Regular Meeting
Tuesday, August 9, 2016 7:00 PM
Council Chambers | Novi Civic Center |45175 W. Ten Mile Road
(248) 347-0415
Cynthia Gronachan
David M. Byrwa
Linda Krieger
Siddharth Mav Sanghvi
Brent Ferrell
Jonathan Montville
Joe Peddiboyina
MINUTES- JUNE 14, 2016
1. AHERN (PZ16-0023) 24022 HEARTWOOD DRIVE, south of Ten M ile and west of Beck Road Parcel # 50-22-29-203-001. The applicant is requesting a variance from the City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.2 to allow a reduction in an exterior side yard setback (30 feet required, 23.3 feet proposed) to allow construction of an addition to an existing residence. The property is zoned R-1.
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2. SIGNARAMA-TROY (PZ16-0025), south of Twelve Mile Road and west of Novi Road, Parcel # 50-22-15-126-016. The applicant is requesting a variance from the CITY OF NOVI Code of Ordinances; Section 28.6 for a 120 square foot oversize real estate sign to increase visibility. A single sign of 3 feet by 4 feet is allowed by rights. The property is zoned RC (Regional Center).
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3. JIFFY SIGNS INC. (PZ16-0027), 24269 Novi Road north of Ten Mile Road and west of Novi Road, Parcel 50-22-22-400-026. The applicant is requesting a variance from the CITY OF NOVI Code of Ordinances; Section 28.1(2) to allow the addition of 5 tenants and 28.5(2) to allow for a 70.5 square foot ground sign installation. A 34 square foot ground sign allowed by regulation. The parcel is zoned B-3 (General Business).
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4. SIGNART INC. (PZ16-0028) 27200 Beck Road, north of Grand River Avenue and east of Beck Road, Parcel # 50-22-16-176-033. The applicant is requesting a variance from the CITY OF NOVI Code of Ordinance; Section 28-5(3) to allow construction of an additional multi-tenant monument sign of 30 square foot. The property is zoned OST (Office Service Technology).
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5. B-B SIGN & LIGHTING (PZ16-0029) 43443 Grand River Avenue Suite 220, south of Grand River Avenue and west of Novi Road, Parcel # 50-22-16-176-033. The applicant is requesting a variance from the CITY OF NOVI Code of Ordinance; Section 28-5(3) to allow installation an additional rear wall sign of 30 square feet for increased visibility. The property is zoned OST (Office Service Technology).
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6. COY CONSTRUCTION (PZ16-0030) 23384 Winnsborough Drive, north of Nine Mile Road and west of Novi Road, Parcel # 50-22-27-428-012. The applicant is requesting a variance from the CITY OF NOVI Code of Ordinance; Section 3.1.2. To reduce the rear yard setback from 35 feet to 29 feet to allow construction of a screened in porch on an existing deck. The property is zoned R-4 (Single Family Residential).
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7. SUBURBAN COLLECTION SHOWPLACE EXPANSION, TBON LLC (PZ16-0031), north of Grand River Avenue and east of Taft Road; Parcel #’s 50-22-16-176-022; 50-22-16-251-023. The applicant is requesting multiple variances from the CITY OF NOVI Code of Ordinance; Section 3.1.15.D to reduce the front yard setback from 100 feet to varied range from 85 feet to 98 feet due to recessed building design; Section 3.1.15.D to reduce the parking side setback from 20 feet to a varied range from 0 feet to 15 feet to allow for construction of parking lot across multiple properties; Section 5.3.12 to allow absence of parking lot end islands within off-street parking area to allow for alternate use of parking lot as a Ride and Drive Automotive Research Lot; Section 5.7 to allow for increase of maximum allowed illumination levels along property lines adjacent to non-residential districts as the development is expanded among multiple properties owned by the applicant; Section 5.2.12.C. to allow reduction of minimum required parking spaces to be provided on site(2,979 spaces required, 2,951 spaces provided); Section 5.2.3. to allow increase of minimum distance required from the nearest point of a building to the nearest point of the off-street parking lot on a different parcel (300 feet required, approximately 450’ provided). Parcel 50-22-16-176-022 is zoned OST (Office Research and Technology and parcel 50-22-16-251-023 (OST WITH EXO Overlay with Office Research and Technology).
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NOTICE: People with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in this meeting should contact the Community Development Department (248) 347-0415 at least seven working days in advance of the meeting. An attempt will be made to make reasonable accommodations.