings as well. Third, and this bothers me, because in 1998 we granted the use of a outdoor tent for use of -- for storing a boat. You admitted at the time you had construction material on site, and I'm looking at photographs today and you can see rows and rows of concrete block. I'd wonder whether the building department needs to be looking at this site for whether there is any violations of outdoor storage of construction materials. MR. SAVEN: I think first and foremost, again, we define the property line, where the property line is. The other issues for the outdoor storage and materials, yes, that will be referred to the ordinance division. ANDY KOWAL: Can I address the questions here? First of all, of the two trees that I'm attempting to avoid cutting down are in line with the house, with the side -- with the east side
of the house, and they're about two or three feet east of the line of the house extended. So there is no way possible to get a garage on there and be able to pull in a trailer with a boat on it into that garage. It's just impossible. And I think one look at the site you would see that. I gave you a site plan in which the house is located on it, the trees are located on there. Everything was -- was laid out by a surveyor. And I'm a registered civil engineer, and I -- I know where the property line is. There's been a lot of discussion about where the property line is. I have selected that -- I put that string -- there's the -- actually a -- on the South Lake Condominiums' deed, there is a question of where the property line actually exists, and because they have a measured dimension on it, which does not check, and they have a -- as -- as -- as -- as -- as it's written in the original plat, they have a dimension. They are at variance one point -- one degree and thirty minutes, which is about a hundred feet run would change your property line
and would move it over a foot over. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. ANDY KOWAL: And my -- and what I picked out was the most harmful location of it. All those blocks, if -- and I could bring out their surveyor to verify this. I believe all those blocks, in his interpretation of the property line, would be on my property. Okay? MR. CHAIRMAN: Well, we're not going to debate the property line here at this point in time because it's not before us and it's not our function. Our function is to review the request as you've presented it to us, which you have presented, and the board- ANDY KOWAL: (Interposing) I'm just saying I can use their surveyor in ascertaining, I think- MR. CHAIRMAN: (Interposing) Well, that would be -- have to be worked out with the building department if you got a variance, when you pull the permit, would have to be documented at that point. That is nothing that's before this board. What is before this board is your
request, and I would say right now that you have enough property that that could be positioned a bare minimum with no rear yard setback, and I really question going down to the zero line on the right -- or on the east side. You've got to be able to work something out different than that, because I could never support your request the way you have it. Now, if you -- that's one person's comments. Board members, comments or discussion? I'm not going to get into a debate back and forth. ANDY KOWAL: Can I address the rest of the comments? MR. CHAIRMAN: Hold on. The board is discussing this. We will have questions. You've made your presentation. It's our turn to review this, and please respect our point to do that. ANDY KOWAL: I do. MR. CHAIRMAN: Board members, further comments or discussion? MEMBER FANNON: Mr. Chairman, I can't
support any variance to the rear yard setback because there's plenty of room on the yard itself. The side yard setback -- personally, I love trees. If anybody saw my house you'd see what I'm talking about. You just may have to take these trees down in order to make this work, and I would suggest to you that that is an option, even though you don't want to do it. Trees do come down and they can be replaced by other trees, and that just may be the end of it. I can't support this whole thing and have all the neighbors upset. And there's no reason to jam this garage down in the corner. I don't know how you're going to put a door on it if it's only ten foot wide and your boat's eight-and-a-half foot wide, so -- I don't even want to get into that. But how do you do that? How do you have an eight-and-a-half foot door on a ten foot garage. You'd have, like, two sticks holding up the whole garage. So it's probably not even wide enough, but that's your decision. I just can't support the thing at all down in that corner. With all these things that
were shown to us today, it seems to be the worst place on the property. MR. CHAIRMAN: Sarah, do you have a comment? MEMBER GRAY: There's a structure there already. Is that the structure that was given approval a couple years ago, canvas-type structure? MEMBER BRENNAN: We gave him a six-month variance. MEMBER GRAY: Why is it still there? Okay. That's rhetorical, please. I am familiar with those kinds of structures. I know a lot of people in the area do use them, a lot of commercial industries use them. The basis for those is cement block and commercial usage for storage of outside property, et cetera. I know that there is a serious drainage problem in that area going all the way down to the end of Henning. I know there's standing water at many times because that's part of the wetlands back there at the end of this property at Southpointe.
Southpointe's ten acres, and I know when that was built, I know there was extensive surveys, and I know there's been at least three surveys on Southpointe since Southpointe was built. I also question the need when Mr. Kowal has a two-car garage attached to the house in the front. Other people store their boats on their lake frontage. I know a lot of people don't like to store their boats outside, but there's also storage facilities for them. The area is abounding with them. I would respectfully suggest that Mr. Kowal does have other options, and any hardship in this case would be self-imposed. And sticking something back in the corner that is going to have a negative impact on his neighbors, let alone, potentially, his own property is not something that this board should be supporting. I also think that he -- we need to know if there is a power easement, utility easement for the power lines back in there. You know, you can't build a structure under power lines. If there's power lines back there, that needs to be
researched. Thank you. MR. CHAIRMAN: Other board members, comments or discussions? MEMBER BAUER: I just can't support that. MR. CHAIRMAN: I -- as what you have presented here, I don't think the board can work with it. ANDY KOWAL: Can I address some of the thing's that were brought up? MR. CHAIRMAN: You can, yes. ANDY KOWAL: Okay. First of all, about drainage. There is no drainage problem, and there won't be no drainage problem. And the City and myself, I -- when I asked for a -- when I put in the -- when I got a permit for -- to put a sunroom on the back of the house, I buried a drainage line and created a french drain all the way from halfway between our -- my house and Mr. Ducheno's house, and -- and it goes -- and there is room behind the garage because it's buried there through all the way to the south property -- to the east property line where the
City directed me to. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. ANDY KOWAL: And so that is all installed. And they're- MR. CHAIRMAN: (Interposing) Whether the drains is installed, the position of the building is too close to the property line. The drainage issue is a separate issue in its own and I'm not even considering that. ANDY KOWAL: All right. MR. CHAIRMAN: I'm saying that you have enough property that that building could be positioned there with no variance needed at all. ANDY KOWAL: I do have enough property if I cut down the trees. There's no question about that. I have -- I have no argument with that. Okay? And that's the only reason I'm here. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. ANDY KOWAL: And- MR. CHAIRMAN: (Interposing) You could reposition the building and necessarily -- you could reposition the building and not necessarily cut down both trees.
ANDY KOWAL: Those trees were put there partly as a screen to screen out the South Lake property when they were building that. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. ANDY KOWAL: And as far as variances -- prior variances- MR. CHAIRMAN: (Interposing) Would you like the opportunity to come back next month with a revised proposal, or do you want us to address what you have before us tonight? ANDY KOWAL: Right now, off the top of my head, I'd say I don't have any reason to come back. I either- MR. CHAIRMAN: (Interposing) You want us to deal with this issue before us tonight? ANDY KOWAL: You can decide to grant the variance or not grant the variance. MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much. Board members, further comments or discussions? MEMBER BRENNAN: Mr. Chairman, I'm ready to make a motion. With respect to case 01-047, I move that the petitioner's request be denied due to insufficient hardship.
