May 4, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.
Novi Civic Center - Activities Room
451 75 W. Ten Mile, Novi, MI 48375
Planning Commission: John Avdoulos, David Dismondy, Ramesh Verma, Ed Roney (Alternate)
Council: Dave Staudt
Staff: Lindsay Bell, Victor Cardenas, Ben Croy, Barb McBeth, Mike McCready, Rick Meader
Support/As Needed: Keri Blough, Jeff Muck, Ben Peacock, Beth Saarela, Tom Schultz, Sheryl Walsh
Consultants: Michelle Bennett (Planner), Colleen Hill-Stramska (Engineer), Gentjan Heqimi (Engineer)
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of the March 30, 2022 Committee Meeting Minutes
(Â Click for this Packet item)
4. Discussion Items
   A. Survey
      i. Who can take the survey?
      ii. Required questions
      iii. Focus areas
      iv. Outreach methods
(Â Click for this Packet item)
5. Next Steps
  A. Launch and promote survey
  B. Prepare demographics and housing for next meeting
  C. Start establishing focus groups
6. Audience Participation and Correspondence
7. Adjourn
Upcoming meetings: June 1, June 29, August 3, September 7, October 5, November 2, December 14