November 2, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.
Activities Room
45175 Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI 48375
(248) 347-0475
Planning Commission: John Avdoulos (Chair), David Dismondy, Ramesh Verma, Ed Roney (Alternate)
Council: Mayor Pro-Tem Dave Staudt
Staff: Lindsay Bell, Victor Cardenas, Ben Croy, Barb McBeth, Mike McCready, Rick Meader
Support/As Needed: Keri Blough, Jeff Muck, Ben Peacock, Beth Saarela, Needed: Tom Schultz, Sheryl Walsh Consultants: John Iocoangeli (Planner), Rowan Brady (Planner), Lia Michaels (Engineer)
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of the October 5, 2022 Committee Meeting
Minutes Meeting minutes to be provided for review at the meeting.
4. Discussion Items
   A. IMPLAN Analysis
    ( Click for this packet item)
   B. Schedule for 2023 meetings
5. Reference Items A. Powerpoint from the October 5 Meeting: Thoroughfare Review
(Â Click for this packet item)
6. Next Steps
   A. Initial Concepts for Master Plan
7. Audience Participation and Correspondence
8. Adjourn
Upcoming meetings: December 1