MEMBER GRONACHAN: Support. MR. CHAIRMAN: Been moved and seconded that the petitioner's variance request be denied due to insufficient hardship. Any further comments on the discussion? Hearing none, Madam Secretary, would you call the roll, please. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Brennan? MEMBER BRENNAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Gronachan? MEMBER GRONACHAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Bauer? MEMBER BAUER: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Fannon? MEMBER FANNON: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Reinke? MR. CHAIRMAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Sanghvi? MEMBER SANGHVI: Yes. MR. CHAIRMAN: Sir, your variance request has been denied. ANDY KOWAL: Thank you.
CASE NUMBER 01-048 MR. CHAIRMAN: Next case, case 01-048 filed by Gregory Hudas representing Regency Centre. Is the petitioner present? BRAD EGAN: I'm not Greg Hudas. Greg Hudas is the broker from Signature Associates. I'm Brad Egan with Millright Development RLC. We're the developer on the property. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. If you would be sworn in, sir. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Do you swear that the testimony you're about to give in this matter before you is the truth? BRAD EGAN: I do. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. Tell us why you need to keep your marketing sign. BRAD EGAN: Well, a short twelve months ago we were back -- we were in front of you to request to be able to put our marketing sign along Haggerty Road. For those that are -- may not be familiar with this site, it's on Haggerty between Grand River and I-96, just south of I-96 overpass. Couple of things interesting about
the site, is we only have seventy feet of frontage along Haggerty Road but it is a thirty acre site where we plan to put a 350,000 square feet of new prime office space, roughly, in about twelve buildings. Currently two buildings are up. We have one that is occupied by a new tenant. But a couple of the reasons we are back in front of you is, one, the market has slowed considerably since about eight months ago. The high tech market is virtually nonexistent. And you may all be familiar with the number of vacant buildings that are around the city of Novi, as well as Wixom. We've run into some challenges with our site that have caused us to have some delays in the marketing of the property. And the closing of Haggerty Road at the I-96 overpass has basically made it a dead-end street, which limits the amount of traffic that goes by the building -- or by the site. I'm asking for an additional twelve months on the marketing sign. It is a good-looking marketing sign, although it needs to be cleaned, it
will be done by the end of the week if you grant the variance. Hopefully you will. I can answer any questions that you have. MR. CHAIRMAN: Is there anyone in the audience with input or testimony in this case? Hearing none, building department? MR. SAVEN: No comment, sir. MR. CHAIRMAN: There were 12 notices sent and none came back. Board members, comments or discussions? MEMBER BRENNAN: Question for the applicant. Somewhere in there I was trying figure out what percentage of this is built and/or leased of this 30 acre site. BRAD EGAN: The two buildings that are up, one is 21,000, and that one's occupied by Coastoff (ph) America, a high tech automotive component supplier. The other building is 23,000 square feet. It is a light industrial building and is currently vacant. We've recently finished the shell of the building and we have a potential deal on the
site but it's not signed or sealed. MR. CHAIRMAN: What was the total square footage that's going to be available? BRAD EGAN: Probably around 350,000. It's a thirty acre site. We've got two of the -- it's a condo'd site. We've got two of the sites completed right now, so we're looking at an additional- MEMBER BRENNAN: (Interposing) Short answer, you're a long way from Kokomo? BRAD EGAN: Absolutely. MEMBER BRENNAN: You've got 40,000 on the street, and 350,000. That's what I was trying to get to. Thanks. BRAD EGAN: And much of that has been because of some issues that we've run into on the site itself. MEMBER FANNON: Mr. Chairman, I would make a motion in case 01-048, that we grant the variance for twelve months due to the fact that the -- Haggerty Road has been closed for three months, and there was some natured problems with the site construction. MEMBER BRENNAN: Support.
MR. CHAIRMAN: Moved and seconded to grant the petitioner's request for a extension on a sign. Any comments or questions from the board members? Hearing none, Madam Secretary, would you call the roll, please. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Fannon? MEMBER FANNON: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Brennan? MEMBER BRENNAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Bauer? MEMBER BAUER: (Inaudible.) SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Gray? MEMBER GRAY: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Gronachan? MEMBER GRONACHAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Reinke? MR. CHAIRMAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Sanghvi? MEMBER SANGHVI: Yes. MR. CHAIRMAN: Sir, your variance request has been granted. See the building department for the necessary permits and we wish
you the best of luck. BRAD EGAN: Thank you. CASE NUMBER 01-049 MR. CHAIRMAN: Next case, case number 01-049, filed by Eugene -- I'll get the first name. EUGENE PUCCIO: Puccio. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Representing homeowners of 24425 Glenda. He is requesting a 552 foot variance to allow for construction of a detached accessory building located at 24425 Glenda. Sir, would you be sworn in, please. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Do you swear that the testimony that you're about to give in this matter is the truth? EUGENE PUCCIO: I do. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Thank you. MR. CHAIRMAN: Would you give your name and address? EUGENE PUCCIO: Eugene Puccio, Portland Building Company, 25645 Ford Road, Dearborn Heights. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Would you
please present your case. EUGENE PUCCIO: Well, I think I'll turn it over to the homeowner who's here with me. CHAIRMAN: Okay. I'm going to ask you be sworn in also then, please. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Do you swear that the testimony you're about to give in this matter before you is the truth? DENNIS KASMOWSKI: Yes, I do. Dennis KASMOWSKI. I reside at 24425 Glenda, and I'd like a size variance for a detached garage in the back. It's going to be primarily used for the storage of lawn equipment, garden equipment. I have two lawn tractors presently, and also it's going to be used for maintenance of my own personal vehicles. I do not take my vehicles in for service, I service them all, and I presently have three vehicles. That's what I'm looking for. The garage will be sided to match the house, and the roof will be matching the house as well. Off the one property line it's going to be fifteen foot, and it's going to be seventy
foot off the rear property line, and it's going to be set back a hundred seventeen foot from the house. CHAIRMAN: Okay. Thank you. Anyone in the audience, input or testimony in this case? Building department? MR. SAVEN: You had indicated that you're using it for your lawn tractors. Is this a business that you have? DENNIS KASMOWSKI: No, just my own personal use, no business at all. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. There were twenty-eight notices sent and we received two objections. One is, property was purchased four months ago as an R4 zone. The building will not conform with the adjoining properties. It will be a detriment to property value. John and Pearl Adams. MEMBER BRENNAN: Adams. MR. CHAIRMAN: Adams. And the second one is from Harry and Vivian Dimitri, and they go on with objection to building a new garage based on number of factors, not the least of which is the
fact that my property is the closest involved, and my property will be most affected by the property owner. In fact, they're (inaudible). In fact, I've been told that it's to be a garage, but if so, why is it placed so far away from the owner's house and put in elevation that abuts the property against my property. If not, I note the distance of a hundred seventeen feet from the back line. We have not been contacted at all, but have not been able to get a firm answer regarding the size of the proposed building. I'm concerned that if this building or garage is to be used for a workshop, then my family and I are going to be suffering from noise pollution coming from the building. I'm much concerned about how the construction of the proposed structure will affect the property value of my house and the property in the event that I desire to sell. Basically they're concerned of what type of structure you're gonna have. I don't know if you had talked with this resident. DENNIS KASMOWSKI: That was the only residence that I did not have an opportunity to talk to.
CHAIRMAN: Board members, comments or discussion? I got a couple things but I'll pass to the others. MEMBER BRENNAN: Mr. Chairman, should this variance be granted, this homeowner ends up with a five-car garage. I think this an excessive variance request. I think it -- as one of the homeowners has indicated in the -- in their letter, it makes it a very odd parcel compared to the other parcels along Glenda, and I'm not convinced with the testimony that there's hardship. MR. CHAIRMAN: Board members, comments or discussion? MEMBER SANGHVI: You don't have any kind of way getting into this -- what you call a garage? DENNIS KASMOWSKI: I don't have any? MEMBER SANGHVI: There is no part or a door or anything that leads to your structure in the back. DENNIS KASMOWSKI: I'm going to have an asphalt driveway. MEMBER SANGHVI: This only goes to the garage. (Inaudible) the structure going to be?
DENNIS KASMOWSKI: There will be one that goes to the new structure. MEMBER SANGHVI: Where will it go? Where will you bring it? DENNIS KASMOWSKI: It's going to come off of the existing driveway. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. MEMBER SANGHVI: If you look at the existing driveway and your garage, how are you going to extend it over there? DENNIS KASMOWSKI: It's going to go- MEMBER SANGHVI: (Interposing) Go around it? DENNIS KASMOWSKI: It's gonna go around the garage. MEMBER FANNON: Mr. Chairman, let me just -- we have a print here that doesn't show the driveway that you're proposing to go around. MEMBER SANGHVI: It's not there at all. There's no driveway shown in your plan here and how you are going to get there. MR. CHAIRMAN: Well, the other thing I have a problem with here is you got an existing two-car garage, and now we're building a
twenty-four by forty building. MEMBER GRAY: Double the size. MR. CHAIRMAN: Double the size. MEMBER GRAY: Doubling the size of the existing two-car. CHAIRMAN: Oh, yeah, easily. MEMBER GRAY: Yeah. MR. CHAIRMAN: I got a problem with that, and if he's allowed -- and correct me if I'm wrong, Mr. Saven -- to build a 850 square-foot building -- MR. SAVEN: Up to 850 square-foot. DENNIS KASMOWSKI: That's including what's already there. Presently I can build -- I would have 408 square foot remaining. I could build a 20 by 20 without a variance presently. And if I cannot have the full variance, I would be willing to have any square footage that would be allowed. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. MEMBER FANNON: Mr. Chairman, I'm sorry. I think what should happen here, and I'm not -- first of all, we don't have a print that shows us this driveway, which is kind of concerning
to me; and, second, the two neighbors are a little upset. So I think you may want to go back to the drawing board. It's not up to us to sit here and tell you what size garage to build- DENNIS KASMOWSKI: (Interposing) Right. MEMBER FANNON: -and then go and give you something smaller. You can build one, like you said, that's twenty by twenty and not even come here, so -- I don't think it's our job to say why shouldn't it be twenty by twenty-three. MR. CHAIRMAN: No. I totally agree. And I think that really what you need to do is you need to address the issue with your neighbors and you need to come in with a realistic request- DENNIS KASMOWSKI: (Interposing) Okay. MR. CHAIRMAN: -of what you're looking for, because I have one member who would never approve this. DENNIS KASMOWSKI: Okay. MR. CHAIRMAN: Even if he had the neighbors' approval. DENNIS KASMOWSKI: Okay.
MEMBER FANNON: And showing this driveway. MR. CHAIRMAN: Correct. MEMBER FANNON: Should be on there. MR. CHAIRMAN: Would you like us to table this for our next meeting? DENNIS KASMOWSKI: No, that wouldn't -- won't be necessary. EUGENE PUCCIO: You want to withdraw. DENNIS KASMOWSKI: I want to withdraw. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. DENNIS KASMOWSKI: Thank you for your time. MR. CHAIRMAN: Very good. Thank you.
CASE NUMBER 01-056 MR. CHAIRMAN: Moving along, next case filed by Roy Wilson at 44512 Copeland. He's requesting a 12 foot rear yard variance to allow an addition to an existing structure. The home experienced severe fire damage and is in the process of being reconstructed. Sir, would you be sworn in by our secretary? MEMBER GRONACHAN: Do you swear that the testimony that you're about to give in this matter is the truth? ROY WILSON: Yes. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. Would you present your case, please. ROY WILSON: Well, as it was stated in the case, we had severe fire damage five days before Christmas, little more than severe, but the sunroom that was attached to the house when we purchased it six years ago apparently may have to come down. And -- originally, it was a gazebo and the previous owner attached it to the house. So my understanding is that that was
approved as a gazebo when the variance was granted. So what we want to do is -- I mean, we use that sunroom all the time, we did. We haven't used it lately. We would like to incorporate that into the home. If you -- the house, it's pretty well protected. On the other side of that we have a pool. It does offer some privacy to the yard with the pool. It also -- also offers some protection as far as getting into the pool area. And there's a fence, of course, to the north of the property line. We're looking for a twelve foot variance. I've talked to all the neighbors, especially the neighbor on this side that -- that sunroom actually faces his garage. And there are no windows on that side of the property on his house. And I've talked to all the neighbors about it. To my knowledge, there's been nobody that has objected. I do have the approval of the homeowners association. MR. CHAIRMAN: Could you bring that
forward, please, so we have that for our records. Thank you. Do you need a copy of that back or can we keep that for our file here? ROY WILSON: No, you can keep it. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. Is there anything else? ROY WILSON: No, that's it. MR. CHAIRMAN: All right. Anyone in the audience wish to input or testimony in this case? Hearing none, building department? MR. SAVEN: Only for the fact that the existing structure was there and we did not show this as far as any berming process was concerned. This is why we picked it up. ROY WILSON: Actually, I talked to the insurance company and they have it. I don't know how that happened, but they've got some approval for the gazebo that, I think, was put in in 1992 or '93. MR. SAVEN: Well, that's a little more than what (inaudible). Well, to make a long story short, I
would encourage anything to get this job off and (inaudible) completed. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. There were thirty-five notices sent and three response, all approvals. Board members, comments or discussions? MEMBER FANNON: I just have one question. Is this 12 foot variance going any further than what that structure was already? ROY WILSON: No. It's not- MEMBER FANNON: (Interposing) It's probably on here, but I just want to make sure. ROY WILSON: Yeah. No, you're -- it's the same. MEMBER FANNON: You're not going any further than what was there for the last ten years? ROY WILSON: Correct. MR. CHAIRMAN: Is that a motion, Mr. Fannon? MEMBER FANNON: I'll make a motion in case number 01-056 that the variance be granted in this case due to the fact that the home had severe
fire damage and the variance is not taking the home or its additions out any further than it has been since 1992 or 3. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Second. MR. CHAIRMAN: It's been moved and seconded to grant petitioner's variance request -- variance as requested. Any further comments or discussion by the board? Hearing none, Madam Secretary, would you call the roll, please. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Fannon? MEMBER FANNON: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Gronachan? MEMBER GRONACHAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Bauer? MEMBER BAUER: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Brennan? MEMBER BRENNAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Reinke? MR. CHAIRMAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Sanghvi? MEMBER SANGHVI: Yes. MR. CHAIRMAN: Sir, your variance
request has been approved. See the building department. We wish you the best of luck. ROY WILSON: Thank you. CASE NUMBER 01-059 MR. CHAIRMAN: Case number 01-059, Taylor Scott Architects representing the Great Indoors. Sir, would you be sworn in, please. CHRIS GOBLE: Yes. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Would you raise your right hand? Thank you. Do you swear that the testimony that you're about to give in this matter before you is the truth? CHRIS GOBLE: Yes, I do. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Thank you. CHRIS GOBLE: Good evening. My name is Chris Goble. I'm with Taylor Scott Architects. I'm one of the architects, for the record, for the Great Indoors facility for the Fountain Walk development. What we're asking for in this variance, zoning allows basically one sign, forty square feet, primary traffic for retail
facilities. There are, as -- in the information we have submitted there, six signs in total that we're looking at. Each one of them is a map which shows -- it's eleven by seventeen map that shows the location specifically of each specific sign. I'd like to walk through the intended need for each one of these signs. Sign number one faces I-96 freeway. It's the primary identification sign, the main entrance to the facility. I do have one question. Mockups are in place, and I would just ask if the members have viewed those mockups on the sides of the building? BOARD MEMBERS: Yes. CHRIS GOBLE: One thing to point out, the way the mockups and the banners were done, there is a tan background to the sign. The signs that will be built are individual letters and it is on block. That's the only way we could get the mockup to work. The letters themselves, or the signs themself, are individual raised letters applied to the building. So, again, the first sign is the
primary building identification sign facing I-96. The second sign is on the back of the truck dock side which faces Twelve Mile Road. Again, the Great Indoors is acting as anchor tenant for the Fountain Walk development mall, and what we're trying to do with these signs is access to the facility, create the identifiers as to what the facility is as the anchor. The third sign is the mall entrance sign from the pedestrian walkway of Fountain Walk. That would be the graphic over the entrance for that element. The fourth sign, again, is a primary off the -- primary off of West Oak Drive coming down that road. The fifth sign is specific use. That talks about the customer pickup area. In this particular facility, when you buy merchandise, you would -- third small little entry vestibule on the Donelson Drive side of the building that identifies customer pickup, this is where you come in and get your merchandise. And the sixth sign, the final sign, is in the main entrance. It is the Starbucks
sign. There's a Starbucks facility located inside this building, and the actual variance on that particular sign, it's inside the glass, and zoning does not allow it to be illuminated in the Starbucks, particularly on these facilities, illuminate those signs. So that last sign specifically has to do with the illumination of that sign. A couple issues I would like to point out. The Great Indoors is an anchor tenant for this mall, and as such it's not as well-known or as widely known yet as a Sears or Wal-Mart or anyone else. There's an image that they're trying to create and market their kind of development, but the Great Indoors itself is not recognizable. The demographic is roughly 45, 60 miles outside, concentric ring, around the city of Novi, so it's not a corner grocery store. We're trying to bring people in from all parts in a radius. So the identification signs locating this particular facility from I-96 and Twelve Mile Road that tell the customer basically
where the store is, one of the reasons we were looking for identification signs on -- facing I-96 and the main entrance, and Twelve Mile Road and Donelson. I believe basically that's it. That's the information that I have. You should have -- there are mockups on the building, and there's two sheets. One of them shows the allowable signage and the other one shows the proposed signs that we are requesting. One last thing to state specifically about the signs themselves, there are about six of these facilities open in the country. There are another seven or eight under construction. The sign package is a standard sign package that the Great Indoors buys. There are a variation of signs, but the reason we picked these specific signs has to do with the master contract and the typical run that they give for signs. MR. CHAIRMAN: That's not going to get it for us, for that reason. CHRIS GOBLE: That's just purely an economical issue as far as they're -- there's about six different sizes in signs.
MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. Anything else? Is there anyone in the audience that would like to participate in this case? Building department? MR. SAVEN: No comment, sir. Only for the -- I do have a comment. The -- there is one sign that faces the interior, and as you recall, there was a determination by the city attorney's office regarding the signs facing the interior. But in this particular case, this is where the sign location is. It can't be visible from the surrounding area. But that was one of the concerns that we had concerning the sign package. That's why it's (inaudible). MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. Board members, comments or discussion? MEMBER BRENNAN: Oh, yeah. Mr. Chairman? MR. CHAIRMAN: Mr. Brennan? MEMBER BRENNAN: I'll just run down one through six. Number one, surprisingly, I don't have an issue with. I think that, for the size of the building, that's very similar to Sears,
JC Penneys. Sir, number two and number three signs are both, I would say, for within the mall identification and not from a long distance. Is there any reason why both two and three could not be the size of number three, that is, a hundred thirty-three square feet? CHRIS GOBLE: No. MEMBER BRENNAN: Okay. Number four, also a wall sign. Actually, I'm not -- I goofed that up. CHRIS GOBLE: You're referring to number two and four? MEMBER BRENNAN: Yeah, two and four. Two and four, I would suggest, might be able to be the same size of the 208. That's just something to throw out. These are only my observations. Merchandise pickup sign. There again, I don't have a problem with that. It's a huge store. It's required. We have it at Art Van and a lot -- so I don't have an issue with number four. Six, I don't recall us giving an illumination variance to Starbucks in the other
Starbucks store in Novi. MR. CHAIRMAN: You're talking about five. MEMBER BRENNAN: Yeah. I'm already going to six. So I didn't have a problem with number one, I don't have a problem with number five. I'd like to see some reduction in two, three, four, and I don't know why we need to consider number six when we didn't have it in the other store. And I know that Starbucks was not in front of us for an illuminated sign inside. That's a real quick first pass. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Can I go next? MR. CHAIRMAN: Sure. MEMBER GRONACHAN: We're going to be all over the place here. I think one's too big, and I think that four -- and I just have to get this straight. One is facing 96? MR. CHAIRMAN: Correct. CHRIS GOBLE: Correct. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Four is facing Donelson?
CHRIS GOBLE: Correct. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Correct? CHRIS GOBLE: Correct. MEMBER GRONACHAN: I think either one or four but not both, and the reason why I say that is because I like the sign over the door on Donelson Drive over the doorway, and I like the size of it. I did my consumer city act on Sunday with a baseball cap on, got in the car and went looking for your building. I don't agree that you're not well known. My friends are patiently waiting for your building to open. CHRIS GOBLE: Sears will be happy to hear that. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Yes. And, also, your ads are doing a great deal I think. Seriously though, when you're running -- when you're driving down Twelve Mile and you look over there, the size of sign number three -- help me here if I'm wrong. CHRIS GOBLE: Sign number two. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Size number two is -- I think if it was smaller you wouldn't quite see
it from Twelve Mile. I think when you're coming down Twelve Mile and you're looking at that sign, it just caught my eye as soon as I was coming down. I don't like the bigger size. And I realize that you're trying to catch it from 96, but I think it's overkill on one and four. It really, I think, takes -- personally, I think it takes away from the building. So either -- and I would go with one instead of four. Okay? Three I don't have a problem with. I don't have a problem with five. And six, I think you would need an illumination for Starbucks in order to find it because it's a great big building and it's a little sign. CHRIS GOBLE: It's roughly two-foot diameter. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Yeah. I don't have a problem with that. Thank you. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. Other board members, comments?
We want to review these more in general, or do we want to start with one and go through and everybody kind of have a consensus and then -- okay. Let's go back to sign one. Sign one, if I'm understanding your definition, is your -- deemed to be your primary sign, correct? CHRIS GOBLE: That's correct. That's the primary entrance to the building, that's the primary identification sign. MR. CHAIRMAN: All right. Board members, comments or discussion about sign one? MEMBER BAUER: I have no problem with sign one. MEMBER FANNON: No problem. MEMBER BRENNAN: Again, I just did a little visual in driving around the Twelve Oaks. It seemed that that sign was very similar in size to Sears and JC Penney. I mean, that's why I drew my opinion. MEMBER GRONACHAN: If one is going to stay and four is going to go, then I am in agreement with one. MR. CHAIRMAN: Well, let's make a
motion. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Okay. MEMBER BRENNAN: I'll make a motion with respect to the petitioner's sign one, that we move for support as submitted. MEMBER BAUER: Second. MR. CHAIRMAN: It's been moved and seconded to grant the petitioner's request for sign one for a variance of 367 square feet. Any further comments or discussion on the motion? If none, Madam Secretary, would you call the roll, please. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Brennan? MEMBER BRENNAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Bauer? MEMBER BAUER: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Fannon? MEMBER FANNON: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Gronachan? MEMBER GRONACHAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Reinke? MR. CHAIRMAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Sanghvi?
MEMBER SANGHVI: Yes. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. One's out of the way. Let's go for two. Now, two, that's the one facing Twelve Mile. MEMBER BRENNAN: I failed to read, Member Gronachan -- thinking back, I may have gotten these numbers mixed up, so- MEMBER GRONACHAN: (Interposing) That was easy to do. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. I don't have any trouble with two. MEMBER BAUER: I don't either. MEMBER GRONACHAN: In -- I don't even know what I'm doing here. Okay. Sign two, case number 01-059, that the motion be approved for a hundred sixty-eight square foot variance because the size and location meets the size of the building. MEMBER BRENNAN: Second. MR. CHAIRMAN: Been moved and seconded to approve the variance request for sign two. Any further discussion or comments?
Hearing none, Madam Secretary, would you call the roll, please. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Gronachan? MEMBER GRONACHAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Brennan? MEMBER BRENNAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Bauer? MEMBER BAUER: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Fannon? MEMBER FANNON: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Reinke? MR. CHAIRMAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Sanghvi? MEMBER SANGHVI: Yes. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. Moving right along. Sign three, which is on the west side of the building facing the interior. CHRIS GOBLE: The mall side you need. MEMBER FANNON: Yeah. You need something there. MR. CHAIRMAN: Yeah, but it's- MEMBER FANNON: (Interposing) But I'm just wondering, how many square feet is the
wall, do you know that? CHRIS GOBLE: Not off the top of my head. You're looking at -- between the pilasters is roughly 35 feet in length. MEMBER BRENNAN: See, once you're on that side of the building you already know what the Great Indoors is. You've got -- you've entered from Twelve Mile. Okay. Let's assume that you come down 96 and you see the real big sign. Now you get inside and you see the Twelve Mile sign. I mean, you're gonna get back in that corner. I don't know that you need another hundred and thirty foot sign over the main entrance. We might want to ask you to look at that or scale it back somehow. CHRIS GOBLE: Okay. MR. CHAIRMAN: What's the height of the letters on that sign? CHRIS GOBLE: This sign specifically is thirty feet ten inches by four foot three inches, and that's measured from the bottom of the G to the top of the D. MR. CHAIRMAN: Yeah. The four foot's
a big letter. CHRIS GOBLE: Okay. I'm certainly willing to (inaudible). This is what I have to go by as reference to the typical sign, sizes that I brought from the -- lay these things out. MEMBER BRENNAN: What was that middle one? MEMBER GRONACHAN: Which sign is that? CHRIS GOBLE: These are the Great Indoors. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Right. I understand that. MR. CHAIRMAN: Which size is this one here? MEMBER GRONACHAN: This one? CHRIS GOBLE: That one is- MR. CHAIRMAN: (Interposing) A hundred and thirty-three square feet. CHRIS GOBLE: That one. MEMBER BRENNAN: The second one from the top? MR. CHAIRMAN: What's the one -- two -- three -- fourth one down?
CHRIS GOBLE: That's two foot six tall, a hundred and twenty-one square feet. MR. CHAIRMAN: You know, you went from the second one down and you only dropped to a hundred and twenty-one square feet? MEMBER BRENNAN: You went from the second line item sign -- MR. CHAIRMAN: Yeah. That's what I was- CHRIS GOBLE: (Interposing) Bear with me just a second. MEMBER BAUER: It's on this sheet. It's in your stuff. MR. CHAIRMAN: Oh. MEMBER BAUER: On this page. MR. CHAIRMAN: It only goes down a hundred and thirty feet. CHRIS GOBLE: I'm sorry. Let me take that back. That is the -- that's the second -- that's the next to the bottom sign, what you're looking at there. That's this one. The other option that we have, you know, a hundred and thirty-three square feet, but there's one smaller that is 72.91 square feet.
That is -- MR. CHAIRMAN: What's the height of the letters? CHRIS GOBLE: Okay. Again, as we -- if we measure from the bottom of the G to the top of the D- MR. CHAIRMAN: (Interposing) Correct. CHRIS GOBLE: -the dimension on the one we were proposing was four foot three. On the next one, the next smallest one, it's three foot one from the bottom of the G to the top of the D. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. And what's the square footage on that? CHRIS GOBLE: 72.91, and it goes from thirty feet ten inches long to twenty-three feet two inches. MR. CHAIRMAN: I think (inaudible). MEMBER BRENNAN: Yeah. I think we've got a bit of an overkill on that sign. If you can get it down to that one you just mentioned. CHRIS GOBLE: Seventy-nine? MEMBER GRONACHAN: Seventy. CHRIS GOBLE: 72.91.
MR. CHAIRMAN: Seventy-three. CHRIS GOBLE: If I may, Richard Chamberlain is a representative from Sears. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. MEMBER BRENNAN: What's Sears? RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN: Sears is the parent company for Great Indoors. RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN: Good evening. MR. CHAIRMAN: Good evening. RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN: Do I need to be sworn in? MEMBER GRONACHAN: Yes. MR. CHAIRMAN: Yes. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Do you swear that the testimony you're about to give in the matter before you is the truth? RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN: Yes, ma'am. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Thank you. RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN: I would like to comment on this one particular sign. If you would place yourself in a mall situation -- that's what this is, on the west side of our building. If you were in a mall and you look towards the building, if you would, inside the Sears store, I guess you
say, the sign is at least this large, in most situations. I think that the actually good drive in off of Twelve Mile, if I remember the site plan right, they come in by Galions and actually not see our store, park on the west side of the property and enter the mall area, if you will, and actually come to our store without seeing any of our exterior signs. MR. SAVEN: First, you almost have to be on Donelson Drive to be able to do that. RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN: From the west? MR. SAVEN: Off Twelve Mile. RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN: Off Twelve Mile by Galion. MR. SAVEN: Twelve Mile. MEMBER GRAY: I probably could, but there's all those tinted ground signs around everywhere, too, so -- MEMBER BRENNAN: Yeah. Yeah. Let's keep that in mind, too. Thank you, Sarah. We granted to the -- to the Fountain Walk a number of directional signs on all four sides of this complex.
MEMBER GRAY: There are so many ground signs on here, not any more, I don't think, than Twelve Oaks, but, you know, let's put that in perspective. MEMBER BRENNAN: It's too bad we didn't have these plotted on this thing. MEMBER GRAY: They're on here. MEMBER BRENNAN: Are they? MEMBER GRAY: Yep. There's one immediately to the right of the customer pickup sign, if you look on the -- MEMBER BRENNAN: And another one on the corner to the -- on 96 side. That about kills that number four sign, doesn't it? MEMBER GRAY: Just about. MR. CHAIRMAN: Well, I think it's- MEMBER BRENNAN: (Interposing) I don't want to run this meeting, sir. MR. CHAIRMAN: No. That's all right. We can skip over that one if you want to, because I don't think it's going to fly at a hundred and thirty-three.
CHRIS GOBLE: Will it fly at 72.9? MR. CHAIRMAN: You've got a lot better chance than a hundred and thirty-three. CHRIS GOBLE: Then we would like to modify that sign to be 72.91 square feet. MR. CHAIRMAN: We'll round it off to 73. CHRIS GOBLE: Seventy-three. MR. CHAIRMAN: One-tenth. MEMBER GRAY: Can I suggest that we remember that for future tenants coming back to see us? MR. CHAIRMAN: Don't worry, we will. Member Brennan never forgets that. Chairman would entertain a motion for sign number three. MEMBER BRENNAN: I'd move that sign three be approved at 73 square feet, which is a 43 foot variance. MEMBER SANGHVI: Support. MEMBER BRENNAN: Thirty-three, I'm sorry. MR. CHAIRMAN: It's been moved and seconded that the sign number three will be a
maximum 73 square feet. Any further discussion on the motion? Madam Secretary, will you call the roll, please. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Brennan? MEMBER BRENNAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Sanghvi? MEMBER SANGHVI: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Bauer? MEMBER BAUER: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Fannon? MEMBER FANNON: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Gronachan? MEMBER GRONACHAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Reinke? MR. CHAIRMAN: Yes. Okay. We got three out of the way. Now number four. Four is my problem. MEMBER BAUER: Mine, too. MEMBER BRENNAN: And I think we just killed that one with the notation on both the ground signs, one at West Oaks Drive and the other was at the 96 entranceway. If you're going to have a directional
signage I don't know why you need a wall sign. MEMBER FANNON: Sign number -- but doesn't sign number five, sitting right next to sign number four going over the door, am I -- does it say the Great Indoors? CHRIS GOBLE: Yes, sir, it does. MEMBER FANNON: It doesn't say customer pickup. CHRIS GOBLE: No, it says merchandise pickup. MEMBER BAUER: The one that -- sign number four- CHRIS GOBLE: (Interposing) Says the Great Indoors. MEMBER FANNON: You mean the sign that I saw was the only door on that building when I said merchandise pickup. No, it does not say that. CHRIS GOBLE: It said the Great Indoors. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. MEMBER GRAY: And it will say -- MEMBER FANNON: What's it supposed to
say? CHRIS GOBLE: The one over the door is supposed to say merchandise pickup, which is probably how we have it submitted. MEMBER FANNON: Because I thought the Great Indoors would be -- was fine. Get rid of that huge thing would have been fine with me. It's the only door on the back, so if you tell people to go around that side, and there's no other door they can find. So that's how I felt about it. MR. CHAIRMAN: Sign four. MEMBER FANNON: My point is if sign five is going to say the Great Indoors like it is up there, why would you go to sign four (inaudible) when you have a sign that says on the building, but I guess they just said they don't want it to say that. MR. CHAIRMAN: No. Their position is merchandise pickup. Okay. Board members, what are you going to do with this four? MEMBER SANGHVI: It's a huge sign. What can you live with? It's too big.
MR. CHAIRMAN: Way, way too big. UNIDENTIFIED: I saw that coming in from the front. MEMBER BRENNAN: Well, let's assume that it's a directional sign for people coming out of West Oaks. It shouldn't -- if it has to be there at all, which I'm not convinced, it shouldn't be any bigger than the one on the opposite side, 73 square feet, if it gets to be there at all. RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN: If I may, again, it's a mall situation on that west side. The 72 square feet is- MR. CHAIRMAN: (Interposing) Wait a minute. On that opposite corner -- just go around there- RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN: (Interposing) Yes, sir. MR. CHAIRMAN: -ninety degrees. You've got 407 square feet. RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN: That's visible to highway 96. MR. CHAIRMAN: That's right. This is only going to be visible with people that are coming down out of West Oaks.
RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN: Yes, sir. MR. CHAIRMAN: And you sure don't need a 407 square feet sign to tell them that you're there. That wall is bigger than any sign you could ever put on that building right there. RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN: It's a large building, yes. MEMBER GRONACHAN: And I'm not sure that you can see it from that wall coming from West Oaks. We had a problem. MR. CHAIRMAN: You can see it where they have it up on top there. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Yeah. Well -- oh, coming down from -- MEMBER SANGHVI: So -- CHRIS GOBLE: As the sign is too big- MEMBER SANGHVI: (Interposing) It's huge, it's enormous. MEMBER GRAY: Why can't you live with the same size sign that you have facing Twelve Mile, which is 68 square feet? CHRIS GOBLE: I would be thrilled if we could have that sign.
MR. CHAIRMAN: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Don't sell the farm. MEMBER GRAY: I'm not. I'm just cutting it down in increments. MEMBER FANNON: Could you center the sign? CHRIS GOBLE: On? MEMBER BRENNAN: The west side. We're talking about sign number four. CHRIS GOBLE: Center it on the entire length of the building? MEMBER FANNON: Right now it's off to the left, right? CHRIS GOBLE: Right. There's two pilasters attached that are anchoring the ends of building, and this is on the southern lead post, pilaster cap is in the middle. MEMBER FANNON: This would make more sense in the center of the building. RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN: It, of course, could be moved. MEMBER FANNON: I'm not saying you should. RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN: There is a
issue -- I mean, the drywall is up on the inside. We'd be tearing that down to get back towards the electricity. MEMBER FANNON: No. I'm not saying move it. MEMBER BRENNAN: Can I throw some rationale out here? We agreed that sign number three -- let's go back a second -- was a sign that, once people are in the complex, it directs them to that building. CHRIS GOBLE: Yes. MEMBER BRENNAN: I will contend that four does the same thing with people coming out of West Oaks, and we have four the same size as number three. MR. CHAIRMAN: Hold on. RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN: We've -- MEMBER BRENNAN: Given that we've got two other ground signs that are pointing to your store, so you got three signs that are going to say Great Inside on the easterly wall or easterly side. RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN: And if I may, I think those signs, the directional signs, the Great Indoors, part of that would be three foot
long. I mean, I wasn't a part of this- MEMBER BRENNAN: (Interposing) Similar to the sign that's -- similar to the signs you have at Twelve Oaks. In fact, I think they're nearly identical. RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN: That would be good for directional once you're there, correct? MEMBER GRAY: Yes. MEMBER BRENNAN: What I'm saying is, you've got -- you've got two of those directional signs on the east side of your complex, and we're suggesting a wall sign the same size as sign number three. MEMBER GRAY: Plus there's a pole sign up at Twelve Mile, too, all on the east side. CHRIS GOBLE: I'm not -- I've not seen the exact (inaudible), so I can't talk about- RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN: (Interposing) There's one up in the corner. MR. CHAIRMAN: How soon -- how soon are all these signs going to go up? CHRIS GOBLE: We're looking at roughly a September soft opening, so we're reaching a relatively critical point for ordering and
getting the signs fabricated and delivered for installation, so from my perspective, quite honestly, I need to get all these issues resolved tonight, so- MEMBER BRENNAN: (Interposing) We're close. CHRIS GOBLE: All right. Okay. MEMBER BRENNAN: Is sign number four -- can you live with that same size sign that you've got on the west side, seventy-three square feet? RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN: If I -- one more, if I may, again, I'm sorry. We've agreed that that's -- that side of the building is very large. I'm afraid that the 73 square foot sign would just be lost on the building. CHRIS GOBLE: Would it be possible to match the sign that's on -- that we just- RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN: (Interposing) The north side. CHRIS GOBLE: Yeah. That's on the north side and try to- MEMBER BRENNAN: (Interposing) Which is 208.
CHRIS GOBLE: 208. MEMBER GRAY: That's half the size of -- MR. CHAIRMAN: I think that, really, for the size of the building, the seventy-three square feet on the east side is too small. I think that this be sufficed and look better and everything altogether with that hundred and thirty-three square foot sign, and that's -- you know, that's doubling that there, and I think it would be viable, it would look good, it wouldn't stand out like a big sledge hammer trying to knock somebody over the head coming along there, and -- but it would be better than the seventy -- I think the seventy-three is too small. CHRIS GOBLE: Okay. MR. CHAIRMAN: But I could support the hundred and thirty-three there. RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN: That would be acceptable to us as well. MR. CHAIRMAN: That acceptable? CHRIS GOBLE: We would offer that as acceptable. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. And sign number
four, I would move that the variance request be for a total square footage of a hundred thirty-three square feet. MEMBER BAUER: Second. MR. CHAIRMAN: For easterly identification from -- for -- any further discussion? Madam Secretary, would you call the roll, please. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Reinke? MR. CHAIRMAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Bauer? MEMBER BAUER: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Brennan? MEMBER BRENNAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Fannon? MEMBER FANNON: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Gronachan? MEMBER GRONACHAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Sanghvi? MEMBER SANGHVI: Yes. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. Sign number five, merchandise pickup, I don't really have a problem with that.
MEMBER BRENNAN: I'll make a motion with sign number five to grant the variance as requested. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Second. MR. CHAIRMAN: Been moved and seconded to grant sign number five. Any further discussion? Madam Secretary, call the roll, please. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Brennan? MEMBER BRENNAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Gronachan? MEMBER GRONACHAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Bauer. MEMBER BAUER: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Fannon? MEMBER FANNON: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Reinke? MR. CHAIRMAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Sanghvi? MEMBER SANGHVI: Yes. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. That's approved. Sign number six. MEMBER BRENNAN: It's a little
toughy, and I don't know how you could address it, because we got another Starbucks, and there wasn't that requirement in that store. MR. CHAIRMAN: I'm going to suggest that we table the Starbucks to review what's in the other one before we go into this when we have two different things. MEMBER GRAY: Is the Starbucks store at West Oaks moving into this one? MEMBER SANGHVI: Is the same store moving out or is it going to moved there? CHRIS GOBLE: I believe there's going to be two separate Starbucks. MEMBER SANGHVI: And it might be a good uniform to do both of them. MR. CHAIRMAN: There is Starbucks in West Oaks now, correct? MEMBER SANGHVI: Yes. CHRIS GOBLE: I believe so. I honestly can't get into the franchising issues. I don't know anything about how that's going. MR. CHAIRMAN: I think we'll -- I think we're going to table sign six until we've had a chance to review what's in existence at
West Oaks, because I don't want to start something that we got two different things playing one against another. CHRIS GOBLE: The only issue that I could bring up specifically about this Starbucks that may be slightly different as to the operational hours with the Great Indoors facility versus the operational hours of the Starbucks facility, and I actually should have had that information coming in, but I believe that the Starbucks opens earlier than the Great Indoors, therefore wanting to identify hey, we're open. Great Outdoors might not be but we are. That is -- MR. CHAIRMAN: Let's review that at our next meeting, and that time we'll have had a chance to look at the other Starbucks facility, because I really don't want to have two different things, you know, jumping out at one another. CHRIS GOBLE: Understand. MR. CHAIRMAN: In all fairness to everybody. CHRIS GOBLE: Yep, that's fine. MR. CHAIRMAN: So we will table sign
number six until our next meeting? All those in favor signify by saying aye. (Vote was held.) MR. CHAIRMAN: Opposed? (Vote was held.) MR. CHAIRMAN: See you next month. CHRIS GOBLE: Thanks.
CASE NUMBER 01-060 MR. CHAIRMAN: This is case number 01-060 filed by the City of Novi. Mr. Nowicki, how are you this evening? TONY NOWICKI: I'm doing fine. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. Let's wheel it with what we've got to do and get things moving. TONY NOWICKI: As you know, the City of Novi, in conjunction with the road commission of Oakland County and the Michigan Department of Transportation are pursuing certain improvements of Twelve Mile Road, generally from east of Meadowbrook Road to west -- or, excuse me, east of Novi Road to west of Meadowbrook Road. The improvements provide for the construction of a four lane boulevard at roadway section. This new boulevard requires an increase of road right of way of approximately 60 feet to 90 feet on either side of the center line of the road. That increase in the road right of way results in a number of nonconforming uses for some of the existing properties and businesses that are currently located right along Twelve Mile Road,
specifically Hagopian, Verizon Wireless, Ethan Allen Home Interiors, McDonald's, and Redfern Investments, DMC, Detroit Medical Center. Some of these specific variance requests include requests for front yard setback variances, a -- landscaping buffer variances, and parking requisites. If you would like, we can go over each and every individual one, or we can just- MR. CHAIRMAN: (Interposing) Why don't you just give us a quick brief short -- TONY NOWICKI: Overview? MR. CHAIRMAN: Like 50 second review of each one. TONY NOWICKI: Okay. We can start with Hagopian. Right now we require a five foot variance for the front yard setback; additionally, a front yard parking setback of two feet; and a landscape buffer variance of two feet. Verizon Wireless, front yard setback requires a variance of five feet. Ethan Allen Home Interiors, front yard setback of ten feet. McDonald's, a front yard parking
setback of nineteen feet and a parking space variance of one space. In addition, that would require a landscape buffer area setback of twenty feet. Redfern Investments, front yard parking setback of twenty feet, and required landscape buffer area variance of twenty feet. MR. CHAIRMAN: Is there anyone in the audience wish to participate in this case or input? Hearing none, building department? MR. SAVEN: No comment, sir. Everything had been reviewed and monitored and we're ready to go. MR. CHAIRMAN: Building department -- building department. Board members, further comments and discussions? MEMBER BRENNAN: If we don't grant these variances you can't widen Twelve Mile? TONY NOWICKI: That's correct. MEMBER BRENNAN: Thank you. Mr. Chairman, I'm prepared to make a motion on this case. MR. CHAIRMAN: Please do. MEMBER BRENNAN: Case 01-060, I would
move that petitioner, City of Novi's, request for these variances be granted for the purpose of expanding Twelve Mile Road. MEMBER BAUER: Second. MR. CHAIRMAN: Been moved and seconded to grant the variance requests as presented for -- reason being to have to widen Twelve Mile Road. Any further discussion on this? Hearing none, Madam Secretary, would you call the roll, please. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Brennan? MEMBER BRENNAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Bauer? MEMBER BAUER: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Fannon? MEMBER FANNON: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Gronachan? MEMBER GRONACHAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Reinke? MR. CHAIRMAN: Yes. SARAH MARCHIONI: Member Sanghvi? MEMBER SANGHVI: Yes. MR. CHAIRMAN: Your variance requests
have been approved. See the building department if you need any permits. Thank you. Okay. Going on, other matters. Interesting, on the 9th of July, Varsity Body Shop had a request for a sign variance, and the City of Wixom was cordial enough to send us a notice. I went to the ZBA meeting, and what they were looking for was a sign on the back of the building facing Twelve Mile. The Twelve Mile entrance is going to be closed, and they have -- in the process of reworking their ordinance which we'll cover. But it was just interesting to go there. And by the way, they had three cases, Mr. Saven. But in each one of their meetings they read off the rules of conduct, which start -- their recording secretary does that. And basically it's the same thing, I think, that we're looking at. I'll pass this down to Sarah, that -- she can look at, if you wouldn't mind reading for the group. SARAH MARCHIONI: Each -- number one.
Each person desiring to address the board shall state his or her name and address. Number two, individual person shall be allowed five minutes to address the board. An extension of time may be granted at the discretion of the chairperson. Number three, there shall be no questioning by the audience of persons addressing the board; however, the board members may question that person with recognition of the chairperson. Number four, no person shall be allowed to address the board more than once unless permission is granted by the chairperson. Number five, once those person (inaudible) attending shall be allowed ten minutes to address the board. I like it. MR. CHAIRMAN: I just thought it was kind of interesting because I knew Sarah was -- having -- putting this together. But they, in part of their opening, you know, going through it right after their agenda is approved, that is read right there at that point in time.
MR. SAVEN: Sounds like a good idea. MR. CHAIRMAN: Go ahead, Sarah. SARAH MARCHIONI: That's where I was kind of going with number one, on amended bylaws, to improve time limit of speeches, especially since our last meeting was kind of long, that one case. I didn't know if you wanted Mr. Schultz here to add something for our bylaws. MR. CHAIRMAN: Well, I think I'd like to maybe look at building something at our next meeting, but I'd like to have a copy of all that extended to everybody, and maybe have some thought about -- it might be good to read this out before, you know, just take a couple moments, and then the audience has that information right in front of them there at that point in time, what's expected of them. SARAH MARCHIONI: Meaning to? MR. SCHULTZ: You don't have to amend the bylaws in order to do that. You have a table where you leave the agendas. You can leave -- some communities have a little handout sheet. MR. CHAIRMAN: Well, it could be
added right to this. MR. SCHULTZ: It could be added right to the agenda. MR. CHAIRMAN: And then, you know, just whether we want to read it out or whether, you know, that is handled that way. And then if we find that we really -- if this works for us, fine. If it doesn't, then we can still change and do whatever direction we wanted to. But I thought it was kind of good to have it out in front of everybody right at that point in time at each meeting and then it's not while you're referring back to the bylaws and so forth like this, that everybody's here, has that information, it's fresh in their mind right there at that point, so that was the reason I wanted to -- SARAH MARCHIONI: So you want me to type this up on the agenda from now on? MR. CHAIRMAN: Try it for a couple times. See what happens. MR. SAVEN: Why don't we just run it by the board. Maybe the board's got some other
issues. MEMBER GRAY: The planning commission has basically the same thing. SARAH MARCHIONI: Yeah. That's what I was kind of -- MEMBER GRAY: I think it's appropriate to put it there. SARAH MARCHIONI: Yeah. MR. CHAIRMAN: Let's try it. If there's no objection from the board, let's try that for a couple times and just see how it works and go from there. MEMBER BRENNAN: That's assuming that it's the attorneys that will read this and not run more than ten minutes. MEMBER GRONACHAN: Seeing that we had some people looking at our website and pulling up the procedures, so adding it onto the website might not be a bad idea either for people that are doing their research ahead of time. MR. CHAIRMAN: I need to locate Mr. Nowicki's case here or he isn't going to get a permit. SARAH MARCHIONI: Those are the old
ones. The one that doesn't have a sticker. MR. SAVEN: This is -- the west of Novi Road. SARAH MARCHIONI: One other thing, the August meeting, it's on the 14th. I had scheduled it for the 14th because on the 7th day we're going to have primary election. They're not having elections anymore, but someone has already booked the council chambers for that night, so -- MR. SAVEN: We're back on the 14th? SARAH MARCHIONI: We'll be back on the 14th. We only have four or five cases. MEMBER GRONACHAN: There'll be others tacked on. SARAH MARCHIONI: Well, tomorrow's the cutoff date. Unless someone's watching -- MR. SAVEN: Mr. Chairman, I also have a comment. One of the things that I'm very concerned about is when we start having somebody at the podium and we got another person talking in the audience without having identified- MR. CHAIRMAN: (Interposing) Yeah. MR. SAVEN: -and without having any kind of recognition whatsoever. I think it's-
MR. CHAIRMAN: (Interposing) I appreciate that statement. MR. SAVEN: Stay on top of this thing so that we make sure that he's identified. MR. CHAIRMAN: Correct. MR. SAVEN: Or he's going to have to hold his comments until that individual's done. The way things have been going attorney wise, I think we want to make sure that we cover all the bases. MR. CHAIRMAN: Pass that down to Sarah and ask her where I'm supposed to sign that. Okay. Any other matters to come before the board? Miss Gray? MEMBER GRAY: Couple comments. The packet, thanks for getting the packet out so early. It was a big help being able to dig through this earlier. The location of some of the cases might be helpful. I couldn't find Regency Centre. I looked and I couldn't find it, so -- MR. SAVEN: They get a bigger sign next time.
MEMBER GRAY: I'm not suggesting we go back to the maps that you used to have, but it might -- give me a little bit better direction. And the Signature Associates. The road was cut off, so I couldn't tell if it was Twelve Mile Road. I mean, I had to surmise it was Twelve Mile Road and that -- and there was no indicator showing north. And as a staff, you can help us by giving that a little bit -- and maybe identify some of the big buildings at the south. SARAH MARCHIONI: Hopefully we can go back to the maps very soon. MEMBER GRAY: Maps would be good, but it doesn't necessarily have to be. Just give us a little bit more to think about. I'm really going to hope that this works with the minutes being recorded this way. When I got a call after last month's meeting and do you remember what you said; no, I didn't remember what I said. And, Tom, thank you for compiling the findings in that case. I thought you did a real good job on it. I was very glad to see it synopsized that way. I think it -- you know,
hopefully she won't challenge you too much. MR. SCHULTZ: Hopefully I won't have to find out. MEMBER GRAY: Well, you know, I think you followed, basically, all our discussion. MR. SCHULTZ: Sure. MEMBER GRAY: I think the couple cases it may have been expanded on but, you know, I'm presuming that, you know, you did hear some of us talking to that extent here at the table. I don't think there was anything -- this board has been very fortunate in the past, as I've said before, with Mr. Anchoziak (ph) and Mr. Harrington leading it. And having an attorney on the board is a luxury and, you know -- so I, for one, appreciate your assistance in this matter, and I don't, for a minute, think we're not going to have more cases where we're going to be needing your services in that discussion. Thank you. MEMBER BAUER: You're not going to lose your job. MR. CHAIRMAN: Is there a motion to adjourn?
We have a motion to adjourn. All those in favor signify by saying aye? (Vote held.) MR. CHAIRMAN: Good night. (Zoning Board of Appeals was adjourned at 11:16 p.m.) - - -
C E R T I F I C A T E I, Cheryl L. James, do hereby certify that I have recorded stenographically the proceedings had and testimony taken in the above-entitled matter at the time and place hereinbefore set forth, and I do further certify that the foregoing transcript, consisting of 210 typewritten pages, is a true and correct transcript to the best of my abilities.
________________________________ Cheryl L. James, CSR-5786 ____________ Date